Early Works by Birsen Ozbilge - HTML preview

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Istanbul is a very cosmopolitan city; I used to have many foreigner friends back then. Among these friends, one of them was very special for me. He was a documentary  film-maker; David Grabias who involved me with documentary film-making  and taught me how to use a videocamera. At first, we were interested in underground music groups (see pic 2). Later on, a short movie idea popped up in my head and we worked on it together with IFR Production Company. My brother and a few friends also helped for this project. At the end,  “Göze Geldik” - 3min. 30secs., was projected at Leman Kültür, Beyoglu. 

In July 1995, I set a stand for BlokArt Fanzine at Youth Action 1:“Boundaries and Beyond” exhibition (see pic 6) organized by UPSD (Foundation of International Plastic Arts). We published the 7th issue during the exhibition. In November I volunteered  at the 4th International Istanbul Biennal, named “OrientATION”. I was the assistant for Romanian-born American artist, Serge Spitzer.

In the mid 90’s a few close friends left Istanbul, some to do their master degrees, others to reach for their big American dream. At the end of 1995, I decided to leave the city as well. I started to work at a travel agency for a while. In April 1996 I exhibited my artworks (see pic 4) at Istanbul University Faculty of Economics Alumni Society.  After the exhibition I went to Berlin and I stayed for a few weeks in two friend’s places. I had a great time there. I loved this cosmopolitan city and meeting with people from all around the world. I wrote in BlokArt a concert review in this trip (see pic 3) about the “Gallon Drunk”.

in 1996 I had a highly inspired summer. I created a series of paintings called “Pulp Art”  (see pic 1). They were exhibited at Sefahathane Bar, Beyoglu. After the exhibition, it was time to say goodbye to Istanbul. Murat Pazar gave me a farewell party at his apartment near Hayal Kahvesi (see pic 5). It was a very sentimental day in my life. Nilgun Sabar took me to the airport at after-hours. I arrived to New York City quite hung-over but very excited and curious...