Journey of My Life by Ganga N Prasad - HTML preview

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Dr William May Dean of CMNHS of FNU

I retired in December 2016 while he was still an acting Dean. During my time from 1986 to 2016, the three decades of my fruitful involvement, I saw a lot of innovative changes at the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences of Fiji National University. I loved my work and the colleagues there and on my retirement I was given a farewell lunch. We had great time at this workplace and I thank everyone sincerely for giving me the best opportunities to serve and enjoy work.


Relaxing in my office on the last day of work.


This is the end of my Journey but what appears to be the end may really be a new beginning.


I retired  from my work  at the College of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences of Fiji National University at the end of 2016 after serving there for three decades. I did this with happy memories of wonderful work relationship with my colleagues, managers and students. The respect and comradery that developed during my work and stay were great and I would miss my workplace as well as my people that I worked for but life had to go on and I departed with good feelings and happy memories. I decided to write this historical presentation to keep my memories alive.



Images of my farewell at CMNHS of FNU




This was a happy work environment that attracted good people and helped the personnel who worked there to do the best for the College. To create that kind of environment, it took a strong top down and bottom up approach. It took creativity and presence of mind. It took proper hiring practices and clear expectations. I was proud of my work place.

During my time the Fiji National University and the College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences [CMNHS] merged with two of Fiji’s Oldest Health and Medical Institutions, The Fiji School of Medicine and the Fiji School of Nursing thus the College became the leading health workforce academic education and research institution in the Pacific Region.

Over my three decades of involvement at Fiji School  of Medicine, College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences and Fiji National University I participated in various functions and activities with the professional, administrative and academic staff of these institutions. Displayed on this and the next page is a collage of photos as my fond memories of work, play and interactions.




Staff after participating in one of the cultural events


*CMNHS –College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences of Fiji National University.

**References: College Website and Files.