The first step for anything to be possible is to believe it can be. You have to see it first in your mind and then do more than hope for it: you must be certain you can achieve it.
So how do you get to that state of mind where you know your direction, your purpose and you believe you can achieve your ideal? You have to train your mind to see the possibility. You must focus on the objective, envision the ideal, have perseverance and rely on action to start the journey. Understand that it will take step by step to get where you want to be, but it can be done, as long as you know what you want and you keep on the track.
Positive thinking is essential to creating
the reality that you want. Train your thoughts to see the best outcome, to recognize the advantages of any situation, to use obstacles as fuel and motivation. Never give up on your dreams. Never give up on what is important to you just because others tell you that you can't achieve something. Nobody knows your truth better than you do, so focus on it and only listen to the people who believe in you and encourage you to be the best you can become. Surround yourself with those who are on your side and don't waste energy convincing non-believers to see it your way. Everyone has a different life, journey and understanding. Not everyone is meant to travel with you. Choose the ones who see you for who you are. In the end, you will be alone with yourself and your decision. You are the one who must be the leader of your own life. You must be the captain, the manager, the chief, the executive and the oracle, the question and the answer at the same time. You must know what you want and who you are.
The more intense your desire is to achieve something, the better your chances are to make it happen. As long as it doesn't mean harm to another life, it is right to do your best to achieve it. If it's about your truth, your evolution and who you want to become, then you should go in that direction without a doubt.
The universe is such a vast place with unknown phenomena, with unseen miracles and undiscovered truths. What we know now about life is so much, but just a small part of what remains to be known in this complex and infinite, diverse existence. Human beings have achieved amazing miraculous things. Science and technology are so advanced, that everything becomes almost magical. It is unimaginable what the human race has done so far, how it evolved compared to centuries ago. And yet, it is even more unexplained that the human soul, human nature did not evolve enough to discard negative intentions completely. Looking back in history and even in the present time, the scenery is full of negative events that defy human evolution by their appalling cruelty. Evil is a trait that shows lack of evolution, because understanding and wisdom bring positive thinking and positive intentions. Being negative is a sign of absence of progress. Of course, there are still so many primitive people in the world... not everyone is an inventor, a brilliant scientist, a philosopher, a visionary, a creator or a genius. Not everyone strives for progress or aspires to reach an ideal of perfection in a certain field, to surpass boundaries and achieve the unthinkable, or just understand the importance of being good.
Not everyone is ready to surpass their own limits. But being kind should be the easiest achievement of the human race: people should have first and foremost learned to be kind to one another, to be correct, to be honest, to have good intentions and good wishes for any form of life on the planet. This should be the first thing education does - maybe it should be something one can cultivate and grow, even if one is not born with it.
Being kind should be something people learn when they learn how to walk. It should be implied like breathing. Because everything starts in your soul, your heart and your mind: the energy that flows out in the world is the energy that shapes reality. As positive as it is, so will be the results you get. And kindness doesn't need a lot of effort to achieve: it only needs a good heart. You just need to want to be good, to remain positive and commit to being that way, no matter what. Circumstances will challenge it. People will challenge it. Reality will challenge it. But if you want to be that way, nothing and nobody can stop you from being a good, positive person.
Everyone needs light, warmth, kindness, freedom and acceptance. Every form of life has basic needs that include these notions. It is not hard to see. You just have to want to see it. And it starts with you. As it starts with me.
I don't want to make you believe that you can fly: I want to wake you up to see that you already do.
Everyone should have the ability to evolve, because that's a basic feature of life: it keeps moving, adapting, changing, progressing, surpassing, renewing, getting beyond... all the time. It's an endless flow.
You only have to rise with it: to rise from within. It might seem like a long distance, but it's only in your mind. The shortest distance between here and there, between today and tomorrow awaits in your decision to believe in yourself and the endless power of life of making anything happen.
At some point on this journey you're going to have to decide that you're enough, but never forget that you can keep improving even if you are content with your achievements. No failure or success is ever the final chapter of the story: the story is endless and it's up to you to decide what happens next.
