Anandayana Project by Anandayana - HTML preview

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God and the Universe

The word "God" brings to mind the God or Gods of modern religions, both monotheistic and polytheistic; a superior, otherworldly entity, endowed with extraordinary abilities and possessing a certain personality with human characteristics.

When we hear the term “God”, depending on our culture, we automatically associate it with a higher entity with well-defined characteristics; wrathful, meticulous, vengeful, spiteful, ruthless, cruel, such as the Jewish God, Muslim God, and Christian God of the Old Testament or the Hindu God Shiva; or merciful, loving, sympathetic, compassionate, like the Christian God of the New Testament.

However we put it, the word "God" is immediately associated with a supreme being possessing a certain type of personality.

Unfortunately, such a human-supernatural entity does not exist.

This human-supernatural entity is the product of ancient superstitions, handed down orally first, then in manuscripts whose texts have also been modified over the centuries. These texts, designated as "sacred", were used by rulers in ancient and modern times, to control populations, pit them against each other, foster racial discrimination and, in general, limit the development of Individual Consciousness.

Believing in such a God is a form of consolation, necessary for people with low self-awareness. If they did not have this idea of a God, believers such as this would feel alone in the universe; they need rules and regulations for their own existence, a universal judge and a prize for good behaviour in life: this recipe is called religion.

Note: in this text we will no longer use the word "God" so as to avoid associations with erroneous ideas caused by mental recalls due to our cultural background. In this text, the term "god" refers only to that imaginary supernatural being with human characteristics associated with the god of monotheistic religions, while with the term "gods" refers to the various gods of polytheistic religions.

Any "sacred" book that describes a god is a collection of superstitions, fables, and stories, perfectly fine as good night fairy tales for nursery children... but many people have never left the nursery of Individual Consciousness, having never had the opportunity to increase their Individual Consciousness.

This is precisely the reason why a majority of people have an underdeveloped Individual Consciousness, and why religions exist and must exist. If there were no religion, all those people with low Individual Consciousness would feel lost in the universe; lost, directionless, without goals or hopes for the future. The lack of religion would lead to a powerful, chronic depression diffused throughout all populations, which would, in turn, cause total, general demotivation and a multitude of suicides; as the vast majority of people in any society posses low Individual Consciousness, the lack of religion would lead to the collapse of the societies themselves.
Thus, religion and their concepts of god and "sacred" texts are necessary to humanity, despite the fact that they are the cause of many evils. Religion is the cause of the of majority's underdeveloped Individual Consciousness, while at the same time religion is necessary to people with low Individual Consciousness.

Readers interested in the topic of the concept of god are referred to other texts, including the popular best-seller by R. Dawkins[3].

Universal Consciousness

Universal Consciousness is the closest concept to the god of religions, even if only for some secondary aspects.

Universal Consciousness is, has always been, and will always be.

Universal Consciousness is what generated that which we perceive as the universe.

Universal Consciousness possesses none of the human characteristics that religions generally associate with God.

Universal Consciousness is neither pleased nor disappointed, regardless of what happens or what is done.

Universal Consciousness does not judge and will not judge.

Universal Consciousness does not disdain or prefer any kind of ethnicity, person, or any other element of creation.

Universal Consciousness is neither irritated nor compassionate.

Universal Consciousness neither takes revenge nor forgives.

Universal Consciousness neither loves nor hates.

Universal Consciousness is.

Virtual Universe

Our perception of the world around us is a virtual perception; to us it appears in a certain way, but actually it is not as it appears.

All things as we perceive them, the world around us, the whole universe, in reality do not exist; they are virtual.

Following this line of reasoning:

the entire universe that appears around us is made up of matter, and all of the matter around us is made up of atoms.
Showing that atoms do not exist in reality as a physical substance but only as energy, thus the matter, and consequently the universe, do not exist as a physical entities but only as energy.

Take the Quantum Physic atomic structure, namely composed of electrons circling on quantized orbitals and a central nucleus, which is a set of neutrons, protons and other sub-atomic particles.

Il. 4: Quantum Physic atomic structure

The mass of the atom (“weight” in common parlance) is all concentrated in the central part of the atom called the nucleus, which has dimensions between approximately 1,000 and 10,000 times smaller than the entire atom. To give an idea of the proportions, if the nucleus had the dimensions of a bottle cap, the whole atom would be the size of two football pitches, but the “weight” would be all focused in that volume the size of a bottle cap.

