abhiman(a): egoism, identification with the body
abhyasa: repetition, practice
abhisheka: holy bath
acharya: preceptor
ades(a): spiritual instruction, divine command
adhikari: qualified person
adhyasa: superimposition or false attribution of properties of one thing on another thing
adhyatma: spirituality
advaita: non-dual
advaita Vedanta: non-dualistic philosophy
aham: I
ahamkara: egoism
ahimsa: non-injury in thought, word and deed
ajna: order
ajnana: spiritual ignorance
amala: without impurity
amritasya putrah: children of Immortality
amsa: part
ananda: bliss, happiness, joy
ananya: where there is no other
anasakti: non-attachment, dispassion
anatma(n): non-Self, insentient
anga: limb
anitya: non-eternal, impermanent, evanescent
annamaya kosa: gross body
antahkarana: inner instrument, organ, being, fourfold mind: mind, intellect, ego and subconscious mind
antaratma: the Indweller
antarmukhi pratyahara: introspection, gaze turned inwards, withdrawal of the mind
apara vidya: lower knowledge, intellectual knowledge
aparoksha’nubhuti: direct, actual experience
apramatta: careful, watchful, vigilant
apurna: imperfect, not-full, incomplete
arati: waving of light before the Lord
aradhana: worship of God, adoration
artha: an object of desire, wealth
asana: posture, seat
asanti: restlessness, absence of peace of mind, distraction
asat: that which is not, non-existent, unreal
asatya: untruth
ashram: hermitage
ashtanga yoga: the eight-limbed Raja Yoga of Maharshi Patanjali
asuddha: impure
asura: demon, evil tendency in man
asuri sampada: demoniacal qualities
Atma(n): the Self
atma-jnana: knowledge of the Self
atma-nivedanam: total self-surrender
atma’nubhava: experience of the Self
atma-svarupa: the essential nature of the Self
atmaupamya: likeness of the Self
avarana: a covering, veil of ignorance
avastha: state
avatara: incarnation
avichara: lack of enquiry
avidya: ignorance, nescience
avinasi: indestructible
aviveka: lack of discrimination
bandhana: binding
bandhas: a class of hatha yoga exercises
Bhagavan: the Lord
Bhagavad Gita: 700 verses from the great Hindu epic Mahabharata recording the discourse between Lord Krishna and Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, prior to the commencement of the great war and giving in clear and concise form the highest teachings and truths
bhajan: devotional singing, worship, praise of the Lord
bhakta: devotee
bhakti: devotion, love of God
bhaktisvarupa: essence of devotion
bhakti yoga: path of devotion
bhav(a): mental attitude, feeling, purity of thought
bhava roga: disease of transmigration
bhoga: enjoyment
bhranti: delusion
bhumi: plane, land
bodhi: enlightenment
Brahman: the Absolute Reality, Existence-Conscious- ness-Bliss Absolute, it is not only all-powerful but all-power itself, it is not only all-knowing and blissful but all-knowledge and bliss itself
brahmacharya: purity, celibacy
brahma-jnana: direct knowledge of Brahman
brahmakara vritti: thought of Brahman alone
brahmamuhurta: the period of an hour and a half before sunrise
brahmatva: the principle of Brahman
brahma-vidya: science of Brahman, knowledge of Brahman, learning pertaining to Brahman or the Absolute Reality
buddhi: the discriminating faculty, intellect, understanding
buddha: one who is awakened
chaitanya: the consciousness that knows itself and knows others; Absolute Consciousness
chanchalatva: restlessness
chintan(a): thinking, reflecting
chit: absolute consciousness or intelligence
chitta: subconscious mind
daivi: divine
daivi sampad: divine wealth, divine qualities
dakshata: expertise
dama: control of senses
dan(a): charity, giving
darsan: vision, making visible, sight
daya: compassion, mercy
dehadhyasa: identification with the body
dharana: concentration
dharma: righteous way of living as enjoined by the sacred scriptures, virtue
dhyana: meditation
divya: divine
duhkha: sorrow, pain, misery, grief
durbuddhi: evil mind
dvaita: dualism
dvandvas: pairs of opposites such as heat and cold, pleasure and pain, etc.
