24 Ways To Lose Weight In 3 Months by Earlene Woods - HTML preview

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Losing Weight Rapidly

Wanting a slimmer and sexier body is no lofty ambition. Many people have succeeded in sculpting

their physiques to make them look healthy and desirable. However, this end is not attained in just a snap or skipping one night's dinner. For some people though, patience is not a virtue. They seem not to be able to afford so much attention, time and money to get the body they have always

wanted. As a result, these people result to rapid weight loss practices and programs which may

not be as effective as these people are led to believe they are.

Fast-track diets are one of these rapid weight loss practices which may not be very inviting as they seem according to research. Fast-track diet programs, as scientific research shows, are only good

while they last. Rapid weight loss often results ironically, to rapid weight gain. people who

undergo low carbohydrate or low calorie diets normally revert back to old eating habits simply

because human beings cannot actually live on with this type of diet scheme for the rest of their


Now there is also scientific research showing that rapid weight loss does not imply an individual is losing unwanted excess fat; it is commonly water that is lost with following rapid weight loss

practices. This could cause certain alarm but actually, water lost is regained very quickly. So there is actually zero net weight lost after all. So one should not be foolish enough to be so gullible with the advertising of certain diet pills out there in the market; especially those which claim to aid lose a whopping amount of fat in a short time. They will only dehydrate the body. And just so it is clear, the body can only lose two pounds of fat per week, one could be exceptionally lucky if he can lose three, but normally, it's just two.

Another rapid weight loss product out in the market is the slimming soap. Claiming that these

soaps are made from a unique concoction of rare chinese herbs and seaweed, they assert to help

people using them to shed off body fats by emulsifying them upon application while taking a bath.

Some are even specialized like those which promise to give the user "beautiful thighs". The ingredients may prove to improve the quality of the skin but no research has ever come up yet

which aids to prove the efficacy of these ingredients in emulsifying excess body fats.


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One more rapid weight loss product out there in the market promises to suppress hunger and at

the same time help increase the body's metabolic rate. It also claims to be able to accelerate the healing process and reduce certain body pains, all these plus its being a very chic fashion accent.

Well they are actually called magnetic weight loss earrings.

The secret of this set of earrings is in the magnet, so it says. Wearing them near the ears balances the magnetism in the body therefore one will experience all the above mentioned effects. Though

press releases say that there are actually "studies" to back these assertions up, nothing yet is found in medical journals. Though buying a set may not kill a person, it's probably not a wise

investment. One might as well wear a horse shoe earring for a more exquisite fashion statement.

Bottom line is "no pain, no gain". If one wants a beautiful body, one must sweat it out. And as for those rapid weight loss products coming out on the market, if they are too good to be true, they

probably are not.


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What is in a Weight Loss Diet Pill?

With all the strenuous activities and sweat-generating regimens that most weight loss programs

have, more and more people are enticed to opt for a better alternative, without the trouble of

exerting too much effort.

With the advent of diet pills that promote weight loss, people go mad over the appealing

advertisements of most manufacturers claiming that their product can easily “melt away” those

fats and cellulites.

With these pills dominating the market today, who needs to tone those abs and biceps and do

some dieting if there is an easier way to lose weight?

With an estimated 60% of the American population that are now considered as obese, these

“wonder” drugs are definitely reaping millions of dollars in the United States alone.

Now, the questions are: is there any truth regarding the manufacturers’ claims that these diet pills can ultimately promote weight loss? Are they really effective in helping people lose weight? And if that is the case, do these pills also help those people maintain their ideal weight and curb any fat accumulation in the body?

In reality, there are diet pills that can really make a person shed off those extra pounds. These diet pills contain certain substances that were already clinically and scientifically proven to be very effective.

These diet pills are effective in increasing the metabolism of the body, thereby, initiating weight loss. Plus, these diet pills contain certain substances that suppress one’s appetite.

However, with so many diet pills saturating the market today, trying to find the best and most

effective diet pill can be very tedious. Chances are, you may end up choosing the wrong diet pill

when your energy to find diet pills wanes down.

Actually, there are only five factors to consider when choosing diet pills that are effective at the same time safe to use. Here is a list of the factors that you need to consider in order to come up with a diet pill that is right and appropriate.


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1. The metabolism-boosting ability

In choosing diet pills that will effectively promote weight loss, it is best to look for pills that have the ingredients that will enhance your body’s metabolism, or the ability of the body to burn excess fats.

