The Masculine Civilization by Rene Hirsch - HTML preview

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Table of Illustrations

Fig. 1: Venus of Willendorf, Austria around 24,000–22,000. Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria

Fig. 2: Example of circular architecture at ‘Ain Mallaha

Fig. 3: Amalgamated circular dwellings at Jerf el Ahmar

Fig. 4: Plastered skull (PPNB). Kfar HaHoresh, Israel © Nigel Goring Morris

Fig. 5: Warka bull. Period Djemdet-Nasr, around 3,000. Warka, Ancient Uruk. Louvre Museum, Paris

Fig. 6: Hammurabi’s code of law (replica). Babylon, around 1,750-1,700. Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, San Jose (CA)

Fig. 7: Feminine figurine sitting (Mesopotamia or Syria). Halaf period, 6th millennium. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Fig. 8: Fertility idol. Chalcolithic era, Cyprus, end 4th millennium, first half of the 3rd millennium. Paris, © Louvre Museum/A. Reppas

Fig. 9: Ishtar vase, detail. Begin 2nd millennium. Larsa, Parrot excavations, 1933. Paris, Louvre Museum © R.M.N./J. Galland

Fig. 10: Sumerian Royal List, around 1,740. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

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