Outside the nucleus, what “fills” the remaining part of the atom? That is to say, outside of that bottle cap-sized volume, what is in the volume the size of two football pitches?

Nothing. Emptiness.

99.99999% of an atom is complete emptiness.

Electrons, which spin on orbitals, can be considered mass-free waves in according to the laws of Quantum Physics[4].

So if 99.99999% of an atom is complete emptiness, all the matter of the universe, which is made up of atoms, is 99.99999% complete emptiness!

Everything around us is complete emptiness, or better, everything around us is 99.99999% empty.

If we dig deeper, we will find that inside the nucleus there are waves, forces and energies, and that mass is nothing more than an expression of energy according to the famous formula, E=mC2; we therefore find that the nucleus is energy.

Thus, all matter is 99.99999% emptiness and the remaining 0.00001% is energy.

What we see, feel, perceive around us, everything is empty... with a little bit of energy... everything around us, the whole universe, "does not exist", namely, is virtual, “created by ourselves”, starting with a little bit of energy.

Everything is made of emptiness.
This means that we are also made up practically entirely of emptiness.

- There is no matter. What we call matter is actually energy. - (A. Einstein).

With our senses, we perceive force fields generated by electromagnetic forces, that is, manifestations of electromagnetic waves. What we see is reflected/transmitted light, namely electromagnetic waves.

Therefore, everything around us is nothing more than electromagnetic energy. When the force fields of these electromagnetic energies come into contact with our sensory perceptions, our senses generate an electrochemical signal that reaches the brain, which then generates our perception from the information received.

The same applies to sight: when light, namely electromagnetic waves, enters the eyes, it is transformed into an electrochemical signal from the eye's retina. This signal, passing through the optic nerve, reaches the brain. which generates our perception from the information received.

Everything we perceive is generated by our brain.

Thus, the universe that we perceive, in which we live, is created by our brains; we create it ourselves.

The brain creates what we see and what we hear from electrochemical signals.
The brain creates what we feel from electrochemical signals.
Everything that we perceive is created by our brain.

Once these signals arrive at a certain area of the brain, how does the perception of the world occur? That is, how do we create the fantastic television that we are currently admiring? In what area of the brain is it created?
So far, no one has been able to provide an answer to these questions.

It is therefore natural to ask ourselves: if the world in which we live is our interpretation of electromagnetic phenomena, how can we be sure that we're interpreting it correctly?
The truth is, we're not.

The Universe that Universal Consciousness has created is far wider and far more complex than what we can perceive, and so we cannot correctly interpret the Universe with our limitations. Some aspects going beyond our physical perceptions can be imagined while others cannot, as they fall outside of our capacity to imagine or comprehend.
If we could understand all aspects of the universe, all the mysteries of science would become simple, solvable equations.

With the example of the three friends and their world of two spatial dimensions, we have endeavoured to imagine the unimaginable: the existence of spatial dimensions outside of our four-dimensional view.

Here is the beauty of it: none of these dimensions exit!
The four visible dimensions and all the other imperceptible dimensions do not exist!

The universe does not exist!

In other words, the universe is a Virtual Reality. The reality in which we live is a Virtual Reality.

While we perceive some aspects of this Virtual Reality, there are many others which we do not. Among these imperceptible aspects are many that we can imagine, identify, study and create mathematical models of... but there are also aspects of Virtual Reality that we cannot imagine and, as in the case of Mr. Angle, they elude us.

In all respects, all aspects of Virtual Reality are virtual.

The Virtual Reality in which we live, namely the reality made of emptiness and electromagnetic energies, of perceptible and imperceptible dimensions; this reality in truth does not exist - it is, in fact, virtual.
Energy, space, and time are virtual.
Everything known and unknown is virtual.

True reality, the only thing that exists, is Universal Consciousness.
Universal Consciousness is true reality; everything else is virtuality.
Universal Consciousness is.

Virtual Reality from Our Point of View

Until now we have talked about visible and perceptible dimensions without giving even an approximate definition.

