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All About Sulfate Free Hair Spray

With the proliferation of sulfate-free shampoos on the market these days, it isn’t surprising that people are looking for sulfate-free alternatives in some of their other haircare products.

To that end, you’re definitely going to want to learn more about sulfate free hair spray. There are a few examples of products on the market right now, but you should expect more in the coming months and years.

Consumers are starting to realize that when it comes to the benefits of sulfate-free shampoo, many of those perks can be applied to products like hair spray, as well. The more you learn about a sulfate free hair spray, the more excited you are likely to become.

Why Are People So Excited About Sulfate-Free Hairspray?

Oily skin and scalp complaints are two potential downsides to using the more traditional haircare products on the market. Shampoos that contain sulfates can cause dryness and discomfort for many people, which creates the need for sulfate-free shampoos.

As people become more and more interested in natural, organic products, they’re beginning to take a closer look at what goes into their shampoos, hair sprays, and other products.

While some people can use these products without any problems, it is also true that sulfates can cause dryness, discomfort, and much more.

If you have noticed that you’re suffering from dryness, color loss, breakage, split ends, or lack of control over your hair, it might be time to look into sulfate free hair spray more closely.

What Are Sulfates?

Also known as sodium lauryl sulfate, sulfates are a fairly common chemical. We can find this as a key ingredient in a wide number of cleaning products. It is highly useful as not only a grease cutter, but also as a drying agent.

It is important to keep in mind that sulfates are not going to cause you serious harm. There are no serious health consequences to using products that contain sulfates.

However, sulfates can still prove to be problematic for many people. Owing to the fact that we’re talking about something that was designed to be a drying agent in the first place, this specific chemical can play havoc with the hair of a great many people.

Given that sulfates are enormously effective at reducing surface tension, which can be in the form of cutting the grease that you can find in house cleaners, it isn’t unreasonable to imagine that this same ingredient can cut and strip away the natural oils of your hair.

Without these natural oils, you’re going to find yourself dealing with the dry scalp and damaged hair we were talking about earlier.

Can Sulfate-Free Hairspray Really Work?

In the same way that shampoos with SLS can cause problems, you can also find many of those problems in hair spray products that also contain sulfates.

Dryness and itchiness with your scalp, along with problems like worn-outlooking hair, can begin to loom over time. Dealing with these symptoms can prove to be extremely annoying.

Given how affordable sulfate free hair spray is, it is well worth trying out for yourself. Sulfate allergies can come in a variety of different forms, and at different levels of severity.

If you are dealing with some of the symptoms we have already covered, then the next step will be to see if a sulfate free hair spray is right for you.

There are a number of appealing benefits to consider. In the first place, it goes without saying that if you do have an allergy, you won’t have to worry about your sulfate-free hairspray causing any problems.

This is because these hairspray products work with only the safest, most natural ingredients. If you have been using hair sprays with sulfates for years, and you are only now making the jump to trying sulfate free hair spray products, you won’t have to wait very long for some of the benefits to kick in.

Furthermore, sulfate-free hairspray products work to maintain the essential oils of your hair, rather than working to slowly strip them away over time.

The end result is going to be hair that retains its shape and color to a brilliant degree. You’re also going to feel great in your skin, which will include your scalp. You also won’t have to worry about any allergic reactions occurring with the eyes.

All of the benefits of a high-quality hair spray will be made available to you. The best part is the fact that these benefits will be combined with the benefits of using a sulfate free hair spray.

Start shopping around today, making sure to learn about the ingredients that are included. If you come across anything along the lines of SLS, then walk away. There are legitimate products on the market. You do not need to waste your time on anything less than that.

Here are some of the best sulfate free hair sprays to try.

10 Herbs To Look For In Herbal Shampoo

An herbal shampoo is one that has an herb as a primary ingredient, versus a chemical compound of some kind. Many people reach for these because they tend to be more natural, and overall better for your hair.

Plus, many of these herbal shampoos are free of parabens, organic, hypoallergenic, and use all natural ingredients.

But with so many different products on the market, which herbal ingredients are the ones you really need to look for? What are the best herbs for herbal shampoos?

#1. Jojoba

Jojoba will usually be listed in your herbal shampoo as either jojoba oil or jojoba wax. It is extracted from the leaves of the plant of the same name, and is an absolute must have for your hair.

It assists in breaking down excess oils without over-drying, provides a refreshing deep clean, and even stimulates new hair growth.

