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End Notes

[1]- The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 17, The Night Journey (al-Isra’), verse 105.

[2]-The word ‘Envoy’ also means ‘Messenger’.

[3]-(cpth) is an acronym for ‘communication with Al’lah and peace

[4]-Fortress’ means a Surah, or section, of the Holy Qur’an which is not divided into chapters, a word which implies only organizational divisions of a book, instead its 114 sections are referred to as Surahs. The Arabic word Surah is equivalent to the English word ‘Fortress’ and has the same meaning. Every Qur’anic Fortress (Surah) has a certain number of verses.

If the believer reads, listens to, and takes a Fortress to heart and then puts it into action, they will see and fully take into their mind the sublime meaning of its holy and divine words and sentences, which are verses illuminated by the Light of God. This Light surrounds their heart just as securely as the walls that surround a fort.

This means that entering into God’s Presence through attentive reading will surround the spirit with His Light.

God’s Light stands as a rampart between the true faithful spirit and the malicious devil, should he try to break through this Light. If this happens, the malignant devil will burn and perish. By paying full attention to the sublime meanings of the words of any Fortress – or Surah in Arabic – you will fortify yourself and those whom you love against the evil and harm of your enemy, the devil.

[5]-‘Bey’ is a word of Turkish origin, originally equivalent to the English title ‘Lord’. It is still used informally as a social title for men (like the English word ‘Mister’), however, it follows the name and is used generally with first names and not with last names.

[6]-The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 12, Joseph (Yusuf), verse 108.

[7]-The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 7, The Heights (al-A’raf), verse 180.

[8]-(ptt): an acronym for ‘peace is through them.’

[9]-This refers to the earthly world and the heavenly world including the minutest particle and the greatest galaxy, and mainly

[10]-The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 6, Livestock (al-An’am), verse 90.

[11]-The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 4, Women (al-Nisa’), verse 123.

[12]-The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 64, The Apparent Loss (al-Taghabun), verse 11.

[13]-The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 7, The Heights (al-A’raf), verse 157.

[14]- The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 41, Explained (Fussilat), verse 33

[15]-A hajji is someone who has made a pilgrimage to Mecca.

[16]-This is an Arabic way of referring to a mother. Here it means ‘mother of Saleem’, her eldest son.

[17]- Majeedi was a coin of Turkish currency which was in circulation at this time. It was equal to half a golden lira.

[18]- ‘Great’: occupying a high position with Al’lah

[19]- A guide is one who leads people to Al’lah.

[20]- A ‘genie’ is a supernatural being who does one’s bidding when summoned as it was wrongly believed.

[21]- Bishli and majeedi were coins of Turkish currency which were in circulation at this time.

[22]- Al-Ward Quarter was one of the quarters of Sarujah Market, which was the residence of the heads of the Turkish administration at that time. For this reason, Sarujah Market was regarded as Mini-Istanbul during the period of Ottoman rule.

[23]- Kindly, see the Book of the scholar M. A. Sheikho: Impeccability of Prophets, chapter: the Effect of Yearning in the Elevation of the Spirit.

[24]- The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 79, Sun Rays (al-Nazi’at), verses 40-41.

[25]- The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 35, Originator (Fatir), verse 43.

[26]- A water pipe used for smoking; also known as a shisha or ‘hookah’.

[27]- A muezzin is the crier who calls faithful Muslims to prayer five times a day.

[28]- The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 17, The Night Journey (al-Isra’), verse 36.

[29]- The word ‘Lunatic’ in Arabic means someone who has been attracted to God due to witnessing something of His Beauty to the point that his spirit found it unbearable.

[30]- A ‘djinn’ (or ‘genie’) is a spirit wrongly believed to be capable of assuming human or animal form and with the power to grant wishes.

[31]- The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 31, Luqman (Luqman), verse 14.

[32]- Th e Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 17, Th e Night Journey (al-Isra’), verse 105.

[33]- Th e Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 5, Th e Feast (al-Ma’ida), verse 45.

[34]-‘Bey’ is a word of Turkish origin which means ‘the pure’, originally equivalent to the English title ‘Lord’. It is still used informally as a social title for men (like the English word “Mister”), however, it follows the name and is used generally with first names and not with last names.

[35]- In Syria, the game is called kattf al-rummanah, that is to say ‘picking the pomegranate’; while in Egypt it is called hattah-nattah which means ‘bow- leap’. This game is popular and widespread in the Arab countries, especially in Egypt. It is practised in villages, towns and in the squares of the cities. It requires no pitch, nor referee or official contest. Simply, the players must have good manners and dedication in order to let the game progress.