Consider the following illustration for a general idea of the types of dimension with which an individual interacts:

Il. 5: Virtual Reality from our point of view

S: spatial dimensions (our three perceptible dimensions and all others imperceptible);

T: temporal dimensions (our perceptible unidirectional dimension, and all others imperceptible);

E: energy dimensions (those that interact with us, and those that do not interact);

M: mental dimensions (the three known ones, conscious, unconscious, and subconscious, and the other unknown ones);

extra-M: Extramental Dimensions (including Universal Knowledge and all others).


The parts of Virtual Reality concerning the physical part of an individual can be defined as follows:

  • Visible Virtual Reality is the four-dimensional Virtual Reality as it appears to our eyes, i.e., with three spatial dimensions and a one-dimensional temporal dimension.

  • Interactive Virtual Reality is the Virtual Reality that interacts with our senses. It therefore includes, in addition to the four-dimensionality of Visible Virtual Reality, all of the energies that create the force fields that interact with an individual.
    Force fields are manifestations of energy phenomena. While such energy phenomena are neither visible nor perceptible, their force fields are. Without going into detail, examples of a force field include gravitational fields, electric fields, or magnetic fields, the energies that generate them can be gravitational potential energy, electric charges, or magnetic dipoles.

  • Perceptible Virtual Reality is the Virtual Reality that our consciousness perceives. Therefore, in addition to the four-dimensionality of Visible Virtual Reality, a mental dimension must be added that includes all conscious, unconscious, and subconscious brain activity.

An individual's spiritual components (Spirit, Soul, and Mens) have manifestations on some dimensions listed above, but have components belonging to different dimensions.

In this text, when we talk about “Our Virtual Reality”, we refer to Perceptible Virtual Reality and Interactive Virtual Reality all together; that is, any dimension that is perceptible to or interactive with an individual.

We will refer to other dimensions that neither fit into Our Virtual Reality nor the Extramental Dimensions as "Unknown Dimensions of Virtual Reality".


Virtual Reality, that is, the universe in its entirety as we understand it, was created by Universal Consciousness for the sole purpose of knowing itself.

Similar to an individual who needs a mirror to see, identify, and understand oneself, so too has Universal Consciousness created Virtual Reality to know itself.

The Big Bang, the genesis of the universe, the moment of creation, is the moment of the appearance of Virtual Reality, and so it is the moment of the appearance of time, space, and energy.

The genesis of the universe never "was", the genesis of the universe "is"; as previously stated, time does not actually exist: the genesis and the destruction of the universe take place at the same instant.

From our perception, living in a Virtual Reality, subject to "virtual" laws of physics and composed of virtuality, the universe lasts billions and billions of years, the planets millions and millions of years, and so on. This is all only because we are in this Virtual Reality; if we were not, we would see the genesis of the universe and its disappearance at the same time.
This means that at the same moment that virtuality is created, also time, space and energy are created within that explosive energy that generates the universe: the Big Bang.

For a moment let's go back to temporal thinking of Our Virtual Reality.

But all this virtuality, all the immeasurable energy that gave shape to the incalculable mass of the universe, where does it come from, if "before" nothing existed outside the Universal Consciousness?

The virtual universe is Universal Consciousness itself.

Universal Consciousness creates the Virtual Reality which is nothing more than Universal Consciousness itself.

It seems like complex reasoning, but it is not.

Let us return to the example of the individual who looks in the mirror to know himself; that individual creates his mirror image, but that image is the individual himself.
The individual is neither doubled nor split in two.
The individual creates the image of himself, a “virtual self”, without effort, without issue, with the sole will to mirror himself. Exactly the same thing happens for Universal Consciousness: Universal Consciousness created Virtual Reality, namely the universe, simply by using the will to want to know itself.


reality is Universal Consciousness, while Virtual Reality is a "reflection" of Universal Consciousness.

From the optical definition of reflection[5]:

reality is Universal Consciousness, while Virtual Reality (which is a “reflection” of Universal Consciousness) is Universal Consciousness itself, not a part of it.

To summarise, Virtual Reality does not exist, but at the same time, Virtual Reality is Universal Consciousness.
When first approaching this theme, this concept may seem paradoxical, but it is not.

In Our Virtual Reality, the terms "everywhere", "nowhere", "always", and "never" take meaning. But in reality, where time and space do not exist, these terms have no meaning.

In Our Virtual Reality, Universal Consciousness is everywhere.

