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Action C

Delivers L-ascorbic acid in concentrated form, without losing potency to improve the

appearance of blemished or sun damaged skin. Immediately upon the first application, it

hydrates the skin resulting to a vibrant skin. It also shields the skin from the sun’s rays to minimize the effect of premature ageing

HydraXtract “C”

Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) combined with vitamin E, a-bisobolol, panthenol (Pro-Vitamin

B5), tocopheryl acetate (Vitamin E), aloe vera, al antoin, and chamomile extract work to a

more youthful and even skin tone.

Regardless of al the benefits vitamin C provides, one should note that it is important not to get stuck on just one antioxidant alone. Skin ageing is very complicated, and although

vitamin c is evidently very effective, researchers suggest that it is best to combat factors in increasing skin ageing using multiple antioxidants and not relying on a few that has greater publicity. Likewise, it will be incorrect to say that there is one single “best” antioxidant.

Chapter 12. Is Dermabrasion Right For Your Skin?

Dermal abrasion, or surgical planning of the skin, is done in selected patients with facial disfigurements from scars resulting from acne, trauma, tattoo, nevi, freckles, and

chickenpox or smal pox.

The procedure involves the removal of the epidermis and some superficial dermis while

reserving enough of the dermis to allow re-epithelialization of the dermabraded areas.

Results are best in the face, because it is rich in intra-dermal epithelial elements.

Surgical planning or dermabrasion is performed either manually with coarse abrasive

paper, or mechanical y with an abrader or a rapidly rotating wire brush.

Patient Instruction and Preparation

The primary reason for undergoing dermabrasion is to improve the appearance.

Before the process will begin, the surgeon explains to the patient what he can expect from

dermabrasion. The patient should also be informed about the nature of the postoperative

dressing, the discomforts he may experience, and how long it will take before his tissues

will look normal again.

Normally, the extent of the surface to be planed will determine whether the procedure

takes place in the surgeon’s office, the clinic, or the hospital. In most cases, a general

anaesthetic is used and the patient is hospitalized.

The skin is thoroughly cleansed for several days before the surgery. Shaving is not

necessary in the female, but with the males, it is important to shave their face on the

morning of the surgery.

In addition to general anaesthesia, the use of a topical spray anaesthetic for stabilizing and stiffening the skin may be desirable. The depth of planning can be readily gauged and the

anaesthetized area is momentarily bloodless. The superficial layers of skin are removed by

an abrasive machine, usually known as the Dermabrader, or the sandpapering.

During and after planning, copious saline irrigations remove debris and allow for


Is It Right For Everybody’s Skin?

Even if dermabrasion is one of the best surgeries needed to clear the skin from scars from

acne and other skin problems, there are still some factors that need to be considered

before jumping into conclusions. These factors are very important to take into

considerations because not all skin type is created equal. Hence, the effects may vary.

Here are some of the factors that need to be considered before applying dermabrasion.

1. The skin colour

People who have dark skins tend to have permanent discolouration or blotchiness after the

surgery. Therefore, it would be better not to opt of dermabrasion if the skin falls under this category.

2. The skin’s condition

There are people who are born with sensitive skins. This means that their skins will

immediately experience allergic reactions to some chemicals or treatments that the skin

cannot endure.

In this manner, people who have sensitive skins should not resort to dermabrasions.

3. People who have acne that are on its active stage are not allowed for dermabrasion.

If the person has acne that is currently on its active stage, it is best not to try

dermabrasion. This is because there is the danger of infection due to the freshness of the

open skin. Ruptured or open skin will be easily penetrated by bacteria that cause infection.

This is also applicable for people who have burnt skin or those that have previously

undergo chemical peel.

4. Be wary of people who perform dermabrasion.

Dermabrasion is actual y a safe surgical treatment. However, it requires expertise and

familiarity on the process in order to perform it properly.

Hence, dermabrasion should not be executed by people who stil lack some of the required

skil s in the execution of the process.

5. There are skins that have the tendency to develop keloids or excessive benign growth

of skin tissues.

This simply means that for people who usually develop a scar or keloid whenever their

skin is damaged, chances are, they would develop the same thing when they undergo


However, there are some treatments that can remove the scars and keloids, it would stil

be better to avoid such trouble of getting into another medication. Hence, for people who

have skins that fall under this category, it is best not to try dermabrasion.

All of these things are boiled down to the fact that dermabrasion is not appropriate for

everybody. Like the other treatments available in the medical field, it should also be

analysed with utmost care before jumping into decisions.

After al , it is the person’s skin that will be put at risk and not just their money, so, careful considerations is extremely important.

Chapter 13. Are Chemical Peels For You?

Are you considering a having a chemical peel? Or are you considering any sort of facial

treatment yet do not know which one is right for you? Then you have come to the right

place! Let this informative guide outline on what chemical peels are and how they work.

This information will make it easier for you to make decisions regarding which facial

treatments would be the best for you.