eka: one
ekagrata: one-pointedness of mind: concentration
ekameva’dvitiyam: One alone, without a second, Brahman
Gayatri: one of the most sacred Vedic mantras
Gita: see the Bhagavad Gita
Gopis: milkmaids
grihastha: householder
grahanasilata: willingness and readiness to receive
gudhah: hidden
guna: quality born of Nature: sattva, rajas and tamas
gunatita: beyond the three gunas
guru: teacher, spiritual preceptor
guru kripa: preceptor’s grace or blessings
guru stotra: hymn to the Guru
gurutva: nature of the guru
hatha yoga: a system of Yoga for gaining control over the physical body and vital energy
hatha yogi: one who practices hatha yoga
iccha: desire
ishta devata: chosen Deity
ishta mantra: mantra of one’s chosen Deity
isvaramaya: God-filled
isvarapranidhana: devotion to the Lord
jada: inert, insentient, non-intelligent
jagat: world, changing
janma: birth
jara: old age
japa: repetition of the Lord’s Name, repetition of a mantra
jagrat: wakeful condition
jijnasa: desire to know
jijnasu: one who aspires after knowledge, spiritual aspirant
jiva: individual soul with ego
jiva-karunya: compassion towards creatures
jivan-mukti: liberated in this life while still living
jivatma(n): individual soul
jivatva: individuality
jnana: knowledge, wisdom of the Reality or Brahman
jyoti: light
kaivalya samrajya: kingdom of final liberation
kali purusha: spirit of the Iron Age
kama: desire, passion, lust, legitimate desires
karma: actions operating through the law of cause and effect
karma-phala-bhoga: enjoyment of fruit of actions
karma yoga: the yoga of selfless service
karma yogi: one who practises karma yoga
kartritva: sense of doership
kartritva abhimana: pride of doership
karuna: compassion
kasmalam: dejection
kirtan: singing the name and glory of God
kosa: sheath
kripa: grace, mercy, blessing
kriya: physical action, hatha yoga exercise
krodha: anger
kshetra: field, holy place, physical body in the philosophical sense
kundalini: the primordial cosmic energy located in the individual
kutastha atma svarupa: changeless nature of the Self
lakshya: goal
linga: symbol, sign
lobha: greed
loka: world of names and forms
mada: pride
mahapurusha: a great person, a great soul, a sage, the Supreme Lord
mahatma: great soul, saint, sage
mahavakya: great sentence
mala: impurity
mama: mine
manana: reflection, constant thinking, meditation on the eternal verities
manava: man
mantra: sacred syllable or word or set of words through the repetition and reflection of which one attains perfection or realisation of the Self
marga: path
matsarya: jealousy
maya: the illusory power of Brahman, the veiling and projecting power
mithya: unreal, false, illusory
moha: delusion caused by wrong thinking, false identification and deluded attachment
moksha: liberation, Absolute Experience
mrityu: death
mudras: a certain class of exercises in hatha yoga, symbols shown with hands during worship
mumukshu: one who aspires after moksha or liberation
mumukshutva: intense aspiration for liberation
murti: idol
nada: primal mystic sound or first vibration from which all creation has emanated, the first manifestation of the unmanifested Absolute, Omkara or Sabda-Brahman
nam(a): Name
nam(a) sankirtan: singing of the Lord’s Name
nami: the named
navavidha bhakti: nine modes of devotion
nididhyasana: profound and deep meditation
nija svarupa: one’s own true nature
nirabhimana: without ego
nirakara: formless
niranjana: spotless
nirdvandva: beyond the pairs of opposites
nirguna: without attribute
nirmala: purity
nirvana: liberation; final emancipation
nirvikalpa samadhi: state of superconsciousness without modification of the mind
nishkam(a): without desire
nishkam(a)-karma-yoga: selfless service
nishtha: steadfastness, establishment in a certain state
nitya: eternal, permanent
nivritti: renunciation, stepping back from worldly activity
niyama: observances, the second step in raja yoga
padmasana: the lotus pose, a meditative posture
parabrahman: the Supreme Absolute, the transcendental Reality
paramananda: supreme bliss
paramatma(n): the Supreme Self
Para-Sakti: the Supreme Power or Energy