The method of playing depends on jumping over a bowed back. There is no limit to the number of players, but seven is best. The game starts by drawing lots to choose the player who should bend over first. Then, this player stands at the beginning of the playground and bows his back putting his hands on his knees. After that the second player, who is usually the head of the team, jumps over the back of the one who is bowing, and then he stands two metres ahead of his bent friend and bows his back like him. Similarly, the next player jumps over the first bent one then over the second one then he takes his place to bend over, leaving the same distance between him and the second player.

This game goes on in a continuous loop, as when a player finds all of his friends have leapfrogged over him he takes his place at the front to jump again, jumping over every player in turn before taking his place at the end of the row, and so the children can stop playing whenever they want.

The game is not confined to the playground either, since grownups also practise it when undertaking a long walk in order not to feel the distance. As for our inspired officer, he used this game to escape, and probably saved their lives by ordering them to lie down when they reached the end of the row to avoid the Kurd’s gunfire

[36]- ‘Druze’ is the name of a small Middle Eastern religious sect

[37]- This is an Arabic proverb. It means that when you offer someone a gift as an inducement to do something for you, they will feel obliged to do your bidding and return the favour.

[38]- ‘Bullets’ in this context is an Arabic idiom and means something like ‘shut up’

[39]- This Qur’anic verse means that Al’lah is alone the Provider of human feelings. He controls all feelings and sensations of humanity. He provides people with courage or cowardice where needed and according to the required situation. When a human seeks belief and perfection, they will be guided.

After that, Al’lah will change their feelings into perfect, lofty and human ones, by way of his drinking from the Source of Perfect Beauty and all feelings. Al’lah makes us feel suitable sensations and emotions of love, hatred, admiration, submission and such, according to the necessity of a certain situation.

[40]- Th e Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 53, Th e Star (al-Najm), verse 49.

[41]- Lebanon, in the time of the Ottomans, was a weak country. For this reason, the League of Nations chose France, a European country to mandate and protect it against the Ottomans

[42]- (cpth) is an acronym for ‘communication with Al’lah and peace are through him.’

[43]- During the time in which these events take place the Turkish Army was the term used to include both military and police personnel

[44]-Th e Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 14, Abraham (Ibrahim), verse 46.

[45]- The terms ‘security service’, ‘police force’, and ‘gendarmerie’ were interchangeable in that era

[46]- ‘Aslan’ means ‘lion’ is the nickname by which he was known because of his fearlessness

[47]- The title of the deputy of the Ottoman Sultan.

[48]- The Turkish Prefect was tantamount to a president

[49]- ‘Sham’ (Bilad al-Sham) or Greater Syria, included, at that time: Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine.

[50]- These words indicate his Arabian personality.

[51]- Th e Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 22, Th e Pilgrimage (al-Hajj), verse 40.

[52]- The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 48, Explained Opening (al-Fath), verse 33.

[53]- Greater Syria including Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine.

[54]- The central government of the Ottoman Empire

[55]- The epic of M. A. Sheikho is similar to that of Joseph: Joseph was taken from his father’s care at a young age and the father of Mohammad Amin died when he was a young child. Throughout their lives Al’lah sent both of them many trials in order to bring them closer to Him and so they could show mankind the truth path to God. An important similarity in the lives of both of them is that Joseph rejected the advances of the prime minister’s wife in Egypt as Mohammad Amin later rejected the advances of the Prefect’s niece in this story.

[56]- (pth) is an acronym for ‘peace is through him.’

[57]-Th e Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 65, Divorce (al-Talaq), verse 2

[58]- Aslan is a Turkish word that means ‘the lion’. The Turkish high commanders gave this epithet to officer M. A. Sheikho because of the great qualities of boldness, bravery, and fearlessness that he constantly displayed… From that day on, this title was used whenever they referred to him

[59]- The fact established here is that the eminent scholar was truly descended from the progeny of his high ancestor, our master Mohammad (cpth). However, people are estimated according to their own deeds rather than by their lineage

[60]- Ahmed al-Rifa’i (1118-1181) was a Muslim imam and considered as the founder of the Rifa’i Sufi order. He was born in Wasit, Iraq.

[61]- Abu Lahab is an uncle of the Prophet Mohammad (cpth) who opposed him fiercely and he is mentioned in the Qur’anic Fortress (Surah) concerning his great loss.

[62]-‘God’means ‘the Steerer’ and is one of the ninety-nine names of Al’lah.

