Anandayana Project by Anandayana - HTML preview

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Results of Practice

From the most ancient times, man has always sought the secret of happiness.

Happiness and a serene life are the ultimate goals of our existence.

Anandayana is the personal answer for how to realise this purpose.

One cannot know the details of one's own Anandayana until he undertakes it. While following their own Anandayana, the individual modifies and refines it according to their needs and the results that it obtains.
The neophyte, once they have learned the necessary concepts, begins to modify their own way of seeing their surroundings. Their critical sense is perfected, while the neophyte begins to try to practice activities that make them feel good; that is, they begin to love themselves more. The individual also begins to re-evaluate the most difficult conditions and situations in their life and, changing perspectives, changes negative views into positive ones, looking for beauty and play in simple details.
In beginning to apply the Here&Now as a daily habit, the neophyte begins to notice immediate improvements on all fronts.
With these first steps, the neophyte begins to develop their own Individual Consciousness and detach themselves from the collective control of society and religion. This detachment will neither be forced nor consciously willed but will be a consequence of the individual's changes. In fact, the neophyte, beginning to see things in a different way and to develop forms of thinking and feeling different from the community that surrounds it, will automatically distance themselves from certain aspects of the community, first and foremost its control.
This is the beginning of the development of Individual Consciousness; the beginning of Anandayana, the path of serenity.

The more the individual develops their own Individual Consciousness, the more clear and obvious it is to them how trapped and limited the rest of the community is.
Developing one's own Individual Consciousness and detaching oneself to some extent from the community does not mean changing one's life, becoming a hermit or abandoning society; it means creating one's own opinions, and taking on a clear vision and a free intellect. Think freely and not as we are told to think; immediately sense the forms and methods of control without anyone else explaining them.
It follows from this that an individual with high Individual Consciousness and free thought can also gain privileges within society itself over those who remain within the collective consciousness controlled by society and religion.
Consumerism, imposed models, and status symbols automatically all become futile aspects of life.
The stress caused by work, the competitiveness of society, payment deadline, and all sorts of other things and situations, slip away without affecting anything.

Due to this, individuals with high Individual Consciousness are able to juggle society's demands without being afflicted by them, effortlessly managing to benefit from their positive sides and avoid the negative ones.

As has been repeated several times, given that each individual is unique and distinct from all others, one person's Anandayana is, in turn, unique and distinct from all others'. No one can teach another person how to create and follow their own Anandayana.
Nevertheless, there are features common to more or less all Anandayana.

Common Constituent Elements of Anandayana

  1. Living according to the precept of the Here&Now
  2. Searching for beauty
  3. Searching for play
  4. Practising yoga (or similar spiritual discipline for body and mind)
  5. Practising (precise) meditation
  6. Participating in Entheogenic Ceremonies
  7. Consciously doing physical (aerobic and anaerobic) activities
  8. Caring of healthy diet, cosmetics, and rest
  9. Living in harmony, respect, and love with all living beings
  10. Having an active and conscious sexuality