Stories of the Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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An Old Woman Finds a Safe Haven

Al’lah the Almighty brought man into being for a supreme and illustrious aim. He brought him to this lower world in order that he should treat his fellow man with humanity, in fact, to treat all creatures with compassion, so that these deeds will count as capital towards his gaining Paradise and the Afterlife. The Almighty says, “Such is the Paradise you have inherited by virtue of your good deeds.”[112]

Aiming to inspire the man who has achieved intellectual belief in his Creator, Provider, and Conductor, so that he might witness that certain faith which generates the performing of eminent deeds in order to gain Paradise, the Almighty has firstly urged him to overcome any obstruction when He says, “Let him break through the obstacle. If only you knew what the obstacle is! It is ‘Freeing of a neck’.”[112]The ‘obstacle’ is the good deed which seems to be difficult for one’s spirit at first, but if it does not hesitate in its execution, this deed will find great goodness lying beyond it in this world and before reaching the Hereafter; hence the spirit will rush tirelessly and anxiously to carry out these good works.

So, what is this ‘obstacle’? It is referred to as ‘freeing of a neck’. The following is what is intended by the ‘neck’: Man and every creature that has a soul possesses the ability to rescue and offer help. Then, ‘freeing of a neck’ serves that man should give help to every creature inflicted with troubles that feel like a rope around its neck. If you save him, you have, in reality, released the seeming constriction around his neck and rid him of the noose and the bond. Then, if you found someone grieving and relieved him of that grief, or quenched the pain of thirst by offering him water, you will have broken the obstacle and released the constriction around his neck.

The phrase ‘freeing of a neck’ is wide ranging as it implies every form of work including saving, offering assistance, and magnanimity, and covers all living creatures, even a kitten, or a minute insect or a wilted plant. Yet the most noble of these deeds is to find a man who has strayed from the path of true faith and is on the path which leads to misery and Hell, so, you exhaust yourself doing your utmost to rid him of his faithlessness and shift him towards real faith through your altruistic, positive treatment and wise guidance with which you reveal to him his own goodness and his wickedness.

Such a deed is considered to be of the highest level by Al’lah, may you be helped by Him to reach it as these, too, are the deeds of the Prophets and Envoys (ptt). [113]

By this action you become an actual living example, though it was never an obstacle to our man, that true believer who has great faith and piety, because he finds absolute goodness in such deeds, and in leading all creatures to drink from the source of Godly Love through his charitable actions, so that they, too, will be amongst those who truly love God.

There was an elderly woman, in the twilight of her years, who lacked the wherewithal to provide any of life’s pleasures, or even necessities, because she was destitute: she had no money, no prestige in society, and any beauty she might have had was long gone. She was a pauper with little but the patched rags and single pair of shoes she stood in, and a few meagre possessions. The origins of her story are lost in the mists of time but it seemed that great misfortune had overcome her at some point in her life and now there was no-one to help her or offer her shelter. Being old and weak she had no choice but to give some of her last few coins to hire a mule to carry her measly few belongings. She was obliged to trudge the roads seeking any corner that might offer her some kind of shelter… she was exhausted, her feet sore and blistered from endlessly moving from one place to another. No help was forthcoming for an old tramp such as she because society is hard-hearted, and yet this was not to be wondered at, as society had become demoralised and controlled by selfish people, who thought only of themselves. They sought only this lower life and its dubious pleasures and forgot the Hereafter, so they considered forbidden acts to be positive aspects in their life and to be pursued, while virtuous and good acts were lost from their sight. They withdrew from God, the Source of Mercy and Goodness and indulged in this world and its passing desires: they followed the whims of their spirits, stripping their humanity layer by layer till their hearts became as hard as rock or iron, feeling no sympathy with anyone, even a helpless pauper or a defenceless animal.

This poor woman walked endlessly, overwhelmed with anxiety, as the disloyal lower life spares none, and the young man in his prime will also grow old and weak, deprived of all the gifts and pleasures which once surrounded him. He may not lack their physical existence, yet he may become enfeebled and unable to enjoy them even if they were available. He may forfeit them both, being a pauper and resigned to his condition after his previous prestige and wealth; yet one day, he will inevitably leave it. But where would he go? As no man will remain in this lower life forever.

She followed one lane after another… she walked and walked, not knowing where she would stop or what her fate would be. She was so overcome with fear that her face turned pale and sallow and her confusion only served to weaken her further, until she was no longer able to control her feelings of helplessness. As chance, or the Will of God, would have it her exhausted legs eventually took her to the street where Mohammad Amin lived.