#2. Cherry Blossom

Cherry blossom comes from a flower, and smells heavenly. It is incredibly lightweight, making it fantastic for those with naturally oily or limp hair. It also hydrates dry or brittle hair, and leaves your hair lustrously shiny. It creates a particularly great herbal shampoo when paired with either ginseng or green tea.

#3. Argan Oil

Argan oil will sometimes be listed as Moroccan oil, since that is the only place in the world where this plant grows. Key benefits include a healthy shine, penetrating clean, and UV protection. It also helps to reverse the effects of the sun and damaging hair products.

#4. Aloe

You probably have a bottle of aloe in your medicine cabinet or refrigerator in case of sunburns. But did you know that aloe is also something you should be looking for in an herbal shampoo?

Aloe's unique compounds treat dandruff, cleanse the scalp, and even provide a little extra protection against the sun's harmful rays. As a bonus, aloe has been shown to be one of the most efficient herbs in regenerating hair growth.

#5. Rosemary

Got grays before your time? Instead of reaching for the hair dye, try an herbal shampoo with rosemary. Rosemary has been shown to significantly slow down premature graying, all while leaving your hair soft, silky, and smooth. Rosemary herbal shampoo has also been shown to slow hair loss, and effectively treat dandruff.

#6. Sage

Sage is an herb that helps to restore your hair's vibrant color, so if you have dyed hair, this is your go-to herb. Like many other herbs on this list, sage is useful in treating dandruff, and lessening issues like hair loss. As a bonus, sage doesn't only treat dandruff, but all scalp infections.

#7. Chamomile

If you're a blonde, reach for chamomile. This herb has been scientifically proven to bring out the natural highlights in blonde hair. It also leaves hair shiny, moisturized, and strong.

#8. Tea Tree

Tea tree's useful lies in the fact that it is an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory herb. It can help get rid of dandruff and other scalp infections, leaving your scalp at it's healthiest.

#9. Witch Hazel

You probably already knew that witch hazel was great for your face, but did you know it works wonders for your hair too?

Witch hazel stimulates blood flow at skin level, which in turn helps your hair to grow thicker and faster. It also gives you a pore-deep clean, getting rid of the dirt and product build-up below the surface.

#10. Burdock

Burdock is an ingredient you want in your herbal shampoo because it contains a uniquely long chain of fatty acids that not only clean your hair, but reverse damage like split ends and breakage.

It has also been shown to help stimulate hair growth, reverse thinning, and add a desirable shine to your hair.


Although herbal shampoos and the herbs they contain are deemed safe for topical use by the average person, there are a few times when they may not be right for you.

You may want to avoid an herbal shampoo or seek a professional's opinion before use if:

• You have an allergy to any of the ingredients listed on the bottle
• You are pregnant, breast-feeding, or plan to become pregnant in the near future
• You take any prescription medications
• You have a preexisting health condition

Also keep in mind that these products have been deemed appropriate for topical use to the scalp.

Never ingest an herbal shampoo, as certain topical compounds may be poisonous if consumed orally. Also avoid getting products on your lips, as this may cause accidental ingestion.

Avoid getting herbal shampoo (or any hair product) in your eyes, as these may cause mild irritation to a severe burning sensation.

If an herbal shampoo does get in your eyes, rinse thoroughly with warm or cool water until you are sure it is completely gone.

Here are some popular herbal shampoos currently available.

The Benefits of Jojoba Shampoo

Jojoba shampoo - and anything containing jojoba, actually - is all the rage in the beauty world. Modern beauty experts heap praises on it, dubbing it the 'new best thing.'

But what is Jojoba? What benefits can you expect to receive through Jojoba shampoo?

Read on to find out everything you need to know about this plant and it's extraordinary benefits.

What is Jojoba?

Jojoba is a woody perennial plant which grows primarily in desert climates throughout the Americas and Asia. It is a plant that goes by many different names, which are dependent on the region.

A few names include:

• Goat nut
• Deer nut
• Pignut
• Wild hazel
• Coffee berry Gray box bush.

The term 'coffee berry' is in reference to the seeds of the Jojoba plant, which look very much like large coffee beans.

Although the plant grows year round, it is slow to mature, and each individual plant can take up to three full years to begin flower growth.

When listed in shampoo, along with other health and beauty products, you will often see the ingredient as 'jojoba oil' or 'jojoba wax.'

