well written short story
This story illustrates how anyone could be lured into the world of terrorism.
A young boy helps the Red Army fight the bourgeoisie. After being betrayed, he’s captured and tortured, but takes a secret to his grave.
poem about ship made famous by Turner's picture
famous poem glorifying infamous military disaster
The Declaration of American Independence in Homer Simpson's voice, read by classically trained English actor Silas Hawkins.
This collection details the true stories of the lives of many pirates. It tells of high seas adventures, murder, mutiny, and often hanging.
A true story of crime on the high seas, this account details the life and misdeeds of pirate Captain Weril.
Francis Spriggs was a pirate known for his black flag and known associates. His true story tells of desertion and conquest.
A true story of crime on the high seas, this account details the life and misdeeds of pirate Captain Phillips.