Anandayana Project by Anandayana - HTML preview

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Having always been fascinated by Oriental beliefs, I always wondered whether the spiritual part known by many religions as "soul" existed and whether it was a part in itself, with its own consciousness.
I always wondered what might happen to the "soul" at the moments of death and before birth. Whether the existence of a heaven, a hell, and a purgatory was possible. Or if the "soul" was aware of the presumed various stages of the reincarnation process, seeing we as human beings are not aware of the "soul"’s past lives.

To help the reader to form an idea, Soul[23] is the spiritual entity closest to the Buddhist concept of “soul”.

The most important point of the concept of Soul that the reader must understand is that, contrary to almost all modern religions, the human being should not be identified with the Soul residing within the individual. In fact, unlike Spirit, Soul has very little to do with the human being.
There is no manifestation of Soul in human being, neither at physical level nor at mental level.

Soul has access to an almost infinite amount of energy; the human being does not.

Soul reincarnates; the human being does not. In fact, we have no awareness of our Soul's past and future lives. Whatever happens to Soul after our death does not matter to us, because we will be dead.

Whatever kind of life one makes, whether as a saint or as a perpetrator of atrocities, whatever virtues or sins one cultivates, to Soul, absolutely nothing changes.

In theory, Soul may not even be present in the human being, and it would make no difference to us.

A basic feature of Soul is that it has no temporal dimension and none of our spatial dimensions. This not only means that time does not affect Soul, which from our point of view could be considered eternal, but that Soul does not really have the concept of time.

Recall that our temporal dimension is part of the Perceived Virtual Reality (see paragraph on the Virtual Universe ), which is not real; the appearance (i.e., creation) and disappearance (i.e., destruction) of the universe as we know it happen in the exact same instant for those who do not possess our temporal dimension.

From our observer's viewpoint, living in a virtuality with our temporal dimension, all of the Soul existing in this moment, incarnate or not, were present at the time of the formation of the Virtual Reality, and therefore at the creation of our dimension of time, and will be present at the moment of our dimension of time's destruction, should such a moment ever arrive...

Thus, the concepts of "young souls" or "old souls“ do not exist; all Soul are the same "eternal age", just as any other entity that does not possess our same temporal dimension.

It is said that Soul does not possess the physical dimensions of Perceived Virtual Reality (the temporal dimension and the three spatial dimensions), but that thanks to its energy capabilities, the Soul manages to experience life in Our Virtual Reality by entering a human being, for the sole purpose of entertaining itself.

Exactly, the Soul's only purpose is to entertain, to enjoy itself: it enters an individual and lives the experience of his life without intervening, no more or less than we do when we sit on the couch in front of a television showing a biopic. The Soul truly enjoys living as a spectator of the experience of human life.

This is precisely the case. Soul undertakes a remarkable energetic effort to enter a human being and experience life in the human virtuality, with enjoying itself as its only task.

All this may seem simplistic, but it absolutely is not.

We should derive an extremely important message from the Soul's very existence: the importance of entertaining and enjoying oneself; the importance of play (see A Game for Adults ).

For a Soul, being inside a human being is an important experience to raise its consciousness.

For a Soul, enjoyment is the value of one's own existence: fun considered in its purest conception, like that of a child playing: it has fun and learns at the same time.

Hence, a Soul is inside a human being to enjoy itself, to gain experience and, consequently, to raise its own consciousness.

The Soul is a spectator in the human being's life, nothing more.

It would seem that from the Soul's point of view, the most beautiful and intense moments are the birth and death of the human being.

It is not yet clear why, but Soul can only be inside bodies with a certain genetic structure; it cannot be inside a crab, for example.


Soul have chosen the human beings in which to experience life, and inhabit them all at once.

The concept of a Soul passing from one body to another is our concept, because we are closely related to the dimension of time.

Soul has no temporal dimension, meaning it experiences the lives of all of its chosen human beings at the same time, regardless of whether for us they are past, present or future lives. To put it bluntly, Soul "tastes" the births of all its chosen human lives simultaneously, and at the same time the moment of the deaths of all of its chosen human lives.

As a logical consequence, therefore, all beliefs based on the temporal succession of the lives of human beings of a certain Soul fail.

The conceit that the successive Soul reincarnation depends on the behaviour of the human being in which the Soul resides during its past life does not make sense.

The idea that anyone "pays" in the present life for their "wrongs" in the in the past one, or, as in the Hindu concept, that good behaviour in the "present life" leads to a better life in the subsequent reincarnation, is false. These are all bedtime fairy tales.