By now it was approaching 4 o’clock in the afternoon and our noble officer was getting ready to return to work having eaten his lunch. He put on his military uniform then he donned his military cap. Full of energy after his customary afternoon rest he headed for the door at the very moment that fate brought this poor old woman not only into this street, but to the door of his house… As she knocked, he opened the door to find this sad, piteous sight before him… a miserable specimen of dreadful suffering.

‘Oh, my God!’ he thought. ‘What suffering has she gone through to be in such a state… what does the future hold for her? What’s in store for this poor woman? She seems grief-stricken… She looks like one of the living dead.’ He was looking at a picture of abject misery, while she gazed at him and saw that handsome, dignified and honourable young officer with his bright and radiant face. Perhaps it was his soothing, merciful glances that drove her to unburden her embarrassment to no-one but him, as she felt the compassion and tenderness emanating from his heart. Seeing this radiant young man standing before her gave her hope and the courage to ask in a sad voice trembling with exhaustion, ‘My son! Do you have a room for rent? I have no money now, but I promise to pay you as soon as I have some!’

She said nothing more, but lowered her head slowly till her chin settled on her chest, seemingly too exhausted to hold it up. She did not look up again but waited for a reply as the earth thirsts for the blessings of heaven! It seemed that he breathed life and tranquillity back into her heart with words overflowing with mercy and compassion, when he replied without any hesitation, ‘Welcome mother! My house is your house, to share!’

She had been so prepared for rejection that she could not believe her ears… but these kind and merciful words were in fact a true expression of what she saw and felt when her eyes first lit upon this generous humane man whose words did not contradict her thoughts, ‘Can this be true? Am I seeing things? Surely he must be a guardian angel come to earth! What is this kindness? What tenderness and compassion flow from his heart.’ She felt instantly uplifted, as if these words had removed her rags and dressed her in the leaves of Paradise and she was instantly overwhelmed by the oceans of compassion and generosity directed towards her. This peerless human being had completely captured her heart, especially, when she saw him carrying her belongings into the house with his own pure hands. He put them down, then he took out some coins and paid off the owner of the donkey.

Our officer, Mohammad Amin, turned to her saying,

‘Come in to your new home!’

She looked at him wondering whether it was real or a dream… would she wake to find nothing but the harsh reality of her poverty? ‘What is this great Godly Favour bestowed upon me by this perfect, virtuous man?’

She crossed the threshold with slow, faltering steps denoting her overwhelming exhaustion. Then he said to her, in a voice denoting great kindness and tenderness, ‘Mother! I’m going to my work now, do you need anything?’ [As his wife Um Fathi was visiting her family and there was nobody else at home].

Seemingly overcome with astonishment and amazement, Hanifa, the old woman said, ‘No… no my son! I don’t want anything but your safety. Goodbye, may Al’lah be pleased with you and help you!’

He left the house and closed the door, leaving the old pauper in a state of indescribable happiness, but still unable to believe her good fortune. She stood there, as if rooted to the spot, looking around her at the house… at the door which separated her from the street… and her few belongings lying in the courtyard.

Truly it was as if a river of tranquillity flowed through her heart, so she became absorbed in praising, thanking, and invoking God for this merciful officer. She felt as though He had bestowed upon her a merciful, good- hearted and faithful son in her old age. Then she praised God wholeheartedly. That’s why life flowed again in her heart, as he had revitalised her and raised her morale. With newly found energy she wasted no more time and set to cleaning the house, and doing the laundry, and then she headed to the kitchen to prepare food since her heavy burdens and suffering which had almost destroyed her had now been taken away.

That night, when the generous, impeccable master came home, he was surprised to find the newly rejuvenated mother immersed in the household chores which she had almost finished… and she was as bright as a button and full of newly found energy.

Giving praise and thanks to his Provider, our man addressed Him saying, ‘Oh my God! What is this?… everything is so clean and tidy. The food smells delicious and the clothes are ironed and folded, even the socks are washed and ironed! Glory to You, God of all! Glory to You, oh Grand Provider! It is You alone Who turns weakness into strength, hardship into ease, and death into life. Praise is to You, unreservedly!’

In a kind, gentle voice he asked her, ‘What is this?… what is this immaculate house, and these appetising smells? Thank you, for your wonderful hands mother, for Al’lah has really sent you as a blessing… praise is to Him for He has compensated me with a second mother after the death of my own (may Al’lah have mercy upon her).’

Old Hanifa, for that was her name, replied, ‘I praise Him too for granting me a kindhearted, benevolent, and merciful son in my old age, who is so kind to me and treats me with such compassion.’