There will always be something else that comes. I would like to say that not even death is the final chapter because energy cannot be lost, only transformed: so there must be something that follows after the physical body is no longer functional. The consciousness must continue into some other shape, form, dimension, frequency, realm, universe... It is not yet proven, explored or recorded, but the reasonable and logical deduction would be that energy doesn't disappear, it just changes its way of manifestation. If you add intuition and after-life experiences of people who were near death, it is almost a guarantee that there is some episode where the story continues, even after the material body disappears or no longer functions. It sounds like a simple speculation, but to me it is as close to certainty as knowing I was born to be born again. If I can wake up from nonexistence, I am sure I won't completely be gone when this existence ends. Knowing without proving means believing.
I believed who I was long before I could prove who I am... so it's natural to think that sometimes you just have to believe first and see it happen later. And sometimes all you have is the belief that it is possible. And sometimes, that is enough.
So my advice is, believe in your dreams, believe in your ideals, in yourself and believe that anything is possible. Things won't just fall in your lap out of nowhere: you'll have to fight for what is important to you. But believe you can achieve. Believe you can fly... and you will fly, eventually, sooner or later. Believe that you can make it happen, and you will do it.
Any dream can come true. Especially the ones that are about improving oneself. If it depends on you, then you can achieve it. Perfecting who you are is up to you. An ideal may be finding perfection itself, but aiming to improve is more realistic. You can have perfection in mind, but improvement is more likely to be the next step towards it.
Of course, you have to see in which way it is possible, how it can become attainable. For example, if I want to be able to fly, I won't literally grow a pair of wings and lift myself off the ground. I can metaphorically rise above and pilot my soul away from limitations and up in the direction of a goal. I will find a device to fly in real life, if that makes me happy. And I certainly will find a way to be who I need to be.
The universe can make anything happen. Yet it is harder to achieve something that doesn't rely on your own power and the equation of circumstances is against it. For example, you can't make someone love you if they don't see value in your existence. They might appreciate you from a perspective, but if they don't understand who you are, if they don't see you as a possibly attractive partner, if they don't feel a spark that would inspire them, if they don't want to share with you something of this life, if they don't need the flight you offer them, if you can't mean that much in their journey, they won't encourage you to be the best version of yourself and you won't travel with them too far, for they won't go along with you if it's not their ideal. As far as attraction is concerned, it has to be reciprocal to become an achievable dream. You can't control how someone else feels, you can't decide what another person thinks or wants for themselves. You can't make anyone do what they don't want to do. You can only control what you're doing and who you become.
Improving yourself is what you can control. Achieving an ideal of progress is possible: you've been doing that since the moment you were born.
How we are born is not how we remain: we evolve because it is in human nature to strive for some kind of perfection - one way or another, as we each understand the ideal of being the best it is possible to be. An ideal is sometimes just another step across the sky, another height reached by the expansion of wings, the soul finding a new way of existence that means a happy, harmonious energy that breathes new life, creating your flight from past to present, from today towards tomorrow, like a Phoenix bird.
I am certain I was born in this condition: of having to be born again, and being able to achieve it. Whether it is a chemical or genetic cause, whether it is a program that was structured in the brain or in each of my cells long before birth, whether it is a spiritual reality or an effect of past lives if that is also an option to explain whatever the reason, I am sure I was born already like this and I was meant to progress into redefining my life. I am also sure it's not an ordinary experience and not many are meant to understand it, but I am not the only one to do it. It was also not something I made up because of circumstances or something I chose to make things complicated, or just to be unusually different. It is not the easiest thing to to, being different, being wrongly defined or totally undefined and then being born again. It is not the easiest path, but it provides the opportunity to understand evolution better than the people who remain stuck in the frame of their minds, bodies or preconceived notions. Aiming for an ideal is to keep advancing, since life is about progress. Having the will to move in that direction is a decision everyone should make on their own.
Life has so many aspects, so many viewpoints, that it is never final or set in stone that one perspective must exclude or invalidate the others. Life is about experience – and even the same experience won't be identical for everyone who lives it, since each of us have a unique set of criteria, perceptions and realities around us. It may seem it is the same world we live in, but the way we see it is not the same and one thing that is true for someone does not apply to another person in the exact same way.