Chemical peels use solutions that will smoothen and improve skin texture and

appearance. It does so by stripping away the damaged outer layers of the skin. By doing

so, chemical peels can lessen, and in some cases, even eliminate blemishes,

hyperpigmentation (or discolouration and darkening.) and wrinkles. They are even known

to reduce acne scars and the occurrence of acne.

It is very important that, first of all, that you get proper appraisal on your current skin condition. This will help understand better your skin’s needs and the proper treatment of

such. Some people think that chemical skin peels are the ‘cure-all’ for their skin problems.

This is far from the truth. The proper chemical peel will target your specific problems

provide the adequate solution.

There are many kinds of chemical peels, you may choose one according to your needs

and circumstance. The available chemical peels are divided into three categories: Phenol,

trichloroacetic acid (TCA), and alphahydroxy acids (AHA). Each of these categories differ

in use, potency and inconvenience. Your dermatologist will help you decide which one is

right for you.

A dermatologist will help you determine which peel program is right for you. He may

suggest a customized solution for you. Before actually agreeing to the procedure, make

sure you understand what the dermatologist is about to do. If there is some point you need

clarified make sure you have the dermatologist clarify it further.

Alphahydroxy acids (AHAs) are the mildest of the chemical peels. They are typically made

of fruit, glycolic, and lactic acids. These peels may not show as dramatic effects as the

other peels; they are, however, best for those who do not have time to recover from the

other peel procedures. These peels are applied weekly or periodically, depending on your

dermatologist’s advice. But they do result in smoother, finer looking skin after a few


There are also commercially available AHA facial care solutions that can be applied

everyday. Some dermatologists will incorporate AHA into the daily skin care regimen of the

patient. This may be in soaps, facial cleanser, etc.

Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is the intermediate peel for those who wish to have the effects

almost as dramatic as phenol peels yet cannot dedicate too much time to healing as in the

case of those who prefer AHA peels. To achieve the desired effect more than one peel

may be necessary. This treatment is ideal for medium depth peeling. It is also the ideal

peel for fine lines, and blemishes that are not that severe.

Phenol is the most potent of the chemical peels around and they take some time to heal.

They are recommended in cases that feature coarse wrinkles and severe blemishes such

as blotching, coarse skin, etc. Phenol is also a strong whitening agent and this may be a

factor in considering whether to choose this sort of treatment.

It must be remembered that this is primarily a facial treatment. Application to other parts of the body may result in scarring.

Among the things to look out for are: the possibility of demarcation lines – lines that show which part of the face received treatment and which did not, redness, irritation, and other side effects. The redness and irritation is normal since that is the usual state of newly

peeled skin. Your dermatologist will advise you on the care and upkeep of tender skin.

For those who have undergone this treatment, it is general y recommended that they stay

out of the sun for several months as to protect the newly formed skin. The procedure will

cause stinging, redness and irritation. But that is to be expected from such procedures.

All in all, chemical peels are safe, although they may cause some inconvenience. The

risks for scarring are low. However, the procedure must be performed by a certified

professional if to ensure safety.

Chapter 14. Skin Care – Inside Out

We discussed this earlier and you may have heard of skin care treatments such as

chemical peels, face lifts, dermabrasion, laser light, and al those wonders of skin science that constantly make looking younger, fairer, more confident a reality for many people.

What if you were told that there was a way to make your skin healthier, younger looking

aside from these methods? A method that does not include scalpels, suctions, topical

solutions and others? Wouldn’t it be great? Alas, you might say, it hasn’t happened yet,

maybe some day in the far-off future. But what if you were told that it was possible even

today. Would you flip?

The wonder being talked about here is the wonder that has always been there – your

body. Your body has the ability to regulate itself, supply nutrients to various organs such as the skin and generally give it a healthy glow.

The body also has the capability of improving how the skin looks. It can make the skin

more supple, radiant, healthy, and youthful looking. Taking care of the body from the inside out has been grossly underrated. Caring for the skin in this way will result in a more natural glow. This method of skin care in conjunction with other skin treatments will result in the optimal skin care.

If this is the case, then why doesn’t it do that exact same thing to everyone, you may ask.

Various factors will impair the body’s ability to do – bad diet, smoking, stress, lack of sleep and other factors make the skin that old, scaly, thing many people see in front of the mirror.

But wait, there’s hope! With proper nutrition, proper care and maintenance, you can help

your body improve your skin’s health and appearance.

Think of it like this. Let’s say you have a green plant, and you don’t water it for sometime, and neglect to give it fertilizer, and plant it on poor soil, won’t the leaves wither and dry up?

The same can be said about one’s health in general and the skin in particular.

The exciting thing here is that it is becoming increasingly evident that it is not only what you apply on your skin that improves it, but what you put into your body as well. Studies

are showing that vitamins, minerals, water, exercise and rest al play an important part in improving skin.

Experts say that the skin is the benchmark for the body’s health. Healthy skin also an

indicator of good health, so taking good care of your body not only gives you great skin but give you good health in general.

To improve skin health, it would do well to take note of the following factors.