A few minutes later, she called him with newfound strength in her voice, ‘My son! Come in, your dinner is prepared… I have cooked something for you and I pray to God that you will enjoy it.’

Soothing her heart, he replied, ‘I’m sure I will! For it was made by your own loving hands, so, I’m sure to like it.’

He sat at the table and set about eating every last morsel saying, ‘Oh, my God what tasty, delicious food,’ then he took another bite saying, ‘What wonderful flavours!’ And he kept praising her and thanking her for her efforts while, in turn, her affection and attachment to him became even deeper.

With such a noble, humane attitude he overwhelmed her with his kindness and great compassion and tenderness, till she was able to forget her times of suffering, and put the bitter memories of her past behind her. Oceans of joy and happiness washed over her as she became increasingly attached to him, loving him more day by day. She looked on him as her own faithful merciful son, a gift from God, as she had never expected that she might, one day, be given a son with such sublime and perfect attributes and morals, but it had happened… and here, she was living and basking in his sympathy and wonderful, kind treatment. And he, too, felt most fortunate, as he was fond of her for the Sake of Al’lah, therefore, he treated her with exceptional kindness and generosity.

God says, “And they feed, for the love of Al’lah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive.” [114]

Through this supreme and lofty virtuous relationship he attracted her to His beloved Al’lah, to Whom he was so attached, and led her to drink from the fount of Godly Love, so she also became pure-hearted and came to love the Provider. No wonder! As man often follows the faith of his fellow man.

As one day followed another, she was still ensconced in happiness. But, as is well known, this lower life is not eternal. It had pleased the Wise, Omniscient God to purify and cleanse her of every impurity, to upgrade her because, just as good health is a mercy and blessing from God, similarly, so is disease, whereby the spirit becomes cleansed of its corruption and confusion. This is aimed at removing this lower life from the heart, since this is where man resorts to Al’lah , so that the Godly Light can flow to every part of his spirit and the sites of moral ailments within his heart, to purify him and change it into a state of perfection and bliss, that is, his sins are forgiven.

Similarly, old Hanifa became afflicted with an infectious disease which had spread widely throughout the country at that time. The government immediately made all the necessary arrangements to control the outbreak through implementing an order to quarantine and isolate all those whom it had affected.

As a way of expediting this process the department responsible for managing the epidemic ordered the general public to disclose to the appropriate authority the name of anyone afflicted with this disease. In the interests of the health of unaffected citizens the patient had to report to the sanatorium where he would be quarantined, and cared for.

Yet Officer Mohammad Amin, that man of firm, true faith was well aware of the saying of Al’lah’s Envoy: “The infection is untrue, but the evil-eye is true [according to one’s worthiness].” As he always witnesses that Al’lah is the Only Doer and there is no god but Him. Then, disease, mishap and trouble will only ever affect him who deserves it, whether as punishment for a bad deed he had committed previously, for which Al’lah punishes him so as to cleanse his heart of the moral ailments and disease (caused by his being fond of the lowly desires that caused him to turn from the right path); or to raise the man from one state to a higher one, since all of the Almighty’s Behaviour is aimed at achieving goodness (amongst other Attributes) for this man, for which He is always praised. Al’lah says, “Say, God, Holder of all control’.” [115]

Concerning infection, one wonders, who transmitted the disease to the first patient to become infected? This is a thought-provoking question.

So, all matters to do with the germs that cause disease are in the Hands of Al’lah, the Almighty; He is the Only Disposer of the affairs of this universe from the tiniest atom to the greatest galaxy. This is why Officer Mohammad Amin did not worry that he might be infected by this disease which had afflicted many people, causing them great fear and anxiety, because the matter lay entirely in the Hands of Al’lah.

Mohammad Amin had disciplined and educated his wife,

refining her true, steady faith in Al’lah, so she did not fear .the disease either. Yet poor Hanifa was seriously stricken and she was confined to bed, too weak to get up. So the compassionate officer and his wife started to take care of her. They fed her by their own hands and washed her: he would hold her while his perfect wife changed the soiled linen beneath her without voicing a single word of complaint or disgust; in fact she did it willingly and with good grace, yearning for the reward of the Almighty as Mohammad Amin had developed her under his illustrious tutoring which implanted supreme principles in her spirit: loving God and seeking Him, aiming at the Afterlife, not at this world, aspiring to Paradise through carrying out good deeds which make one draw nearer to Al’lah. They continued to treat the stricken old woman in this way for quite some time and concealed the matter of her illness for fear that the authorities might hear about it and place her in quarantine.

