My Only Crime Was Being Born Vol.1 by J. P. Weber - HTML preview

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Chapter 23

Jeffee's Adventures the Last Few Weeks

A little about my adventures for the last couple weeks.  I am proud of myself because I spent the better part of the last couple weeks cleaning up my house and my house is starting to look really good.  After living with clutter since 1994 I became so used to it I thought it's normal but it's not.

If you haven't used something in six months, throw the damn thing out; you don't need it and that's what I'm doing. And it continued to clean up and my wife got upset because I gave away several things on the local San Antonio website that allows you to offer stuff for free to people in the San Antonio area.  I got rid of an abdominal crunch exercise machine and I got rid of some fireplace accessories because I had three sets of fire place accessories and I only have one fireplace so it seemed to me I could live without them.  And I gave the fireplace accessories to wonderful lady named Rosa who was so grateful. 

Originally l told Rose and him and I was only going to give her a shovel and a brush that were black with a stand.  I was missing the tongs (I actually found the black tongs after I cleaned up my garage a little bit so you again you see one of the drawbacks of living a cluttered life you have stuff you don't even know you have) or the poker that grasps your logs and moves them into position. 

Rose was so nice that as soon as she came to the front door, I said Rose I got a surprise for you.  I'm giving you another complete set of fireplace accessories.  I had this really nice brass set of fireplace accessories that I never used because the shovel was a little too big and I didn't really feel comfortable with the brass set and I always used the black set which was a complete set with a poker and everything else.  Rose said she was so grateful. She said she will use the brass set on her fireplace and will keep a black brush and shovel out on her porch in use to cleanup out there when the porch gets dirty.  I really feel good the stuff I wasn't ever using will find a good home and help a nice person and she was so grateful and like I said my whole life I never feel better than when I'm helping somebody else.

Things that annoy me.  I bought this really cool looking little salt lamp that looks like a gigantic salt crystal.  It's a big blob of salt that I plug into plug into my computer using a USB port. You can also buy one that plugs into a regular electrical socket.  The lamp puts out a really cool light and emits forth positive ions into the air to make you healthier or something like that.  I had a thing for two days and it died.  I plugged it into all my USB ports on my computer and it just doesn't work.  Luckily the nice people at Signals, the company that sold it to me, are going to send me a replacement and even sent me free mailing labels.  I can mail back the bad one and they can figure out why it went bad so I guess I have to wait another week or two for salt lamp on the hopefully this be one that works.  A happy ending to this story.  I got my new salt lamp very quickly.  I plugged it in and it works fine except occasionally I have to jiggle the cord to get the light to work.  Maybe that's what I had to do with the last one but I didn't know, I just thought I would plug in and it would work but now I know better so before I turn this one and I will jiggle the hell out of it and see if it's really dead before I send it back.

Speaking of things that don't work for the third or fourth time; the sound on my computer died again.  Dell is fixed it couple times; once they fixed it by coming here and putting in a new motherboard and a new sound card.  That was maybe in February which is like two or three months ago.  And it died again a couple of days after Eric, a very nice Dell technician, came out to my house for my computer apart and put in a new sound card and motherboard.

 I have no idea why the sound went bad and that I also have this other strange problem.  And I'm wondering if Dragon, voice software that you can use to dictate to e-mails and say information into Word and many other places, has something to do with my sound dying as I never seemed to be a problem before I've installed Dragon. 

Life gives me too much crap, trying to fix this problem for the third or fourth time seems ridiculous.  I still have my warranty for software problems.  I maybe got lucky again because I actually posted a tweet him on Tweeter that said you know I'm having problems continuously with my Dell computer.  And I put in the #thing that looks like a tic-tac-toe diagonal board that send your tweets to a special site so all the Dell tweets with the thing in front of him appeared on this twitter page.  And then a twitter site called DellCares actually sent me a direct message saying they would be happy to help.  So I twittered them back and gave him my phone number cause they said they wanted to call me and talk about this problem.  I only gave him my phone number last night so I got my fingers crossed as I told them to call me sometime this afternoon and we could talk about the problem.

 Believe me; I saved every piece of paper related to that problem so I have all the service call numbers and the weird numbers at the front on the top of your computer that you have to give them every time so they can find your computer in the database. 

Note to all computer manufacturers including Dell: old and young people alike do not like trying to read complicated serial numbers and other service numbers that use a bunch of letters and numbers in fine print font size 2 that you would need a magnifying glass to try and read.  If you want us to tell you these numbers; make the numbers bigger so people can actually read them.  It's very very difficult the way you do it now and is not customer friendly.

Speaking of problems other people don't have, I went outside; I tried to mow my lawn this morning.  After pulling on the damn cord for 50 or 60 times, the damn lawnmower wouldn't start. As usual very annoying.  I guess I'm going to put it back in the garage.  As I am rolling the mower to put it back in the garage, all of a sudden I see this little black plastic thing on the on the garage floor. 

I thought the little plastic thing fell off the lawnmower.  Luckily I saved it and forgot about it.   Later I had trouble try to close the garage doors and couldn't quite figured out what the problem was. Later my wife ran some errands and she couldn't close the garage either. 

She showed me that that little black plastic thing had come off from the bottom of the garage door opener.  The garage door opener had a light beam that shines across to the other light beam so if something breaks the beam, the door doesn't shut.  The lighter crosses a safety feature so that if the dog or a child tries to get underneath the garage door as its closing, the door will stop closing.  I was lucky because I was able to put the plastic thing back on and now the garage door works   I will have to be more careful in the future but that's typical of a day in the life of Jeffee.

The reason the little plastic duty came off the garage door was because I was mad and pushing my lawnmower quickly and the little plastic thingy sticks out a little bit into the opening of the garage.  I wasn't careful and I was in a hurry so the lawnmower hit the little plastic goodie and knocked it off.  I am really glad it didn't damage the thing permanently where you have to call a repairman so I did get a break there.