Anandayana Project by Anandayana - HTML preview

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Part I -
The Gnoseology of Serenity


For those who do science, the scientific method should be clear and scrupulously followed. However, this is sadly not always the case;

  1. any theory is valid until clear scientific evidence to the contrary is found, and
  2. a theory is no longer valid if there exists at least one consistent piece of proof to demonstrate its invalidity.

This text does not claim to give scientific answers to unresolved questions or to formulate new physical theories. Nonetheless, in order to introduce certain concepts, a few erroneous theories must be rectified.

Anadayana is a personal journey, and nobody can define another person's path with certainty, as each person has their own path, different from that of all others. Despite all of this, it is possible to suggest methodologies that an individual may evaluate as possible content for their own anandayana.

The important thing is to have certain clear ideas at the start of one's own Anadayana - and clear ideas may only be held when one understands one's own territory, that's to say, the reality which surrounds them.

The start of one's own Anandayana is truly the most important step: we realise that we are in a territory that we thought we knew well, but that we only partially knew. Not only this but what little we knew was distorted by the culture and the society in which we were raised, not to mention the religious indoctrination to which we are subjected.

We need to demystify all of the wrong knowledge constructs which we have, creating a new view of reality. Once a new view of reality has been obtained, the territory that we thought we knew appears as if new.

With a new vision, any path one sets upon will feel like finding oneself in new territories to explore, understand, and learn about.

If on the one hand, the Anandayana Project has no intention of providing scientific answers to unresolved questions, on the other hand, it wishes to debunk erroneous concepts so that the individual has a clearer vision of their starting territory.

By following their own Anandayana, practitioners will soon understand for themselves that it is not important to understand all of the universe's mysteries. The important thing is to have clear ideas on certain topics to facilitate the assimilation of some new notions, and to maintain an open and flexibility mindset: this is essential to following one's own Anandayana.

Useful knowledge for shaping one's own Anandayana could be called gnoseology of serenity, or rather theory of knowledge for serenity.[1]

To understand the secret of one's own serenity, it is necessary to analyse what we truly want and what we need. However, the first step is to absorb the gnoseology of serenity by beginning to understand "what we are".

We will never be able to understand what is needed for our own serenity if we have no idea who we really are. All of us have confused and erroneous ideas about what we are, caused by a basic culture and education that have intentionally provided incorrect information.

Understanding exactly what we are is impossible; however, having correct ideas surrounding this topic is not difficult, and is the first necessary step to activating our Anandayana.