Secrets on How to Teach Your Cat at Home by John Richards - HTML preview

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Chapter 17

Dealing With Your Cats Bite And Scratch Behavior Taking a stroll across the hallway in your home, just in a world of your own, then you notice that your cat jumps towards the direction of your ankle, digging its claws and teeth on, next thing the cat loses interest and runs along.

Would you call this being an violent attack? showing a sign of hatred or even jealousy? or on the other hand it could be just nothing.

When your cat is in pain it mite start to scratch or bite, feeling afraid, even just being told to do something that the cat is not happy to do but may not have a behavior problem at all, the cat can be just acting like a normal cat.

This may be a learning habit or just miss communication which over time can be worked out and solved.

If your cat for no apparent or noticeable reason starts to scratch bite pounce on anything the cat may show a sign of some kind of disorder or disease.

At times, even quick movements of scratching or biting that’s out of caricature could be something that’s is known as a (n,s,d) nervous system disorder.

However any scratch or bite that comes from your cat that has not been given the rabies vaccination you should make an appointment to see your doctor.

Always be careful as cats that don’t carry a tag or registration or not had any shots does not mean the cat is not rabies free.


Do you know how your cat came across this way? however many cats and kittens have learned to use human limbs as toys, climbers, and scratching posts, a lot of cat owners will be surprised to find out that they are the ones that learn their young cats these bad habits in the first place.

below are some tips to follow.

Encouraging your kitten or cat to play with your bare hand or foot is going To be a no no. Don’t ever cheat the first tip by wearing protective glove. you should have some kind of appropriate toy for your cat to play with in the middle your limbs and your cat's sharp claws and sharp teeth.

Having a small kitten can Look cute climbing your pant leg or drilling at your thumb, however you'll be laughing the other side of your face when the cat repeats these behaviors once its an adult cat.

The cat and you may see it as playing. jumping, biting, and attacking are normal parts of cat play behavior. however the only way your cat knows how to relate to you is as if you were another cat. And it's your job to explain to it in the way the cat understands that its behaving too exuberant.

Rule one, making sure that your cat has enough outlets for normal feline play. Having objects of some toys around wont be enough, your cat will need to be active and inter active play. You will need to play with the cat.

Get the cat to run around, jumping, and attacking toys. And when the cat tries to pull at you during a play Session, pull it gently by the scruff of the neck, firmly but not to loud say "a firm no" and immediately give it a proper cat toy for it to play with.

When your cat during the day may gets into boredom, encourage your cat to be overly exuberant in playing with you too. If you have a single cat, consider getting her a feline friend.

Change the routine. When your cat gets into the habit of playing with you by Scratching and biting, then just change the rule a bit this will probably won't be enough to get her to stop.

Watch out when its most likely to attack your hand or rake your ankle, then what you need to do is deliberately set up one of those situations. Have a bottle spray or squirt gun full of room temperature water handy, and give her a sprinkle the minute it starts to digs with claw or teeth.


Never yell at the cat or chase her with water, You will need it to associate the action with the inconvenience of suddenly getting wet.

Getting defensive and biting and scratching. Teeth and claws are a cat's primary weapons. If your other warnings just don't work, cats will start to bite and scratch to protect themselves.

Keep an eye on your cat's vocal and body language, the cat may normally let you know when the time for defensive to like scratching and biting will happen.

Never start to show a cat who's the chief by forcing the issue once its warned you. The best thing to do is simply to back off whatever it is the cat wont like or may use a safe method of restraint, if it's a thing that must be done.

However, serious scratching and biting are the result of miss communication: something triggered the cat, and it has the impression that the fault is the nearest pet is responsible.

Another time, sometimes, whats really is physically wrong with the cat that may have been causes it to actually attack something without cause or warning.

If it doesn’t break the skin with your cat's bites and claws, its because Inhibited biting to be In a playful way and scratches.

Your cat who launches a Serious attack (with multiple or deep bites, for example) should be really be carefully examined by a good veterinarian.

Once the cat serious launching an attacks, with or without warning or provocation, they you need to get it in for a thorough veterinary examination as soon as you can.

Cats will often know the time when there's something going wrong with them however it can't be put it into words.

The aggression might be a real reaction to pain, or maybe a hormonal change, or it could be the sign of a problem with the cat nervous system.

Been finicky is known in cats, which will mean you may have to just tolerate this behavior. You will need to start to Learn how to teach the cat to start eating the food You will have put in front of it.

