Biography Books
Life of Liszt
This little work, which is rather an essay upon the personal and musical characteristics of Liszt than a biography of him, as its title indicates, hardly needs more than an informal introduction to the public. It may safely be left to commend itself to readers upon its own merits. Unlike most of...
Michael Field
SOME years ago the writer of this book discovered to herself the work of Michael Field, with fresh delight at every step of her adventure through the lyrics, the tragedies, and later devotional poems. But she was amazed to find that no one seemed to have heard about this large body of fine poetry...
John Jasper: The Unmatched Negro Philosopher and Preacher
Reader; stay a moment. A word with you before you begin to sample this book. We will tell you some things in advance, which may help you to decide whether it is worth while to read any further.
Martha Schofield: Pioneer Negro educator
One of the benefits conferred by education is that of enlightening the mind on the subject of one’s duty. Finding what is duty the manner of discharging it will suggest itself to the alert, the active, and those of industrious and intelligent discernment. Perhaps forever hidden would remain the...
A happy half-century, and other essays
The half-century, whose more familiar aspects this little book is designed to illustrate, has spread its boundary lines. Nothing is so hard to deal with as a period. Nothing is so unmanageable as a date.
The Story of Sir Francis Drake
It has not been possible, for lack of space, always to tell the old stories in the original words, which are, in almost all cases, the best. If any readers of this book can get a sight of two big volumes called “Drake and the Tudor Navy,” by Julian Corbett, they may consider themselves...
The Red Vineyard
Another priest, whose work was oftener among old tomes than among men, said slowly and, as was his wont, somewhat seriously, that it surprised him very much to note my eagerness to go to war. He did not consider it in keeping with the dignity of the priest to be so belligerently inclined. Did I...
Unalienable Rights
Story of Gary and his family is unique by its amazing turns, which nobody could predict (but everyone told that the way out of Soviet society to western culture was going to be extremely difficult). Some of Gary's old friends considered him as a lucky one, nobody should following his path, they...
Life of Mozart
Mr. Louis Nohl, the author of the present little volume, has merited for himself in Germany a high reputation as a writer of the biographies of musicians, and some of his larger works have appeared in English on the other side of the Atlantic. The present is the first translation into our language...
Life of Emanuel Swedenborg
During the few past years many biographies of Swedenborg have been offered to the public. Dr. Tafel, of Tübingen, in 1839, collected into one volume the testimonies of Swedenborg’s personal friends, his letters, and various documents relating to him which were scattered through many volumes.