Therefore, the ideal of perfection is also something that differs from one person to another. It should not be something superficial. It should not dictate upon everyone to be the same, but the principle applies that perfection is never attainable because evolution is endless: perfection is accomplishing a supreme quality of some kind at one moment in time. One can get closer to it, one can get better or best at something, but the ultimate perfect existence is not attainable in a human life on earth. Nobody can or is ever absolutely perfect in this world, especially considering the option of always being able to become more.
However, perfection is also a notion of greatness. If in our eyes something is great enough in itself, if we consider it superlative, then it can also be flawlessly, ideally rising up to expectations – and then, it is perfect the way it is. Our existence, or various sides of it can be perfect at any moment in time. Pieces of this ideal of perfection are achievable. If you think about that moment when you are happy, absolutely content with your life, when you feel you have that spark in your soul intensely shining, that is a touch of perfection. As human beings, we can have glimpses of it and enjoy the confidence and liberation it brings.
There are many lives that we have within one lifetime span and our ideas about perfection may also change from one age to another, from one episode to another, from one stage of evolution to another. And yet my ideal was to be born again, from the beginning.
To me, getting closer to perfection implied being able to be born again, closer to the ideal of who I am and nearer the ideal of who I wanted to become. It was a part of the condition of transitioning from disagreement between physical and psychological or spiritual side, to the correspondence of the inside with the exterior: I had to balance and bring on the same page the consciousness of who I knew I was and the expression of that into the physical reality. There's a great deal of disturbance caused by being in permanent contradiction, disagreement, dysphoria, anger with oneself, from within. It's like wearing clothes that don't fit you, that are too tight, too uncomfortable, that just do not correspond to you and you can't adapt to them no matter how much you try or how much time goes by. It's like using a vehicle that doesn't serve your purpose. It's hard to get where you want to go by using the wrong vehicle, it's annoying day by day and minute by minute. It's so liberating to finally be in the right shape, to identify with the external form of existence that represents who you are. It's an ideal of perfection to be the pilot of the right vehicle, the one meant for you, and be able to go in the right direction that matches your purpose in the world. That was my ideal of perfection to achieve: to be who I am on the outside, as well as the inside - for the man in the mirror to be there, not just in appearance but in qualities, energy and action.
The ideal of perfection appears from inside out. It has to become alive taking a leap from a dream to reality, from the invisible energy to matter manifestation, from essence to shape. I don't think I have achieved a perfect body, but that was not my intention – it is perfect to me, because it is the way I wanted it. I don't think superficially and I am not troubled by small imperfections. It's rather a matter of what identity and type of physical representation fits me. Now that I have that, I consider it perfect and enough, despite any small imperfections there may be in my physical existence. An ideal of perfection will start in the spark of life that is actually perfect in itself. And it is perfect when you are aware it is enough.
An ideal of perfection has to be about who you are, not necessarily what you look like. Evolution is increasing and intensifying energy in its manifestation. There are many ways the human mind might envision an ideal of evolution: absolute wisdom, total knowledge, endless power, becoming one with the light... or maybe absolute love, happiness, freedom, expansion... to be the essence of the universe... We can only imagine where evolution may take us.
I am aware I still have a lot to learn, as I keep evolving. I know I am not entirely perfect now, inside or outside, nor do I ever want be the ultimate state of who I can become, because that is an endless process. One never really stops learning, becoming or progressing: life is movement, change, evolution, advancement. While I am alive, I will continue to rise up searching for the next step to better myself, to understand and know as much as possible, to become as good as I can be in this life, in this world, in this universe... or in another...
However, it is also very important to acknowledge when you reach an ideal or accomplish an objective in some way that you have envisioned. It is important to be content with the victory of having achieved what you hoped for, of making a dream come true. It is important to recognize its worth. It is also a part of learning to appreciate and to be grateful for everything that is right and positive in your life, being content and happy about it... because the ideal of perfection is the spark of life in itself, the enthusiasm, the ability to be amazed. And sometimes, we have the revelation that everything is perfect no matter how imperfect things might seem; sometimes we understand that everything is great and enough, just for the truth that we are alive.
To me, right now it is enough that I'm breathing and I'm healthy, I can move and travel, I have a body and an identity that is right for me, I have a name that represents who I am. I was born again and I can fly. Everything is in its right place. Existing is right. It is a positive revelation. I enjoy every day and every moment. I appreciate my life, my journey, the people around me who know me for who I am - and I'm happy more than ever before.