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Asian Massage – 5 Best Ways To Relieve Stress!


The power and peacefulness of being able to relax after an Asian Massage session is to experience in person in order for anyone to know how invigorating and stress-relieving it can be at the same time.

While Asia has long been regarded as the home for varied cultural and alternate healthcare practices that combine the elements of agony, ecstasy, higher knowledge and consciousness besides being enjoyable, stress-relieving and also strengthening – both physically and mentally, not many people know of the 5 basic Asian massage forms and their benefits. We cover some of these proven techniques and their advantages for the reader interested in balancing the energies of the body and mind through the best relaxation techniques man has ever know i.e.

Asian Massage.

There are many different types of massages in the world, each with its own basic techniques and benefits for those who believe in taking up activities to nourish mind and body; among the most popular are Shiatsu, Acupressure, Amma (or anma), Ayurvedic and Champissage.

  • Shiatsu – originated from Japan and focuses on using the fingers and acupuncture points for rewarding the person undergoing the massage a uniquely Oriental healing touch by controlling and balancing the flow of life energy that passes through the body. It concentrates in bringing about self-healing for the body through redirecting its own energies by applying slow pressure and stimulating blood flow, which in turn, brings about a sense of relief and relaxation besides also facilitating the human body's mechanism against disease of many kinds.
  • Acupressure – is a Chinese technique for bringing rest from pain for the human body and focuses on using the fingers to press focal points on the body so tension and stress built up in the body is released and good sleep is ensured after the session. It is also a method for treating anxiety.
  • Anma (or Anma) – is yet another Japanese healing technique, which means 'massage' in their language; it combines different limb movements to help a person experience peace and relief from pain and stress. It is based on the principles of a dance-like activity called Kata, which works to build up a tempo, pace and precision in the manner in which the masseuse decides different finger strokes, knee and elbow movements, stretching or manipulating the feet and hands and thus, requires the body to be agile and flexible. Anma does not call for taking off one's clothes and can be practiced anywhere since no oils are used.
  • Ayurvedic – is an Indian form of body massage used to cleanse the body of toxins and is based on vigorous hand strokes to bring about a sense of peacefulness and restore balance in the body. It typically uses warm oil and concoctions of herbs to get the right results and sometimes the massage oil is poured into the ears, between the brows and other specific energy points, with a client's permission.
  • Champissage- has its root in Ayuveda; it is a technique that mainly deals with treating the upper half of the body in the aim of promoting blood circulation in the scalp. It nourishes the hair roots essentially but the feel-good feeling persists as the masseur also massages the client's face, neck, ears, neck and shoulders besides upper arms to get all the cricks out. It is believed to relieve headaches, eye-strain and energize a person.

Try one today – and feel lighter and more relaxed than ever before!