[63]-Joseph was adopted into a high-ranking family in Egypt when he was a child. As he grew into a fine man the wife of the prime minister, who had adopted him, lusted after him but he rejected her advances; as did Mohammad Amin when he rejected the pasha’s niece in another episode

[64]- Th e Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 2, Th e Cow (al-Baqara), verse 205

[65]- Th e Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 33, Th e Combined Clans (al-Ahzab), verse 23

[66]- The state of Sham was Greater Syria and comprised: Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine.

[67]- Saracen was a term for Muslims widely used in Europe during the later medieval era

[68]- Th e Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 47, Mohammad (Muhammad), verse 7

[69]- This is a reference to the famine and plague of locusts that took place during

World War I where Turkey was involved in a long land war. The Turkish state sent all men of all Arab countries on foot to participate in the war at the Suez Canal and most of them perished.

[70]-The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 16, The Bees (al-Nahl), verse 32.

[71]- Aslan means ‘lion’ in Turkish and was the nickname given to Officer

M. A. Sheikho because of his bravery

[72]- Arrack (Arak) is a fermented alcoholic drink traditionally made from grain, sap or sugar-cane.

[73]- Th e Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 17, Th e Night Journey (al-Isra’), verse 105

[74]- Halbon is the name of a village near Damascus towards the north-west. This village sits within a valley with high, jagged sides and the western end leads to a very rugged narrow track over the anti-Lebanon mountains

[75]- Abu Fathi is the title of Officer M. A. Sheikho which means the father of Fathi, his elder son.

[76]- Greater Syria, comprising Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine

[77]- A water pipe commonly smoked for relaxation throughout the countries of the Middle East.

[78]- Al-Sham State covered Greater Syria and was comprised of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine.

[79]- The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 12, Joseph (Yusuf), verse 26.

[80]- The state of Sham, Greater Syria, was comprised of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine

[80/2]- Al-Feejeh spring is the biggest and most abundant spring in Damascus. To this day it provides fresh water to the city and surrounding countryside, and feeds the River Barada. It is referred to as the drink of the Prophets because most of them lived there.

[81]- Aslan is the Turkish word for ‘lion’ and was the nickname given to Officer Sheikho because of his bravery

[82]- Although the woman was not his sister it was a usual form of address to a young woman at that time

[83]- A Syrian soup made of a mixture of dried bulgur and leban.

[84]- Amber College was one of the colleges of the Turkish Military Academy.

[85]- The State of al-Sham, Greater Syria, was comprised of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine.

[86]- The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 47, Mohammad (Muhammad), verse 19

[87]- The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 7, The Heights (al-A’raf), verse 146

[88]- The town is ‘Jaffa’, a coastal city in Palestine

[89]- The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 7, The Heights (al-A’raf), verse 163

[90]- Ten pounds at that time were equal to two golden liras; currency then was far more valuable than it is now.

[91]- Al Sham state (Greater Syria), which was comprised of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine

[92]- The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 47, Mohammad (Muhammad), verse 7.

[93]- The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 5, The Feast (al-Ma’ida), verse 64

[94]- In Arabic the statement ‘mother-in-law’ is Hamat which means the woman who protects her daughter-in-law and defends her

[95]- An Arabic proverb.

[96]- Th e Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 4, Women (al-Nisa’), verse 147.

[97]- The capital of the Ottoman Empire at that time

[99]- A majeedi was a valuable gold coin in use at that time

[100]- At this time al-Sham was comprised of Damascus and its suburbs and the surrounding countryside

[101]- Kindly refer to the book Stories of the Scholar which contains some of the great feats of the humane scholar M. A. Sheikho (his soul has been sanctified by Al’lah).

[102]- Greater Syria which included Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine

[103]- Aslan is a Turkish word that means ‘the lion’. The Turkish commanders gave Officer Mohammad Amin this nickname because of his boldness, bravery and intrepidity.

[104]- The Grand Vizier is the title of the Sultan in the Ottoman Empire

[105]- Murid is a Sufi term meaning ‘committed one’.

[106]- Th e Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 83, Dealers in Fraud (al-Mutaffifin), verse 26

[107]- Th e Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 17, Th e Night Journey (al-Isra’), verse 105.

[108]- Aslan means ‘lion’ in Turkish and was the nickname given to Officer Sheikho for bravery in the security services.

[109- A Firman was a royal mandate or decree issued by a sovereign in certain historical Islamic states, including the Ottoman Empire.

[110]- A tarboosh, sometimes called a ‘fez’ is a brimless, usually red, felt hat with a silk tassel, worn by some Middle Eastern Muslim men.

