Lessons Learned in the Mourning by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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Grandfather 1


I’ve been busy preparing three books that are set for publication over the next few months. As part of those projects, I’ve been reviewing my writings over the past few years. Not that I’ve forgotten, but through this research, I’ve been taken back. Once again, the intense challenges of the last few years have played back in my mind.

It has been interesting to see that even if you are writing fiction, your circumstances can color the tone of your stories, even the meaning of them in ways beyond what you saw or intended at the time.

I guess you can never see anything so clearly as when you’re looking back on it. Wouldn’t it be great if the future, the way forward, was as clear?

I suppose that’s where faith comes in. Taking that step forward, trusting that God will have something solid beneath the mist for your foot to land on. Then, taking another step and eventually, you look back on the trail and are surprised to see how far you’ve actually come.

Anyway, one of these circumstances I mentioned previously involved my Grandfather. He is a great man. Once he was full of wisdom and conversation but his wisdom became garbled as he came down with Alzheimer’s. As the disease took hold in his mind, he spiraled downward quickly. First there was increasing confusion, then, eventually his wisdom and conversation faded. This all happened over a period of months, creating intense stress for those of us around to deal with it. Which is why it was so good to see Grandfather the other day, sitting there in front of the TV, watching boxing, and laughing like that boxing match was the most hilarious thing he had ever seen. I suppose that goes to show that joy can be found in the most unlikely situations.


Picked up a book that my Grandfather has wanted for quite some time. His copy went missing about forty or fifty years ago after he borrowed it out to someone. Anyway, I finally found the book at a thrift store. Without thinking much more about it, I gave it to my Grandfather the next time I saw him. He smiled, opened the book and the first thing he saw was his own name written in the inside cover. Needless to say, we were shocked. After all those years, the book had finally found its way back to its rightful owner. What are the odds? *Yes. This is a true story.