Wilty Quiz eBook
Darren Palmer
Col ection
Bio Edition
20 True Or False Questions I once played music live on stage at the Albert Hal in London.
Wilty Quiz eBook Col ection Bio Edition
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I created and launched one of the first Bitcoin exchange companies in the United Kingdom.
I once played music live on stage at the Albert Hal in London.
I had driven through thirty-two countries before the age of thirty.
I once had a ten-mile high-speed police chase through Essex with
£10,000 in my car boot after mistaking the unmarked police car with a robber.
I speak three languages' fluently.
I am a self-taught PHP Programmer.
I beat thirty candidates to obtain the prestige job of Jet Ski manager one summer in Puerto Banus, Spain, despite not being able to swim.
I have moved addresses nine times in the last four years.
I have a third nipple.
I once lived on a boat moored off an Island in the United Kingdom.
An arcade in Bournemouth asked me to leave and closed after I hit
£500 Jackpots on al seven fruit machines I had played.
I have purchased and scrapped nine cars in the last four years.
I drove into the back of a lorry on the QE2 bridge causing a ten-mile tail back one Christmas Eve.
Incredibly, I walked away from the wreckage total y uninjured.
At the age of seventeen I became the youngest union representative for BIFU (Bank, Insurance and Finance Union).
I can play any brass instrument.
I once lived in a touring caravan and woke up one white Christmas day to see a robin perched on a branch by the window and a reindeer standing outside the front door.
I have an identical twin.
I once stood in front of security at a 50,000 strong music festival and got everyone who passed by to empty their pockets without anyone ever questioning if I was indeed security.
Whilst writing this question I had to cal the Fire Service @ 5am as a neighbours house was on fire.
I stabbed my left-hand repairing a computer, leaving my thumb with restricted ability to feel or use properly.
Darren Palmer - Author
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Darren Palmer - Author
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Wilty Quiz eBook Col ection Bio Edition
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20 True Or False Questions 20 True Or False Questions