The reader should not make the mistake of thinking that, because the whole universe is Universal Consciousness, we human beings, as a part of the universe, are a part of the Universal Consciousness.

No one individual is a part of Universal Consciousness but is wholly the Universal Consciousness. Even an ordinary ant is wholly the Universal Consciousness.

The concept that the whole universe is wholly the Universal Consciousness and that any part of the universe is wholly Universal Consciousness is not a new concept.

Think of fractals and their "self-similarity" structure: the fractal itself is found in every part of the fractal.

This concept is extremely similar to the concept of the Holographic Universe of the extremely important scientist David Bohm.
A notable property of holograms is the following: given a laser beam that capable of creating a hologram, any part of that laser beam can generate the same complete hologram.

Similarly, in any part of Virtual Reality, be it the entire universe or the single ant, one finds (the entire) Universal Consciousness.

Modifications to Virtual Reality

Reality, that is, Universal Consciousness, does not change, does not mutate.

Virtual Reality, however, does change.

To aid comprehension, the reader is suggested to keep the example of the individual mirroring himself in their mind: the reflected image can change if the shape of the mirror is changed.

Any part of creation possessing an Individual Consciousness potentially has the ability to change Virtual Reality or a part of it.

In general, whether willing or not, whether aware of this ability or not, all parts of creation with Individual Consciousness are capable of changing Virtual Reality, even if only minimally.

A change to Virtual Reality can be minimal or important; the smaller the change to Virtual Reality, the easier it is to make such a change; the more important the change to Virtual Reality, the more difficult it is to make it.

The ability to make important changes in Virtual Reality depends on various factors: a developed Individual Consciousness (although this is not strictly necessary), the ability to draw on large amounts of energy, and other factors which are still not entirely clear.

Let's see some examples.

A small or secondary change to Virtual Reality could be involuntary influence on the measurement of sub-atomic particles, where the researcher's willingness to measure affects the measurement itself. This phenomenon is very well known among quantum physicists.

A slightly more important change to Virtual Reality might be a voluntary or involuntary change to physiological function; such a change could have important consequences, e.g., in the case of psychophysical stress (involuntary change) generating illness, or in the case of a period of intensive meditation (voluntary change) generating a psychosomatic cure for an illness.

A still slightly more important change to Virtual Reality might be psychological treatment using NLP methods, where in a single session the patient voluntarily, under the guidance of the therapist, changes a distorted view of an event which has caused a phobia or another type of psychological problem[6].

These three examples relate to comparatively small changes in Virtual Reality caused by human beings.
Human beings are able to perceive, outside of their mental activities, only four space-time dimensions and have limited perceptions of Virtual Reality, and are therefore not capable of making important changes to it.
In fact, in Our Virtual Reality, which is made up of a temporal dimension, three spatial dimensions, and at least two energy dimensions (maybe many more), we do not perceive these dimensions in the same way; human beings are incapable of perceiving any energy dimension, even though their manifestations are noticeable (for example, force fields).

The inability to perceive energy dimensions is an important limitation to the ability to change Virtual Reality.
Indeed, one can intuit that if human beings were capable of perceiving energy dimensions, their ability to change Virtual Reality would be much greater.
Strictly speaking, this assertion could also be false because it does not take into account many other factors which may arise.

It must be also be added that certain spiritual entities with relatively low consciousness, but who are capable of perceiving energy dimensions, have greater ability to change Virtual Reality than a human being with elevated consciousness has.

These latest dissertations on hypothetical situations are pointless.

In actuality, human beings are capable of accessing energy dimensions indirectly, but this subject comes out of the scope of this text.

Rather, one of the aims of this text is to increase the readers' Individual Consciousness, permitting them to acquire a greater ability to effect change within the Virtual Reality.

Do not make the mistake of thinking that living beings in the plant or animal kingdoms are incapable of changing Virtual Reality: lack of intellect does not imply a lack of own consciousness!

The plant kingdom may appear to us a little trivial at first glance, but this is not so; it is much more complex than we think. To see this, one need only think that humans share up to 60% of their DNA with certain plants.

The "unknown" complexity of the plant kingdom is well-known by shamans all over the world who draw from it information, guides, and teachings through ascetic practices, with or without the use of entheogenic substances (Entheogen chapter ).