This essential oil, or pure waxy substance is extracted from the matured seeds of the plant itself.

The term jojoba can be used to reference the plant or the extract interchangeably.

Why It Works

There are two scientific reasons behind the many uses of jojoba. The primary reason is it's unique scientific compound. The extract from the jojoba plant has a scientific compound formula incredibly similar to that of human skin, thus making it particularly compatible with human use.

It is the only plant found in nature to date with this incredible similarity.

The second reason jojoba is so incredibly useful is that it contains high amounts of things human skin and hair need. In addition to an abundance of essential fatty acids, it also contains high amounts of vitamin B, vitamin E, chromium, copper, and zinc.

Historical Uses

Although Jojoba shampoo and other jojoba beauty products seem to be one of the latest trends, it isn't actually all that new.

In fact, Native American's historically made great use of this plant, particularly in desert-dwelling tribes throughout North and South America. These Native Americans discovered that the plant's seeds would become soft when heated, and would create salves from it.

These salves were used to treat and smooth the skin from dryness, irritation, and burns. It was also used to heal the scalp, and condition hair.

In addition, they would also use it to help ease the pain of childbirth, soften animal hides, and stave away hunger during long hunting expeditions.

8 Key Benefits of Jojoba Shampoo

Although there are many uses of jojoba, today we will look at one of the most common, widely used modern products, jojoba shampoo, and the key benefits you can expect through daily use.

#1. Jojoba shampoo is an emollient. This means that it naturally soothes an irritated scalp, which restores it to it's most natural, healthiest condition.

#2. This essential shampoo also stimulates new hair cell growth by unclogging hair follicles. Hair loss and thinning hair are often the result of clogged follicles. Daily use of a shampoo containing jojoba can help you create a thicker head of full, beautiful hair, allowing you to feel your most confident.

#3. Jojoba has anti-sebum qualities. This means it will help get rid of excess oils on your scalp, which can cause hair to appear greasy, lank, and limp.

#4. Jojoba shampoo's high nutrient content restores your hair to it's natural texture and health.

#5. It reverses everyday damage from things like UV rays, irritants, heat damage, styling product damage, and pollutants. Your hair will be shiny and lustrous once again, adding a healthy dose of confidence to your everyday look.

#6. It has anti-bacterial properties, which can help get rid of dandruff, and scalp infections.

#7. The deep-cleansing properties of jojoba shampoo will give you the cleanest feeling hair and scalp you've had in a long while.

#8. Jojoba is naturally non-irritating, non-greasy, colorless, and odorless. This makes it appropriate for individuals with sensitive skin or low tolerances to fragrances.

Quick Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Your Jojoba Shampoo

#1. Wash hair every other day. Recent studies have shown that even the most non-irritating shampoos have the potential of stripping your hair's natural oils.

Modern beauty experts suggest skipping a day between every wash.

#2. Pair your shampoo with a jojoba conditioner, which maximizes the benefits you receive from the essential oil through extended contact.

Even if you have naturally oily hair, you should be conditioning every time you wash.

#3. Get the best jojoba shampoo. Do your research and shop around before deciding on which shampoo to purchase. The best shampoos will be free of parabens and contain actual jojoba oil - not a chemical substitute.

Here are some of the best Jojoba shampoos available.

A Guide To Sulfate Free Laundry Detergents

When it comes to choosing organic products, one of the main things that is constantly debated are sulfates.

If you purchase shampoo, conditioner, soap, or laundry detergent from well-known brands, you have likely fallen victim to sulfates before.

Although these chemicals can be great for industrial purposes and getting rid of grease, they can also bring an ample amount of health concerns into your life.

Why Choose Sulfate-Free Laundry Detergents – 4 Good Reasons #1. Sensitive Skin Concerns

The number one reason as to why more households should opt for sulfatefree detergent is because of sensitive skin. Even if you have the hardiest skin imaginable, you can rest assured that you will develop more sensitive skin the more that it’s exposed to sulfates.

Aside from its relatively toxic nature, sulfates are known to cause irritation, dryness, redness, and even flaking skin with consistent use.

All of these symptoms are an absolute nightmare for someone that already has sensitive skin.

Even piling on moisturizer isn’t something that will help to bring your skin back to its normal state.

#2. Preserving Clothing

There’s a good chance that you’ve spent a reasonable amount of money on the clothes that you currently have in your closet and you won’t want your investment to go to waste as a result of washing.

