Stories of the Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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A Bolt from the Blue

One day our officer, Mohammad Amin, needed to go out of his house in civilian clothes to buy something his family needed after he had dismissed the soldier assigned to his service.

On his way towards the grocer, he had not gone far from his house when he caught sight of the massive head and huge muscular body of a well known and powerful criminal.

In fact, he was a felon like no other and instantly recognizable by his great height, heavy, brawny body, and powerful arms. He had killed many tens of policemen and civilians in the most painful ways. Even the powerful criminals were very wary of him, moreover they did not dare to mention his name without showing the utmost admiration for his vile deeds and respect for his appalling character.

Added to which, the government forces had tried to arrest him so many times but it always came to nothing, therefore he became famous, or should we say ‘infamous’ for being the criminal mastermind and was regarded as a hero by so many of the criminal fraternity.

It was the fearful ‘Humo Jumo’ himself with his monstrous, elephantine body, and he was armed to the teeth: a revolver, a cudgel with a tapered point which never left his hand, and a dagger which was as long as a short sword.

When that powerful and arrogant villain first caught sight of Officer Sheikho he was about to turn tail because he knew that he was the peace commandant responsible for apprehending all the criminals in that region. But when he noticed that the officer was wearing his civilian clothes, and was unarmed and without an escort, he changed his mind and decided to seize the opportunity. He decided to rush him and kill him for he thought it was an opportunity not to be missed!

He thought to himself: ‘If I do that, it will make life so much easier for us criminals. Finally we’ll be rid of him! He’s followed us with no let-up and broken our hold on the area to the point that only a few of us have managed to escape his grip. But he doesn’t give up… he still hunts us down, bent on stopping all our activities. I think this is my one chance in a lifetime to get rid of him.’

It seemed certain by the look of evil determination on his face that this was what was in the criminal’s mind and what he planned to do…

But, his brain was no match for his brawn! He spent too long thinking about it and failed to act soon enough! He was dumbfounded when, like a bolt from the blue, our officer pounced upon him unexpectedly, taking full advantage of his agility and speed. The culprit was caught off guard which made him resort to his club instead of the revolver or the dagger. So he raised it to beat our officer, yet he was too slow, for our officer made a flying leap upon the criminal from a few metres away then gave a mighty punch to his face that paralysed his muscles and caused him to fall to the ground, powerless and stunned like a falling elephant. He pulverized his despotic pride, and high-handedness was reduced to nothing by one powerful blow.

When passers-by saw this, they hardly believed what they had seen with their own eyes: ‘Is it possible!? It’s Humo Jumo himself! But he’s lying flat on his back unconscious. It’s really amazing. In fact, it’s a miracle that a single, unarmed man managed to knock out that heavily armed villain! How did he do it?’

Those questions occupied the minds of all those who witnessed the event or heard about it later.

Then our officer grabbed the criminal by the foot and dragged him along the ground until he reached the police- station.

So ended the criminal reign of that powerful felon at the hands of this honest officer who rid the people of a merciless and evil arch villain.

And it was Al’lah who helped Officer Sheikho to overcome him with His powerful help.