Choose those diet pills that contain alpha lipoic acid, green tea extracts, and “L-Canitine” because these ingredients had been clinically proven to be effective in promoting weight loss through

increased metabolic rate.

2. The appetite suppressants

Find diet pills that effectively suppress your appetite. It does not necessarily mean that you will skip meals but you will not just feel hungry every now and then. This is because obesity usually

happens to people who are fond of in-between meals, which actually initiates excessive calorie


3. The calorie stopper

Because obesity is usually due to excess intake of calories in the body, which is more than the

recommended amount, it is best to choose diet pills that have the special ingredients that will curb the entry of calories into the body.

These substances are known as “phaseolus vulgaris.” This is known to create an enzyme that will

efficiently control any excess calories in the body. The enzyme responsible for this wonderful job is known as “alpha-amylase.”

4. The metabolic enhancers

It is best to choose diet pills that have the so-called “lipotropic elements” that are effective in eliminating fats from the body. It functions like a sweeper that effectively sweeps excess fats

outside the body.

These lipotropic elements are found in vitamin C, chitosan, alpha lipoic acid, and green tea


5. The water-retention breaker

Effective diet pills are those that contain diuretics. These are elements that avert the retention of water in the body during the weight loss regimen.


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All of these factors are, indeed, clinically proven and effective in losing weight. Though, it must be kept in mind that diet pills alone are not sufficient to provide optimum weight loss. Hence, it is still important to do some exercises.

Therefore, with exercise and the right diet pills, you are definitely on your way to a healthier,

slimmer you.


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Healthy Diet - A Guide to Weight Loss

Here are some weight loss diet tips that can be followed anywhere, everyday:

1. Make a delicious low fat mayonnaise by combining one teaspoon of Dijon mustard or satay

sauce with a low fat yogurt.

2. Do not skip meals. Skipping meals slicks the body into slowing down the metabolism,

attempting to conserve calories during a period where limited fats and fuel are available.

Remember that eating increases the metabolism.

3. Stuff vegetables like capsicum and zucchini with flavored fillings or minced chicken, white meat or fish. These are healthy and contain low fat.

4. Take pita bread roll ups or wraps with salad fillings.

5. Eight hours after waking up, our metabolism slows down that is why 30 minutes of exercise

before dinner will increase the metabolism for about two to three hours. This produces an

increase in burned fat even hours after the work out is over.

6. Add alfalfa or mung beans to salad to get extra iron.

7. Good cooking and healthy eating begins with learning about nutrition and how to prepare

healthy recipes.

8. Learn how to make the family favorite recipes and make sure that fats, salt, and sugar are cut

out. Substitute non-fat yogurt for cream, stir-fry without oil and use herbs and spices instead of salt to taste.

9. Consult the doctor before beginning an exercise or weight loss program.

10. Slowly eat and chew each bite during meals as this would decrease one's appetite.

11. Complete three small meals and two snacks everyday instead of one or two huge meals.

12. Use chicken stock when stir-frying. This will cut down on hidden fat.

13. Buy non-toasted muesli instead of the toasted ones. A plate of toasted muesli contains more

fat than a plate of bacon and eggs.


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14. As much as possible do not remove the skins of fruits and vegetables since most of the

nutrients are concentrated under the skin.

15. Warm water with just a squeeze of lemon juice before breakfast get the metabolism going for

the day, this also help preventing constipation and is excellent for the skin.

16. One of the best sources of vegetable protein is from soya beans or tofu. All legumes provide

some protein, so include lentils, lima beans etc into casseroles and soups.

17. Look for a weight loss "buddy," club, or support mates. This will motivate you to stay and enjoy your weight loss program.

18. Though it's hard at first, try not eating 3 hours or more before bedtime.

19. Make pasta a fast food choice - preparing a pasta meal or salad will only take 10-12 minutes.

20. Chilli helps to speed up metabolism - even the milder varieties.

21. Try making omelettes without adding the yolks! A dramatic decrease in fat.

22. Substitute baking soda, baking powder, MSG and soya sauce in cooking.

23. Remove fat by dropping ice cubes into the baking tray. Fat will stick to the ice cubes.

24. Drinking hot water instead of cold water in the morning can increase the speed of your

metabolism and burn more calories.

25. Eat before you go food shopping and always prepare a shopping list. Only buy food which

relates to your weekly menu plan and don't be tempted to buy goodies.

Make sure that the right discipline is still practiced to promote consistency on the diet plan. This will lead eventually to a healthy life-style and a more fruitful living without the extra fat and extra pounds on the side.


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