God Saw You Kill My Two Little Friends!


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Published: 7 years ago

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Book Description HTML

Three nine-year-old card playing hillbilly girls who were stolen, beat and raped, two were shot. They are two reasons I continue writing. Interbreeding was reality in Appalachia's mountain families. Four children were stolen, one by my parents. My uncle raped me he is possibly the father. One child was stolen by a biker gang. Two were stolen while I was in a coma for nine months. I left home in fourth grade and never saw my brothers and sisters anymore. Most of my life was spent on highways, streets and alleys getting assaulted and raped with blades and firearms. My father was a Pentecost Preacher. One day he walked into the New Mexico court house and blew his brains out. My oldest sister was dismembered in a semi wreck with a little boy wrapped in her arms.

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