Unalienable Rights by Yuri Zakharenkov - HTML preview

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Chapter 1. Introduction

I love my grandkids. Everyone does. I think they are extremely talented, nothing unusual here either. I enjoy speaking about them.

Charlotte is our big sister, she is a high school senior, in six months she graduates and goes to a college. Charlotte is an artistic girl, she plays ukulele and sings, she performs on theatrical stage and already was admitted to the theatric professional society.

Tommy is my favorite grandson, he is my only grandson, he is eight, little brother. He speaks out his mind, some people find this difficult for communication, but I don’t. We are the best friends since when he was a child. I like how he explores things, which are new to him. We spent quite a long time working on the project of space satellite. He was a little disappointed when I told him that it takes a few months to build one, plus we need to arrange for the rocket as well. And recently he begun to compose music, very seriously, I want to think that this is a gift from his mom, my daughter.

Hannah is my other granddaughter, and she is very gifted too. At 14 she was a writer already, having her works published on Internet. At 16 she was admitted to the University of California. Her farther, my son, and mother decided to give her home education and I have to admit that they did a great job. I love her, though we are cannot be together for now. Today she is making her own decisions about future life and career. Meanwhile I will continue watch her life events through her Facebook posts. Sarah and Tyler are older, already married and I hear about their lives through my son. Proud to have them as my grandkids.

I watch my kids and grandkids, try to help them with advices, when they get themselves into difficult situation, requiring their tough decision. They listen, but don’t follow, continue with half measures that only prolong their struggling existence. It’s hard to see them, making one mistake after another, and keep your patience with them, though you know that after 10 or 20 years they will look back and regret that so many years were uselessly spent on hopeless project (some guy or girlfriend relations included), and they are back to the start only at much older age.  Those are kind of thoughts I have, when I think about them. 

In these notes I will talk about various people, who by some amazing twist of destiny were brought together with the only goal to continue their lives, hoping for the better future. They came from many distant places, had a very diverse family live styles and social positions. Nevertheless, they all believed in their ability to survive in difficult time and raise to the happiness eventually. 

As an example of so unbelievable life entangled knot I am referring to my father-in law, major co-author of the book “The Struggle of the Soviet Union for the Disarmament”, published in 1961. In Introduction he wrote: “Disarmament is an effective guarantee for support of the world peace and security, because the only way to avoid a danger of wars is destruction of material means of war engagement”.  He sincerely believed in that idea. I deeply respected my father-in-law, highly appreciated his sharp mind, and at the same time, with a great interest I watched him talking with my father, veteran of the Soviet nuclear weapon program, personally responsible for the development and production of such weapons during the “Cold War” as a detention response to the American expansion and prevention of the next World War. Both were convinced that they were doing the only right thing, but eventually agreed that both directions are a must for the preserving of Soviet way of life.

Many people who knew them considered my family members, from my grandparents to my grandchildren, to be lucky in achieving their success, just like win the lottery. But I am absolutely convinced that all successful people are made by themselves. I found interesting article about great American investor Warren Buffett and would like to present short extracts from this Article:

“Warren Buffett Believes 3 Decisions in Life Separate Those Who Succeed from Those Who Fail

1. Invest in yourself According to Buffett, one of the keys to your success is to go to bed a little smarter each day

2. Measure your success by your 'inner scorecard'

It gives meaning to who you are, and how you naturally behave and see the world on the basis of your values and beliefs, not someone else's. In short, it's taking the higher road to achieve success because it comes from the heart.

3. Your life's success should be defined by one four-letter word


In the end, the ultimate test of how you've lived your life basically comes down to how far and wide your love was spread to impact the lives of others.

“The more you give love away, the more you get," asserts Buffett.

I love all three, but think number Three deserves the first place. Love has a great power in anyone life, only few can really appreciate the meaning of love, they are the “lucky” ones, they set their own goals (see number Two) and move daily to get closer to their dreams (see number One).