Six Years of Melbourne: July 2002 to April 2008 by Maurice HT Ling - HTML preview

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Appendix A: My Academic Genealogy


My doctoral thesis is jointly advised by Kevin Roy Nicholas and Christophe Lefevre. Kevin’s doctoral and postdoctoral advisers are Peter Hartmann (Winthrop Professor at University of Western Australia) and Yale Jerome Topper (Scientist Emeritus, NIH, and deceased on October 26, 1995) respectively. Christophe’s doctoral and postdoctoral advisers are Philippe Jeanteur (Professor at University of Montpellier 2) and Michael S. Waterman (Professor at University of South California).

I trace my academic genealogy from them.

Disclaimer: This genealogy is done to the best of my knowledge but I am neither an academic/scientific historian nor a genealogist; hence, I cannot be sure that all information is correct. This information may not be an accurate academic lineage in terms of doctoral advisor-candidate relationship but it is as close as academic mentor-mentee relationship.

Acknowledgement: The line pre-Robert Woodward is taken from SonBinh Nguyen’s laboratory website ( group/genealogy.html). The line of Michael Waterman is collated from Mathematics Genealogy Project (






Gabriele Fallipio (12)

  |              |

Matteo           Antonio Brasavola

Columbo                    |

  |                       Niccolo Leoniceno

Andreas Vesalius                     |

  |                                 Pietrio Roccabonella

  |---------------------------|     (end of line)

  |                           |

Johannes von Andernach       Gemma Frisius

  |                                   |

  |-------------------------|        Petrus Curtius

  |                         |                |

Jacobus Sylvius      Rutger Rescius     Maarten van Dorp

 |            |             |                   |

Francois     Jean       Girolamo              Leo Outers

Dubois      Tagault     Aleandro           (end of line)

(end of     (end of      |    |      

 line)       line)       |    |---------------|

                         |                    |

                Scipione Fortiguerra         Moses Pecez

                         |                 (end of line)

                  Angelo Poliziano

                  |              |

      |-----------|              |-------|

      |                                  |

Marsilio Ficino                  Chrisoforo Landino

      |                          (end of line)

Johannes Argyropoulos


Philippe Jeanteur

|              |

C. Paoletti     Guiseppe Attardi


                Torbjorn Caspersson


                Jack Schultz


                Thomas Hunt Morgan


                William Keith Brooks


                Louis Agassiz

                 |          |

  |--------------|     Georges Cuvier

  |                     |           |

Alexander         Justus Loder    Abraham Werner

Von Humboldt       |        |

                   |       August Richter

        Heinrich Wrisberg   |

                           Georg Richter


                           Johann Hannemann