para vidya: higher knowledge, direct knowledge of Brahman
paripurna: all-full
paropakara: selfless service
prajnana: awareness, consciousness
prajnanam brahma: Consciousness is Brahman
prakriti: Nature, causal matter
pramada: heedlessness
prana: vital energy, life-force, life-breath
prana sakti: subtle vital power arising from the conservation of prana
pranava: the sacred monosyllable “OM”
pranayama: regulation and restraint of breath
prapancha: worldly life
prapta: attained
prarabdha karma: the portion of karma that determines one’s present life
pratikam: image
prasad: food dedicated to a deity during worship and then eaten by devotees as something sacred
pratyahara: abstraction or withdrawal of the senses from their objects
pratyaksha devata: visible God
prem(a): divine love
premi: lover
priya: pleasant
preyo marga: path leading to the pleasant
puja: worship, adoration
pundit: scholar, learned man
Puranas: Hindu scriptures, eighteen in number, containing the whole body of Hindu mythology
purascharana: an observance consisting of the repetition of a mantra as many hundred thousand times as there are syllables (letters) in the mantra, concluding with fire worship, libations of water and feeding the poor
purusha: the Supreme Being, the Self which abides in the heart of all things
purushartha: human effort, individual exertion
rajas, rajo guna: one of the three aspects of cosmic energy, the principle of dynamism in Nature bringing about all change, activity, passion, restlessness
raja yoga: the royal yoga of meditation; the system of yoga generally taken to be the one propounded by Patanjali Maharshi
raja yogi: one who practises raja yoga
rishi: sage; seer of truth
rudri: a particular group of mantras in the Veda
rupa: form, appearance
sabda: sound, word, omkara (OM)
sad-guru: a Guru of Self-realisation
sadhak(a): spiritual aspirant
sadhana: spiritual practice
sadhana chatushtaya: fourfold means of liberation: discrimination, dispassion, sixfold virtues and burning desire for liberation
sadhu: a pious or righteous person, a sannyasin
sad-vichar(a): right enquiry, enquiry into Truth
sadyo-mukti: instant liberation
saguna: with attributes or qualities
sahaja: natural, true, native
sahaja avastha: natural state, superconscious state that has become natural and continuous
sakshatkara: direct realisation, experience of Absoluteness
sakshi: witnessing principle, witness
sakti: power, energy, force, the Divine Power of becoming, the dynamic aspect of Eternal Being, the Absolute Power or cosmic energy
sakti-pat: descent of power through upasana
sama: control of mind, tranquillity
samadhi: the state of superconsciousness where Absoluteness is experienced, attended with all-knowledge and joy, Oneness
samadhisthana: the place of interment of a holy man
samatva: evenness of mind, equanimity
samsara: life through repeated births and deaths, the process of worldly life
samsari: one who is impelled by desire, attachment, craving
samskara: mental impression, subconscious tendency
samparka: contact
samyam(a): perfect restraint, an all-complete condition of balance and repose, concentration, meditation and samadhi
samyoga: contact
sankalpas: imaginations
sanketa matra: indicators
sankirtan: same as kirtan
santi(h): peace
santi path: peace chant
santosh(a): contentment, joy, happiness
sannyasi(n): a monk, one who has embraced the life of complete renunciation
sarvangasana: shoulder stand of the hatha yogins
sastra: scripture, words of authority
sat: Existence Absolute, Being, Reality, Truth
satchidananda: Existence-Consciousness-Bliss Absolute
satta: Reality
satori: enlightenment
satsang(a): association with the wise (good)
satsangis: those who attend satsanga
satsankalpa: true resolve, pure desire, perfect will
sattva: light, purity, reality
sat-vidya: science of Reality
satya(m): truth
seva: service
shadripu: six enemies—lust, anger, greed, delusion jealousy, pride
shat sampat: sixfold virtues
siddhasana: a meditative pose
siddhanta: established tenet or doctrine
siddha: realised; perfected; a perfected yogi
siddhi: psychic power, perfection
sirasasana: the headstand of