Creeds and Confessions by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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In the previous pages I have spilled out and expressed many of my confessions. However, I was mindful of every creed and confession and all my concessions and compressions and found that it was not so easy to express all of them so easily but because I had the will to do this I succeeded to complete my task in the best possible manner.


One thing I can say well that I never did anything in my life that I have not been able to admit openly so I am not ashamed because nothing was wrong. I have only done this collection and maybe a few more later when I get the time and get into the mood to do so because I wanted to talk about my dreams and my visions that I could not have mentioned in a normal conversation. Now it is all public for people to judge or misjudge me as they wish.


I always thought that I would be happier if I admitted things more often. In a sense if I did not or was not able to then I would have remained a prisoner of some of my memories, or fears, or disappointments, or confessions and so I wanted to be defined by things I can or cannot change and have the courage and wisdom to accept them.