The Best Answer for all Acne Problems by Joe Bucks - HTML preview

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14.How to Improve Relationship between Hormone and Acne

For most people, acne begins at puberty. The body starts to produce hormones called androgens. Androgens cause the enlargement and overstimulation of the sebaceous glands in people with acne. This leads to the over-production of sebum, and coupled with a sluggish exfoliation process leads to blocked pores and acne. Sensitivity to these androgens also causes acne during the menstrual cycle and sometimes in pregnancy or during the menopause. It’s important to note that acne is not caused by excess in hormone levels, but an abnormal reaction to normal levels of these hormones. We are now seeing more people developing acne in adulthood; possible reasons for this are diet, lifestyle and more synthetic hormones in our environment (foods, water, plastics and medication).

Acnezine has proved to be a relief to all those suffering from severe acne problems. Along with Acnezine you can help regulate your hormones by:

• Avoiding stress — stress causes the over-production ofhormones
• Using relaxation techniques, such as Yoga and deep breathing
• Avoiding caffeine — caffeine stimulates hormone production
• Exercising — exercise rebalances hormones and reduces stress
• Eating hormone-regulating foods such as alfalfa, linseed(flaxseed), oats, celery, parsley, rhubarb, fennel and eveningPrimrose oil
• Drinking still mineral water, preferably in glass bottles
• Avoiding foods stored in plastic packaging
• Eating organic produce where possible

StressStress is often linked to acne, whether it’s caused by school, college,work, relationships or money. Stress causes the production of hormones,such as cortisol, which can aggravate acne. Stress also causes thedigestive system to slow down because the body takes blood away fromthe stomach and intestines to prepare your muscles for ‘flight’, ourinstinctive response to stress; this in itself is often linked to acne.

Acnezine controls metabolism to a certain level and tries to strike balance in the cortisol hormone level.

While undergoing treatment with Acnezine it is better to avoid
• Dairy products (milk, cheese, cream, yogurt etc)
• Meat (beef, pork, chicken, lamb etc)
• Refined and cooked carbohydrates (white flour, bread, rice,crisps

and chips, sugar etc)
• Cooked fats (fried food, hydrogenated and partiallyhydrogenated
oils, roasted nuts)All the above foods are acid-forming in the
body. If you really want toget rid of acne, you need to eat more
alkaline-forming foods — freshvegetables and fruit, nuts (but not
peanuts as these contain alfatoxins)and seeds.

You can check the efficiency of your digestive system by eating sweet corn or sesame seeds and seeing how long they take to pass through. It is generally accepted that 24-36 hours is very good.

Acnezine fights all forms of acne.


For more information click_here.


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