Sulfates are not only known as a cleaning agent, but they also have the tendency to strip color.

This is why many hairstylists recommend that their clients use a color-safe or sulfate-free shampoo after having their hair dyed. The more that you wash your clothes with a detergent that has sulfate, the faster their colors are going to fade.

#3. Body Hair Loss

Another common issue that people experience when they use products with sulfates is significant hair loss. Even though you might not be washing your body with the laundry detergent it is absorbed into the fibers of your clothing and then transferred to your skin.

With consistent use, you will begin to notice small amounts of your body hair falling off, as the sulfates will work their way into your hair follicles and damage the follicle. This is common with people who don’t use sulfate-free shampoo as well.

#4. Eliminating Skin Irritation

Aside from giving individuals with sensitive skin a detergent that is safer to use, sulfate-free laundry detergent is also essential for getting rid of any signs of skin irritation whether from medical concerns or improper moisturizing.

If you are someone who has been suffering from psoriasis or eczema, sulfate-free formulas are the best ways to keep your skin under control.

You would be surprised to know that when companies are testing their new moisturizers, they use sulfates as an agent to irritate the skin.

Once the skin is irritated, they can monitor the effects that the lotion has on the skin to determine if it is soothing enough or not.

Sulfate-Free Laundry Detergent Brands

The easiest way to make sure that you’re buying sulfate-free laundry detergent is to visit an organic grocery store such as Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods. If you don’t have either in your immediate area, take these brands into consideration:

#1. Zum Clean Aromatherapy Laundry Soap

In the Zum formulas you won’t find chlorine, phosphates, brighteners, sulfates, or parabens. Instead, you’ll be able to take advantage of the clean and refreshing scent of lavender, patchouli, sweet orange, tea tree-citrus, and more.

All of the ingredients inside of the laundry soap are derived from mostly organic elements and they are useful for softening your laundry as well as cleaning it.

#2. Method Laundry Detergent

The best part about the Method brand is that you can buy it from Target, which is relatively everywhere. This company takes the health of their consumers and the planet into account as even the bottles for the detergent are made of 50% recyclable plastic.

With 16 different plant-based ingredients and no sulfates, you can guarantee that your clothes will look and feel their best, meanwhile be safe for you and your family to wear.

Some of their most popular scents include: sweet pea, lavender cedar, water lily & aloe, and spring daisy.

Here are some of the best sulfate free laundry detergents available

More information:

How to wash your clothes without a single drop of detergent

All About Lavender Shampoos

Lavender shampoo is a greatly under appreciated option when it comes to hair care. Both men and women overlook the benefit of this type of shampoo. While lavender shampoo has a world of nutritional benefits, it is incredibly relaxing and soothing as well.

Finding Lavender Shampoo

Lavender shampoo can do wonders for your life and your hair. Many people may think that peppermint shampoo is an expensive product and that it is hard to come by, but this isn't so.

Lavender shampoo can be found at your local health foods store and often times in you favorite salon.

If you can't locate your favorite brand of lavender shampoo, you may want to purchase lavender oil to add to your favorite brand of shampoo. As an essential oil, lavender oil is often used to heal wounds, treat cuts, burns and to help prevent infection.

Additionally, both of these oils are used as antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial treatment.

The Benefits of Lavender Shampoo

Lavender is first and foremost used specifically for its beautiful scent and to make hair longer. Lavender oil and lavender shampoo both promote hair growth by increasing circulation in the scalp.

Using Lavender shampoo will help treat dandruff, itchy scalps and more. The antiviral and antibacterial properties in this shampoo helps to kill the bacteria on the scalp and on the skin.

Another great benefit of this shampoo is its power of cleansing. This shampoo is known as one of the best clarifying shampoos.

Women and men with especially greasy hair can use this shampoo every so often to give their hair a deep cleaning.

Benefits of Lavender Oil

While lavender shampoo is great for the hair, you may want to try your hand at using lavender oil for your body as well. Lucky for you, many of the same benefits of lavender shampoo apply to lavender oil as well.

Compared to other essential oils, distilled lavender is probably one of the safest to use. Lavender oil is historically known for its symbolism of purity and cleanliness.

The smell of lavender alone can ward away certain bugs and keep your body and home smelling fresh.

Additionally, using lavender oil for medicinal purposes is a great benefit of this essential oil.

As well as being used as an antiseptic, this oil helps relieve the body of flatulence and gas. These health

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