[111]- The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 65, Divorce (al-Talaq), verse 2

[111]- Th e Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 43, Ornaments of Luxury (al-Zukhruf), verse 72.

[112]- The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 90, Th e Universe (al-Balad), verses 11-13.

[113]- (ptt): an acronym for ‘peace is through them

[114]- The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 76, Humane Man (al-Insan), verse 8.

[115]- Th e Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 3, Th e Family of ‘Imran (Al ‘Imran), verse 26

[116]- One of the most influential Muslim caliphs in history, a companion of Prophet Mohammad (cpth).

[117]- Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi was an Arab Andalusian Sufi mystic and philosopher. He was born in Murcia, Taifa of Murcia on 561 AH (1165 AD). He is renowned by some practitioners of Sufism as ‘the greatest Sheikh’ and also as a genuine saint.

[118]- (cpth) is an acronym for ‘communication with Al’lah and peace are through him.’

[119]-The state of Sham, Greater Syria, which included Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine.

[120]-This is the Turkish word for ‘lion’ and was the nickname given to Officer Sheikho on account of his bravery.

[121]- Al-Andalus was a medieval Islamic state which occupied, at its peak, today’s Spain, Portugal and Southern France between 711 and 1492.

[122]- A type of water pipe for smoking that originated in the Near East.

[123]-A tomb of hashimite style is bigger and deeper than others: it is meant to hold many corpses, usually of the same family, as long as there is a period of some years between burials.

[124]- The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 66, Prohibition (al-Tahrim), verse 8.

[125]- Fortress’ means a Surah, or section, of the Holy Qur’an which is not divided into chapters, a word which implies only organizational divisions of a book, instead its 114 sections are referred to as Surahs. The Arabic word Surah is equivalent to the English word ‘Fortress’ and has the same meaning. Every Qur’anic Fortress (Surah) has a certain number of verses.

If the believer reads, listens to, and takes a Fortress to heart and then puts it into action, they will see and fully take into their mind the sublime meaning of its holy and divine words and sentences, which are verses illuminated by the Light of God. This Light surrounds their heart just as securely as the walls that surround a fort.

This means that entering into God’s Presence through attentive reading will surround the spirit with His Light.

God’s Light stands as a rampart between the true faithful spirit and the malicious devil, should he try to break through this Light. If this happens, the malignant devil will burn and perish. By paying full attention to the sublime meanings of the words of any Fortress – or Surah in Arabic – you will fortify yourself and those whom you love against the evil and harm of your enemy, the devil.

[126]- The Holy Qur’an, Fortress (Surah) 57, Iron (al-Hadid), verse 28

[127]- The martyrs of the noble companions are the martyrs who lived during the time of Prophet Mohammad (cpth) and sacrificed themselves for God’s Cause and to save humanity.

[128]- A word of Turkish origin, originally equivalent to the English title ‘Lord’. It is still used informally as a social title for men (like the English word ‘Mister’), however, it follows the name and is used generally with first names and not with last names.

[129]- Al Sham, or Greater Syria, was comprised of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine

[130]- Pasha is a high rank in the Ottoman Empire political system, typically granted to governors, generals and dignitaries.

[131]- This is an Arabic way of referring to a wife. Here it means ‘mother of Fathi’, her eldest son

[132]-The Souq al-Hamidiyah market is the main commercial market of the city of Damascus, and is in the city centre.

[133]- Bab al-Jabiyah is one of the eight ancient city-gates of Damascus, Syria. Bab al-Jabiyah was the main entrance on the city’s west side, and near to this gate lies the shrine of Mrs. Jabiyah who is believed to have been a good and virtuous woman. It is now the name of a quarter in the centre of Damascus and contains many markets.

[134]- In the past, the word ‘wicket’ (bab khokha in Arabic) indicated a big door that was designed for the use of large animals such as camels and cows, with a small door set within it that was used to allow people to pass through.

[135]- At that time it was customary to address a young woman in this way even though she was not his daughter.

[136]- Aslan means lion in Arabic, and was the nickname for Mohammad Amin because of his bravery

[137]- (pth): an acronym for ‘peace is through him

[138]- An Arabic expression which means: ‘Oh Al’lah’.

[139]- At that time Germany was the most powerful state in Europe.

[140]- Jesus Christ is one of the noble Prophets and Envoys of Al’lah whom all Muslims believe in. Prophet Mohammad (cpth) prophesied that Jesus would return during our era to bring peace and justice to the world.


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