Stories of the Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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The German Marksman

During World War I, when Turkey was an ally of Germany, a certain German officer who claimed to be a marksman set off to tour around the sectors of the Turkish army to display his marksmanship skills. He took great pride in his ability to hit any target exactly and perfectly without the need to take aim.

He became widely known and many people, especially officers of the Turkish army, expressed their admiration for his prowess.

At that time, Mohammad Amin was an officer in the Turkish army,[43]and when he heard the story of that particular German officer he paid it little attention because, according to his expertise and ability in this field, he knew well that shooting as the German described could not be as accurate as he stated.

Yet when he saw the great interest and the excessive admiration for the Nazi German marksman, and how his admirers grew in number despite his mean and wicked spirit which was full of sinful ways, Amin’s ardour for his religion and his love for his compatriots became aroused. He decided to meet the German marksman in order to reveal him for the charlatan he was and to open people’s eyes to his lowly character. Since our man had spent a great part of his life in the pursuit of criminals and bandits (which, naturally, required quick reflexes and excellent marksmanship as there was no room for error if he was not to lose his life prematurely!), he was, by God’s Grace, a distinguished marksman himself.

So, our man headed to where the German marksman was standing chatting to some officers and there he challenged him and told him that he was ready for competition. He said to the German, ‘You shoot first.’ The German marksman shot, but while he was doing so Officer Mohammad Amin turned to God asking him wholeheartedly for His help. While in prayer he observed his competitor’s methods. He discovered that the German, contrary to what he had said did, in fact, take momentary aim before shooting, but due to his long practice it was too quick for most people to spot, therefore it seemed as if he was firing instinctively. Thus, our sharp officer understood within a few minutes what the German officer had taken many years of training and practice to learn. Moreover, Amin’s own confidence was boosted by having noticed the German’s trick of taking split-second aim.

‘Oh, that’s easy, no problem for us,’ said Officer Mohammad Amin addressing the German officer.

Then he brought out his revolver and, as his competitor had done, he quickly and surreptitiously took aim then shot towards the mark.

Truly amazing! Really, it was a miracle! The Arab officer hit the target on his first attempt! Not only that, his shot was even more precise than that of the German.

The German marksman could not believe his eyes, so to be sure of what he thought he had seen, he said to our officer: ‘Do it again.’

But when Amin repeated it again and yet again, the German was astonished and his arrogance was soon destroyed. There was nothing for it but an ignominious departure! He returned to his barracks, packed his bags and returned straight home in bitter frustration and vowing not to perform this deceitful display again. It had become quite clear that he could not continue the extravagant trip he had planned in order to show off his expertise in other Arab and Islamic countries.

The Arab Muslim officer, Mohammad Amin, had been granted victory by Al’lah because he was the champion of the people who sought to save his comrades and to help them defeat their enemy.

As the noble saying goes, “And Al’lah helps him who helps his brother.”

And the noble verse serves: “And they laid their plots, but their plots were (well) within the sight of Al’lah.”[44]