My Only Crime Was Being Born Vol.1 by J. P. Weber - HTML preview

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Chapter 11

Love Letters Between My Honey Bunny and Me

This will be the start of a long section as I am going to print verbatim the love letters I got for my wonderful wife while we were pen pals for many years.  To me it's truly a miracle I found my wonderful wife.  You have to remember that when we started writing which was in about 1978 I believe, computers and the Internet really were not an everyday option for people at home.  Through some miracle, I found a pen pal ad in a magazine while I was in Tucson, Arizona for Judith Bautista who at that time was living in Hong Kong.

I really don't know for sure why I decided to look overseas for a wife but I actually think it's because I had no luck whatsoever with American women.  I really, honestly, believed I would never wind up getting married.  I'd been a social leper for my whole life because due to my Asperger's Syndrome and other things I'm basically socially inept and had no luck whatsoever with American women.  I never felt comfortable around American women and saw no chance of ever really having a serious relationship with an American woman because so many of what I thought were serious relationships went absolutely nowhere.

I saw this ad for a pen pal and I wrote to Judy and I think one or two other women that I found in various ads.   Judy was the only one that ever did reply to me out of the three I wrote to and so I started writing to her.  And her letters were the most wonderful letters.  She basically wrote beautiful poetry and I basically fell in love with the person writing those letters. 

And I resolved that if she was anything like her letters I would marry her.  And to make a long story short when she finally did come over on a fiancée visa five years after we started writing, she was exactly like her letters and I proposed marriage to her on her birthday which was September 24, 1984.  And now it is my pleasure and your treat to read her wonderful letters that my sweetie wrote to me for the five years while we were pen pals.  I sorted them in chronological order and I saved all the letters my wife wrote me and my wife actually saved all the letters I wrote to her.  I'm actually going to put in my  letters which pale in comparison to Judy's letters so you could compare how bad my letters are to how good her letters and there  is no comparison. 

So I guess I'm very lucky that even though I wrote all these really poor letters my wife was kind enough to see the real me and make a long story short, we have been happily married for around 26 years after writing to each other for five years.  I didn't get married until I was 37 and I am sure glad I waited because she was absolutely the perfect right one for me so God blessed me very much with my wonderful wife Judy.  I used a kid people and say: If somebody told me I was going to marry somebody who lived halfway around the world and somebody I had never seen, I would say that they were totally crazy.  But that's exactly what I did.