Functioning Sociopaths


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Pages: 335

Published: 11 years ago

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Book Description

Sob(be)sot Presents: Functioning Sociopaths or S(h)iti Registrars: The Remora Fish of the Finance Industry The post University ennui of Musician and Ethical philosopher [protagonist] is interrupted by a burgeoning romance that sends the itinerant into the smog of the city. Therein: a humorous, philosophic, absurdist treatise of pantheonic proportion. Investigating: vice, boredom,capitalism, love, death, loneliness and all manner of topics. All bowing to the whim of the narrators fractured autistic caprices. With the moral existential angst of Kirkegaard; The absurd humour of Allen; the modernity moral complexity of David Foster Wallace. Featuring: Proudstian themes of memory; by way of a Gidean récit; all filter through through a conversational style that is completely original.

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