Body & Spirit Books

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Showing results: 141-150 of 310
Everlasting Love : Feelings & Emotions

Everlasting Love : Feelings & Emotions

Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad | Body & Spirit
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

This is a collection of poems and articles depicting an instinctual and unconditional love of our life. The incomplete dreams. Dedicated to My Pretty Lotus, my passion and inspiration, the angel who inspired and persuaded me to be the person I am, over the last fifty five years and she is still in...

Maya And Leela: Utility in Life’s Futility

Maya And Leela: Utility in Life’s Futility

Santosh Jha | Body & Spirit
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Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Most of us, living in today’s world of complexities, conflicts and confusion have questions as what a person should consider as ‘perpetual-utility’ in life amidst feelings of ‘futility’ of everything around. What is the life and living positioning which can make us live life in perpetual...

Wisdom Of Wellness: Perpetuity Of Poise Of Purpose

Wisdom Of Wellness: Perpetuity Of Poise Of Purpose

Santosh Jha | Body & Spirit
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

One needs to be in lasting physical, emotional and ideational wellness. Tips, pills, and ‘shoulds’ abound; still, wellness is elusive. Wellness is largely a function of cognitive ‘poise’ of consciousness. Wisdom of wellness is in being the ‘master of mechanism’, ‘internalizing’ the...

Youth Sanity In Crazy Culture

Youth Sanity In Crazy Culture

Santosh Jha | Body & Spirit
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

In a contemporary culture of hypocrisy, conflict and confusion where even adults are in a flux over benchmarks of real success and self-worth, the young being advised about sanity and sensibility, lands as big joke for them. The youth needs a worldview, enabling them to see through the hypocrisy...

Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA - Reality is Programmable!

Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA - Reality is Programmable!

Moorpheus H. B. | Body & Spirit
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Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

What we call reality is really a computer generated simulation. We created this simulation on the plane of soul as a learning simulation to teach us the knowledge of good and evil by experiencing. We then created avatars (bodies) for ourselves to operate within this simulation. Since this reality...

Constantine & Elophyny  Extraterrestrial Communication  (Vol.2)

Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial Communication (Vol.2)

Alexander Zielinski | Body & Spirit
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Alexander Zielinski is a Clairvoyant who channels 'CONSTANTINE' (a higher evolved spirit being) and 'ELOPHYNY' (a Collective of higher beings from another Star plane). Alexander and his guides are providing the following information with the hope and desire that the knowledge provided will assist...

Stalking the Average Man: Fulfilling Prophecy

Stalking the Average Man: Fulfilling Prophecy

J. Roger Axelson | Body & Spirit
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

This is a compilation of three volumes in which a mystic examines the minutiae of the end-of-times cycle of events, and the methodology behind the so-called Second Coming scenario, as told to a reluctant apprentice who regarded her words as an outrage to reason, and a blasphemy to religion, until...

How Do You Lucid Dream? And Is Lucid Dreaming Real?

How Do You Lucid Dream? And Is Lucid Dreaming Real?

M. Brown 'MIND' | Body & Spirit
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

Imagine being able to choose... What you do in your dream? Which would you choose? To fly? To be an eagle and fly? To walk through walls? To have superhuman strength? All these things and more are possible in your dreams with lucid dreaming! The following techniques in this ebook gives you...

The Brain Detox Diet

The Brain Detox Diet

Greg Crawford | Body & Spirit
Rating:     Rated: 2 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

How to tap into your inner strength and focus to create a new and leaner body you deserve. Clear out the "noise" in your head and follow the 6 key motivators.

The Agreement

The Agreement

Alexandre Rodrigues | Body & Spirit
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

The book "The Agreement" is a story to know yourself. A novel that readers will be able to acknowledge the characters, words or actions. Its author Alexandre Rodrigues knows how wonderful it is to find an angel and discovers that a demon always accompanies all. At the beginning of the book...