Journey of My Life by Ganga N Prasad - HTML preview

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Gradually I came to a realization that a successful marriage requires falling in love many times every day. I knew that it was not a lack of love but a lack of friendship that usually made unhappy marriages. I knew the extent of my involvement and knew that I was happy because I had found a true friend. I decided to go ahead and strengthen our relationship. We both reached a firm decision to get married, Ram and Ganga.

The strange thing about love is that even though we experience it in a deeply personal and apparently instinctive way, it has a history. In other words, people around the world haven’t always fallen in love the way we do now. As we have read stories of Romeo and Juliet, Laila and Majnu, Shri and Farhad and Radha and Krishna, so now we can read and appreciate the love story of Ram and Ganga.

The point of rehearsing a few of the telling moments in our love story is to remind ourselves that there are different ways of arranging relationships, depending on what a given society happens to believe in. Love is a cultural invention and we are not at the end of its evolution. We may, in fact, still be only at the early stages of the history of love. We are still learning what we need and how we might get more successful at love.

Both of us had our past love life that was real but it  got lost because of the passing away of our loved ones. We were lonely, hurt and damaged but managed to overcome all the hardships, loneliness, sadness and sorrows because time was our greatest healer. We knew that our loved ones had gone forever and would not return but our life must go on. Hence, we decided to reconnect and rise to get out from our cacoons. Now we have a story to narrate and keep as memories for family and friends to read and appreciate.

Both of us understood that marriage at this old age was not going to be easy because we both have our past so it would take deep compromise, specific sacrifice and careful reciprocity in revealing ourselves to one another. Having proper understanding of these evolving characteristics of our marriage we decided to willingly work and submit to the process because we knew that it had and would promise great rewards for our life in future.


Life changed for me on 10th  June 2017 when I was joined in matrimony with Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad of 76 Ghost Gum Street Bellbowrie Queensland Australia. Life, as I felt and saw, for Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad became a lot more enjoyable and manageable after this marriage as well.

Although the marriage certificate was only a piece of paper, the ceremony did guarantee that we will be together forever because in our vows we accepted that we were determined to love, respect, trust and live with each other in harmony with full understanding, faith and friendship so that our relationship stands the test of time and lasts forever.

The legal marriage was conducted by one of the leading Registered Marriage Celebrants Dr Naveen Sharma of Brisbane Australia amidst invited family members and friends who later attended the wedding reception at Woka Woka Restaurant. While at the wedding ceremony the Marriage Celebrant solemnised the marriage vows and after the garlanding of Rudraksha Mala and the exchanging of the wedding rings he asked Mrs Urmila Deoki to pray for the newlyweds.


Mrs Urmila Deoki recited the initial prayer at the matrimonial Ceremony of Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad and Mrs Ganga Naidu.


The ceremony was witnessed by all the  people present but Dr Donna McGrath and Dr Suvenesh Prasad signed on their behalf as official witnesses to the marriage ceremony. Then after some refreshment and photograph session at home the guests gathered at the restaurant for the wedding reception where Dr Naveen Sharma was the Master of Ceremony who conducted the function with care and control.

Speeches were presented by Dr Donna McGrath and Dr Vinita Prasad. Our friend Regina Prasad prayed for our life and said the grace. Our married life began after the ceremony and we thanked everyone who made this possible for us.




We now know and understand that our marriage is not just about marrying the right person but we realize that it is also about being the right person.

Our marriage is about five things: love, love and love; memories of togetherness, forgiveness of mistakes, promise to never give up on each other; trust in each other and absolute faith in God.

Our marriage is happy because I married the person I loved and it is blossoming when we continue to love the person I married.

For us our marriage is a healthy crop whose roots are deep, the covenant is solid, life can be hard but manageable and we are good to each other at all times.

Our relationship has gradually matured where we try to make each other ridiculously happy every single day and as often as possible.

At times we have disagreements but we do not look for winners and losers because we are partners in everything so we either win together or lose together.

We always try to find a solution together.

Our secret to enjoying our married life is to understand that our marriage is total, permanent and it has equality as its foundation.


So our life has never been more interesting and more comfortable than what we are currently enjoying. This is all because of our positive attitude to our present living. It is not that we have not faced adverse moments, pain, suffering and hardship but we tried to extract pleasure from pain, comfort from calamity, agreement from disagreement and joy from unjust moments. This kind of living was not easy but with the blessings of God and our family members as well as with the willing support of the so many faithful friends around us we are indeed happy with whatever we are given. Our living has not been a bed of roses always but we have been able to do everything possible to find peace, prosperity and progress in our life by being calm and collected when the wind of change happened to be against us. We have learnt to live the life we love and love the life we live.

We have no regrets, no repentance and no lament but are always prepared to face all disappointments with courage and compromise, care and control and come clean with our conduct. We have time to enjoy whatever is left of our life and we have a lot of patience to keep moving with our belief in us and our activities. God is our saviour.