As mentioned above, the conceit that there are young or old Soul also falls down: all Soul are the same indeterminable age, eternal from the point of view of Our Virtual Reality.

Soul improves its consciousness through the experience of reincarnations, but this happens simultaneously: births, deaths and all the experiences of their chosen human beings' lives[24].

It follows from this that the number of Soul was, is and will always be unchanged.

Some members of the New Age school of thought disagree with this idea, considering the population of the earth to always be increasing: according to these people, "new souls" have been formed to make up for the demographic increase. A simple example graph can help believers in such ideas understand the concept of reincarnation, always bearing in mind that the Soul has no concept of time:

suppose, for simplification purposes, using random numbers, that in the year 2100 the universe ends, and that at this moment, all Soul are incarnate within the 10 billion human beings on earth. In previous years, with a smaller population, it is a simple fact that not all Soul were incarnate. If ☺ indicates one billion human beings and each of the following symbols ♥ ♣ ♠ ♦ ♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♟ indicates a billion Soul.


Further detail on Soul

Soul has access to virtually unlimited energy and, in theory, is be capable of effecting immense change within Virtual Reality.

The reason that Soul never makes and will never make changes to Virtual Reality is that a superior entity watching a system as an observer would never intervene to change that system's course.

As an example, think of animal documentary makers: they may film years of a gazelle's life, but the documentary maker would never do anything to prevent a lion from preying on the gazelle to which he devoted time and effort.

With regard to Soul's dimensions within Virtual Reality, it would appear that Soul is aware of a large number of dimensions, but does not have access to all of them. Soul chooses to observe the experience of human life, therefore experiencing our four space-time dimensions, but it is not bound to them; in fact, from our point of view, the Soul simultaneously lives different lives spread over different areas of our temporal dimension.

To clarify the role of Soul in the human being, I like to take the example of a travelling car: the human being's life is the journey that the car is travelling. Mens is leading the car as a conscious part, chatting and trying to understand Body and Spirit; Body is sitting in the front seat because of physical problems and is constantly complaining of one ache or another. Spirit is sitting in the back seat; Mens and Body cannot see Spirit but can hear it. In fact, it talks continuously, not leaving a second of silence (as unconscious mind does). Spirit has a mobile phone that allows it to be in communication with other Spirit travelling in other cars. Soul is also sitting in the back seat, but it is as if it wasn't there. Soul is silently enjoying the journey, admiring the various views that come along, but never says anything, even when asked: whether it is there or not makes no difference.

In another car which is going on another trip, perhaps a month after the previous car's journey, we see a similar situation: another Mens and another Body sitting in the front seats, and in the rear seats, another Spirit and the same Soul that was in the previous car. In other words, the exact same Soul is travelling in two (or more) cars travelling different routes at different historical points... but for Soul, these two (or more) trips occur simultaneously.

Why Soul exists in Virtual Reality and how it was formed is difficult to say, but I would like to show a passage from my diary:


Today I woke up at 5.30 am, after having gone to sleep last night at about 4 am. I did not feel tired at all for the whole day; on the contrary, I almost had a feeling of excitement, a high level of alertness.
The visions of the ritual of the last night were spectacular, especially the one about the creation of the universe: the beginning, with its emptiness, the silence, no movement, with neither emotions nor feelings, even this beginning was fantastic; then, as if in slow-motion, an extremely intense light coming from a point-like location, millions of colours coming from that same point... and that light carried huge energy, which invested in me, millions of sensations, emotions... a continuous wave that scattered everywhere, bringing with it energies, colours, dimensions, and universes where before was the fantastic nothing. I cannot properly express the vision, but the memory of it alone moves me to tears. And then Soul, like excess reagents from a chemical reaction.


Soul came from Creation as an excess reagent. In creating Virtual Reality from itself, the Universal Consciousness has brought forth Soul.

Let's shift our observation point, placing ourselves in Our Virtual Reality, thus having "time" as a temporal dimension, that is, a single unidirectional axis.

Do not make the mistake of thinking that all Soul entities have elevated consciousness by virtue of the fact that they have existed since the dawn of time; this is not the case.

It is probable that all Soul will have elevated consciousness by the end of their reincarnation cycle[25], but it is impossible to know at what point in their cycle a certain Soul is. Therefore, at any given time in Our Virtual Reality, there are some Soul with an elevated level of consciousness, and others with a low level of consciousness.