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Entheogenic Ceremony

There is a lot of literature about so-called "entheogenic substances, Set, and Setting".

Obviously it is not the entheogenic substance that produces spiritual experience or enlightenment. The entheogenic substance is simply an access key to release the mind from ordinary models and ordinary structures, and move from an ordinary state of consciousness to a deep altered state of consciousness.

Experience with an entheogenic substance highly depends on the type of person taking it, that is, their culture, background, mood at the time of consumption, expectations, and other factors that, combined, constitute the Set.
A person who is following their own Anandayana certainly possesses all characteristics necessary for an ideal Set, fine-tuned for obtaining mystical experiences from an Entheogenic Ceremony.

Dr R. Strassman pays close attention to environment, namely the Setting, in which the entheogenic substance is taken.
To undergo an Entheogenic Ceremony, one must create appropriate conditions for the celebrant, in line with the specific situation's requirements: whether this be the solitude of a quiet room, or in communion with a meditation room, or the isolation of a rock on a mountain-top, or immersed in nature in a ceremonial centre hidden in the jungle.
The importance of the environment (i.e., Setting) is fundamental and should never be underestimated.

We define an Entheogenic State of Consciousness as a deep altered state of consciousness in which the ideal conditions of "entheogenic substance, Set, and Setting" occur, that is, ideal conditions for an Entheogenic Ceremony.
In an Entheogenic State of Consciousness can an individual have an authentic mystical experience.[44]

That is, in order to have a mystical experience during an Entheogenic Ceremony it is necessary to have in place all ideal conditions for the "entheogenic substance, Set, and Setting".

Only with an Entheogenic or a Meditative State of Consciousness can one succeed in breaking the patterns of Our Virtual Reality, in understanding its constructs, and in gaining access to unthinkable dimensions, such as, for example, accessing to parts of the Universal Knowledge or even succeeding in achieving the notorious "Enlightenment"; these experiences constitute possible mystical experiences.

Entheogenic State of Consciousness

An Entheogenic State of Consciousness provoked by an entheogenic Ceremony generates a condition that is not yet completely clear to anyone: the individual loses the concepts of space and time, which, as we have previously seen, are virtual. Mental structures change and the mind begins to think differently, following logical patterns which are completely indescribable in an ordinary state of consciousness.

Mystical experiences obtained in an Entheogenic State of Consciousness change the life path of those who experience them, providing inspiration and guidance. Most of these mystical experiences take place in the form of visions, that is, images appearing in the mind.
Science fails to understand where and how in the brain the reproduction of images captured by our eyes and transmitted by the optic nerve occurs; science flounders even more in attempting to understanding the reproduction of the images that occur in an Entheogenic State of Consciousness in dark surroundings, when there are no significant signals coming from the optic nerve.
Although science has no form of plausible theory, it arrogantly labels such images emerging in a dark environment during an Entheogenic State of Consciousness as emerging memories or the result of a confused mental state, rejecting a priori explanations from other sources such as shamans, who have devoted their lives to the unorthodox study of entheogenic substances.

An authentic shaman is generally a person who hasn't been subjected to the socio-religious indoctrination typical of so-called "civilized" societies; hence, an authentic shaman has formed a mentality free of those constructs designed for individual and collective controls. An authentic shaman usually grows up in close contact with nature and feeds on generally healthy products. An authentic shaman spends his entire lifespan practising rituals in an Entheogenic State of Consciousness, so who better than a shaman to recognise and describe an Entheogenic State of Consciousness?
But no, science, despite its great ignorance in the field, takes no source but its own assumptions into account. If this behaviour were personified into an individual, such a person would be labeled with adjectives such as closed-minded, foolish, and ignorant.

Nonetheless, pharmaceutical firms and others besides have benefited from the knowledge of shamans: several products with roots in shamanic knowledge have been chemically synthesised for commercial purposes.

However, when assessing shamans as an authoritative source of information, some considerations must be made.
While the healing abilities of shamans could be defined by sceptics as phenomena of patient self-healing induced by psychological suggestion, the knowledge that shamans acquire in Entheogenic States of Consciousness is not so easily waved away by unbelievers. Despite what the shamans themselves claim, science denies that the origins of shamanic knowledge have their roots in Entheogenic States of Consciousness, despite having no evidence to justify this denial.
During an Entheogenic Ceremony[45], shamans claim that they come into contact with spirits, with the "Divine", the "Madre Selva”, the "Pachamama", "The Great Spirit", or the "Gaya", depending on the culture to which they belong.

In the chapter Spirit () we saw how Universal Knowledge is potentially accessible to all living beings.

The details of the origins of shamanic knowledge are still a mystery that cannot be fully understood due to the limitations outlined above but they are likely to be attributable to the same dynamic seen in the Stroke of Genius chapter .

Among the various pieces of shamanic knowledge of "mysterious" origin is the recipe for the well-known Yage (or Ayahuasca), brew for use as an entheogenic substance by the indigenous people of the Amazon; we refer the reader to the end-of-text notes The Mystery of the Origin of Yage .

Entheogenic Research

In the end-of-text notes The Mystery of the Origin of Yage , we will see why the recipe for Yage may not have originated from a series of attempts at combinations of endemic plant species.

The recipe for Yage recipe is one example of many showing that age-old shamanic knowledge is the result of research that takes place outside of Our Virtual Reality; research that we will call entheogenic research.

The true Amazonian shamans, who are for all intents and purposes Entheogenic Researchers, declare that it is the spirits of the plants themselves that provide information on how to find, grow, prepare and cook them, including information on rituals and the uses of plant preparations. Although these statements may seem ridiculous to a sceptic, the fact remains that there is no reasonable alternative explanation for some of the knowledge held by shamans.

Although an Entheogenic Ceremony and entheogenic research have an Entheogenic State of Consciousness in common, they are two very distinct things.
The Entheogenic Ceremony is a spiritual ritual, whether customary or sporadic, aimed at increasing Individual Consciousness.
Entheogenic research consists of venturing into unknown dimensions in search of information capable of enriching humanity or even simply the researcher themselves.

Entheogenic research is a noble activity, but also a dangerous one that is not advised for "adventurers" or the "curious"; it is not without serious risks, ranging from mental sanity to life itself.

The Entheogenic Researcher is a person with highly developed Individual Consciousness; serious, wise, and courageous, and more than capable of assessing the various dangers that may arise. The Entheogenic Researcher develops mental capacities that enable him to interpret, albeit approximately, the experiences of an Entheogenic State of Consciousness in an ordinary state of consciousness.

No guidelines for entheogenic research exist; regardless of the type of entheogenic research one wishes to undertake, it is imperative that one is accompanied in their Entheogenic State of Consciousness by a spiritual supervisor or master experienced in the field.