Liberation by Swami Sivananda - HTML preview

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Part Two: The Foundation and Fundamentals of Liberation



Worshipful homage unto the universal Presence Divine, the one, unchanging, permanent Reality behind the ever-changing and vanishing names and forms that go to make up this universal appearance we call the world! May Divine grace flow from It! By our lives and our deeds, may we open ourselves to that Divine grace! May Gurudev’s glance of grace open up the intuition in your heart and make it perceive the basic realities of the life spiritual!

At this moment, may we remind ourselves that Divine grace is a factor that is ever present and unconditional. It is not something that is given sometimes and withheld at other times. But then, it is for us to become aware of it or to be non-aware of it. It is for us to open ourselves to it or to close ourselves—cut ourselves off from or deprive ourselves of it. It is by the way in which we live our life that we either open ourselves to or refuse the entry of grace to work in our life. It is ever present, abundant and unconditional. Grace is synonymous with God; God is an ocean of grace.

In this particular respect, there is no question of grace descending down upon us or our trying to reach out to it. For, at no moment is it ever denied, neither is it absent nor unavailable. What we have to realise is that at the commencement of the spiritual life a change is initiated in each aspirant’s life. And this change is fundamental to spiritual life. But, unfortunately, the change is not kept up. After some time it is reversed. Without one realising it, one goes back to square one.

It is in this regard that one must realise that there are certain things in the spiritual life that constitute the very essence of the spiritual life. They are not only fundamental to it, they are foundational to it and have to be at the basis of the spiritual life all the time, from start to finish. When a child is born, it starts to breathe. If it is not breathing, it is made to breathe. This breathing goes on to the last moment of its earthly existence. For, breath is the foundation of life; it is both fundamental and foundational.

Even so, there are things in the spiritual life which are both fundamental and foundational that the real seeking soul cannot afford to be without. There are also variable factors in the spiritual life which one may practise intensely at one time and then, after some time, either give them up or not be so intense about them. Austerity is one example. It may change; it can be variable.

It is the difference between the variable and the invariable values of the spiritual life that the wise spiritual aspirant discerns by keen enquiry, discrimination and wisdom. He maintains the fundamental and foundational values throughout his spiritual life, and this leads to success and attainment.

And if these fundamental and foundational values are safeguarded, preserved and kept intact throughout, then we are never cut off from grace. Grace always actively works, supports, sustains, and by every manner of means, it takes us steadily towards the Goal Supreme. Grace becomes our constant ally, our constant helper, for we fulfil all the requirements of our spiritual life by making it an open channel for the inflow of Divine grace.

Reflect over the spiritual life and thus discern the difference between the variable values of the life spiritual and the invariable values. Wisely keep intact these basic values, and you will never regret it. You will always be the recipient of Divine grace. What these basic values are, it is for each one of you to wisely discern and thus be blessed. May we all bless ourselves in this manner! May Divine grace grant you the supreme blessedness of God-realisation, liberation, bliss, peace and illumination!