Secrets on How to Teach Your Cat at Home by John Richards - HTML preview

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Chapter 23

Dealing With Shy Cats

More than just the fabled feline cats, cats that are shy can really be all but invisible, running and hiding even from their owners. any part during the day, virtually every single cat will want to be alone and it will find a suitable place to crawl into. but the shy ones are just that and "scared-cats" may often spend most of their time out of sight.

But a cat that does spend most of its time under the bed isn't really having a good time of it and it could be that it hasn’t had Enough of 3 things food, water, or exercise.

how is it that some are shy and some are not? you may find that Some breeds are more reserved than the others, but you will find also that some Cats, normally those who have not been socialized to humans, can be people shy. In other cases, the cat may even be frightened of certain types of people like children or men, or women.

Some may only come out at night. it is known that cats are naturally nocturnal animals. and another thing is If your cat rarely comes out during the day, but don't just its not prowling around the house at night which It could well be.

Since some cats can have just very quiet foot falls when they want to, you may not hear it at all. As they will make sure you don’t and you won't see it either because you will be asleep and by the way, and just because you cant find the cat which it could be in the same hiding place in the morning that you left it in the night before and Also it doesn't mean that the cat will spent the whole night there.


For the cat to be more secure and not shy, you can also try waiting until night has fallen. then Turn off all the lights and pull the shades. then just start to wait and until you see if your scared-cat is more willing to venture out.

Do a little tenderness. Start to give a shy cat all your attention but on the cats own terms. Just start to talk to the cat in its hiding place and perhaps even start to feed it where the cat is and also if the cat doesn't come out to eat.

Give it space, and constantly tell the cat with your words, tone of voice, and actions, and let her know you mean no harm to it at all. wait and be patient. making progress on socializing a shy cat can take a very long time indeed it can take weeks or even months infect.

Make a point of reassuring it over and over. keep giving the cat treats, and keep giving soft talk, and petting can also help you coax a really nervous cat into society.

If you really find something that the cat particularly likes It could be a specific food, a gentle rub behind the ear, grooming with the slicker brush reserve it to give her only on occasions of social interaction.

Never ever force the issue in any way. And always let a shy cat start to build Its own confidence on its own.

If you want to try to drag it out of its safe spot and force attention on it don’t, because you will start to make things worse and leading to making the cat more shy or you could risk being bitten or scratched nastily.

There's no law what so ever that says your cat will and must greet your visitors or play with the neighbor children. if it wants to be a recluse on social occasions, it will just let it.

