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Messages from DNA

Some scientists have tried to venture beyond science's shell of orthodoxy, hinting at theses that, seen from a certain point of view, could partially explain the aforementioned statements of shamans regarding the mysterious origins of their knowledge.

For years it has been noticed experimentally that cells emit a photon of mysterious origin. This photon is called a biophoton due to its biological origin.
Generally a photon is a quantum of light, that is, the smallest unit of light. A photon is mathematically expressed and described with Quantum Physics and the concept of the dual wave-particle applies to photons as for electrons; therefore, although the photon has been recognised by official science for more than a century, it is still unclear whether the photon is a wave, a particle, or something else.
Einstein himself headed important research and discoveries on photons, including studies on the photoelectric effect, before declaring:

- we are still a long way from understanding the phenomenon... -

And since then, almost a century later, modern science has not made any significant strides in the study of wave-particle duality.
Wave-particle dualism serves to return the calculations and placate the restless souls of some scientists, but it cannot ever be said to have solved the mystery of the true natures of the electron and photon.
As with the electron, then, the true nature of the photon remains a mystery. Even more mysterious, however, is the biophoton, the photon emitted from the cell: we do not know how it is emitted, which part of the cell generates it, what stimulates its generation, or why it is emitted. Practically nothing is known about the biophoton other than its existence.

In any form of life, the DNA contained in all cells of a certain living being is always identical. Whatever the type of tissue, the cell that makes it up has identical DNA to the cells that make up other different types of tissues within the same living being. Therefore, within a given person, hair cell DNA is identical to both tooth cell DNA and the DNA of the cells in the big toe. In any plant, the DNA of the root cells is identical to DNA of both the stem cells and the leaf cells.

Within the DNA of a living being lies the genetic code containing all of the information concerning the life form to which it belongs.
All the information of a structure is contained in each part of it. This draws a vague parallel between living beings and holograms: any part of a hologram contains the entire hologram's information[50]; similarly, in a living being, even one with different types of tissues, the cells of each tissue contain the exact same DNA that contains all information on the biological structure of the living being.
Although every cell contains all information on the living being to which it belongs, this cell is not able to exercise all functions of the living being; it must belong to a complex biological system consisting of a large number of other cells, making its own contribution (excluding cases of single-cell microorganisms). The same applies to biophotons: a single biophoton has no meaning if it is not considered as part of an emission of a large number of biophotons.

The genetic code, which is today fully understood, corresponds to about 2% of our DNA. Roughly 98% of DNA is called non-coding DNA[51]; even today, the function of the vast majority of this DNA is unknown.

Experiments show that if DNA is extracted from the cell, the cell itself ceases to emit biophotons. It has therefore been hypothesised that the biophoton has its origins in DNA, or more precisely from living DNA[52], and thus within the presence of manifestations of Spirit (see Spirit chapter ). Some scholars have theorised that non-coding DNA is precisely what generates biophotons.
A single biophoton has no meaning in itself, being a quantum of light carrying limited information; we can roughly think of a biophoton as a single note. The combined work of all cells in a human body, approximately one hundred thousand billion (1014) cells, each generating a biophoton, could give rise to complex messages in the form of light.

A further theory, even bolder than the previous one, hypothesises that if non-coding DNA has properties of antenna function, rendering it capable of emitting a signal (the biophoton), then it may have another antenna property: receiving signals. The consequence of this would be that cells could both emit and transmit signals.
The implications of this would be interesting, to say the least. Staying on this theory, when the mind finds itself in an altered state of consciousness, during which the sensory receptors of hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch are altered, the mind would also become more receptive to other types of signals, in this case to biophoton messages.
Biophoton messages generated by another living being could provide us with information previously unknown to us.
As a concert is not a set of random notes, likewise a biophoton message would not consist of a causal set of biophotons. A set of 1014 biophotons capable of carrying archetypal information should necessarily be emitted consciously. The conductor for the archetypal message of light would be Spirit, that is, the conscious part of life in the cell.

Unfortunately, the situation is not so simplistic; if the aforementioned theory were complete, messages from one Spirit to another Spirit would be able to be decoded simply by detecting the biophotons emitted from living beings with light sensors and recording the message; after recording a large number of messages, it would be possible to try to decode the messages themselves, thus simulating a Spirit-to-Spirit conversation between technological devices that emit photons and living beings.

As mentioned in the chapter Spirit, biophotons are a manifestation of an event occurring in dimensions outside of our four space-time dimensions.
Non-coding DNA probably functions as an antenna, probably allowed biophotons emitted by another living being to be received, but still, such biophotons would not carry any message. As explained in the chapter on Manifestations of Entities with Other Dimensions (), the real message is in dimensions that we cannot perceive; biophotons are only a manifestation of it in Our Virtual Reality.
Take for example a man casting his shadow on a wall: the man lives in 3 spatial dimensions, while his shadow is in 2 spatial dimensions and can be considered an indirect manifestations of the man onto the 2 spatial dimensions of the wall; we cannot know all the physical characteristics of an unknown man simply by seeing his shadow.