But, unfortunately, the news somehow slipped out to the neighbours and somebody reported her case. So the medical assistants, accompanied by some gendarmes, came to Mohammad Amin’s house and knocked at the door. Al’lah had arranged that he should be away from the house, so his wife called from behind the door to ask who was there. The gendarmes identified themselves and ordered her to open the door. The wife assumed that her husband, Officer Mohammad Amin had sent them with some supplies for the house as usual, so she opened the door and hurried to her room so that no-one might see her before she put on her veil (according to Al’lah’s Command), but alas, it was not as she had thought! They were hygiene assistants and gendarmes come to take the poor old woman. They went into her room and took her out to the vehicle which was to transport them to the sanatorium where she would be quarantined. It was a heartbreaking situation for the virtuous wife; she wept floods of tears and was so sorry for what had happened. But it was out of her hands and no- one could blame her because there was nothing she could have done to prevent it.

That night, the merciful and generous officer came back from his work, and as he was accustomed to do, he went directly to Hanifa’s room to be reassured that her health was improving, and he received such a shock when he failed to find her there: ‘Where is she then? I’m afraid that… I’m afraid…’ were the thoughts that passed through Mohammad Amin’s mind. He called his wife immediately and asked brusquely, ‘Where’s our mother Hanifa?’ She said nothing, her eyes bathed in tears, then showing great distress she said,

‘The medics came with some gendarmes and took her to be quarantined… the cruelty of them… they’re so hard- hearted… …!’ Angrily, he replied, ‘Did they…! I’ll go immediately to talk to the man responsible for this and bring her back, with God’s Will. I’ll bring her back home.’ Then, looking at the clock he saw that it was late and the offices would be closed. Unfortunately, he had to wait until the next day to deal with the problem. He went to his room, so upset that he could eat nothing at all that evening, but he lay on his bed deeply affected by what had happened.

He fell asleep with tears in his eyes, then he saw a vision:he saw our master, Umar Ibn al-Khattab,[116]displaying great solemnity, sitting under a palm tree and leaning against the trunk. He cried out in a grave voice: ‘Oh Muhyiddin! Oh Ibn Arabi!’ [117]

– As the faithful soldier stands before his brave commander Ibn Arabi stood showing absolute respect and replied: ‘I hear and obey, oh Prince of Believers.’ Our master

Umar said, ‘Summon Hanifa from Damascus, as the procession of Al’lah’s Envoy (cpth) [118]and the entire company of companions are ready to welcome her!’

At precisely that moment, Aslan the brave officer woke from his fitful sleep as the day dawned with the vision still in his memory; as he opened his eyes he thought to himself,

‘I hope it means good news, by God’s Will.’ At once, he got up from his bed, dressed, and dashed out to allay his concerns about poor Hanifa’s health. He arrived at the sanatorium and asked about her, but she had already given up her soul! He asked when it had happened, and the time they gave him coincided with the very time which Al’lah had sent him this true vision. Despite his sadness he immediately felt reassured and understood the aim and sense of the vision: it had presaged Hanifa’s escape to Paradise where she would spend eternity with those of the highest ranks.

That was the story of poor old Hanifa and the compassionate man: he treated her with charity and addressed her with the kindest words enriching her soul with the noblest traits, whilst all other people grumbled and turned away from her, as they found it shameful to have her in their midst; whereas Al’lah had sent her as a second mother for Mohammad Amin who had honoured her for His Sake.

Was she not a living creature… a human spirit created by Al’lah, who had provided her with life and taken care of her? Does Al’lah not love her? Why should He not, since it was He Who had called her into being? If one plants a seed, he will surely tend to it as it grows and feel sad if anyone harms it; how would it be then, if we talk about Al’lah the most Merciful, Whom all creatures serve: to Him, the most beloved one will be he who renders the most benefits to His creatures. Mohammad Amin kept treating her with charity, compassion and sympathy till she drank the Godly Love from his venerable, illustrious and supreme source due to her loving and clinging to him. He made her feel as though she were truly his mother and she believed this feeling by the honour and kindness he showed her. So she left this world pure-hearted and immaculate and entered the eternity of Paradise where she would live forever. Truly, because of his exalted company, she became one of those who have been promoted and ascended to the heavens of Godly Love to where the close companion would eventually follow. Indeed, her spirit had been elevated by his honourable, virtuous and immaculate spirit through the Paradises of the chosen Envoy, Mohammad (cpth) and his noble and faithful companions, and up to the highest heavens.

This man, M. A. Sheikho was merciful and compassionate in the extreme! His love had led Hanifa to this venerable position whereby her heart was cured and well restored.

May Al’lah enrich us with His Love and Reverence that uplift our hearts to the sublime Paradise. Amen!