Anandayana Project by Anandayana - HTML preview

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[1] In paragraphs The Project and Here&Now the differences in meaning between "to serenity" and "of serenity" in this text are discussed.

[2] from "How Brains Make up Their Minds", 1999, Columbia University Press - chapter on Awareness, Consciousness, and Causality.

[3] "The God Delusion", 2006.

[4] Applying the wave-particle model in Quantum Physics to the electron.

[5] In cases of total reflection, the reflected radius and the incident radius are equal.

[6] If psychological treatment using NLP methods is correctly performed, the changes to Virtual Reality ripple through present, future, and past events.

[7] From "Reality is Not What It Seems", "Mystery" chapter (C. Rovelli, 2014).

[8] It has been shown that some of these cultures that adopted lunar cycles for agriculture had no contact with other cultures using the same method, so influence from other cultures can be excluded.

[9] A positron is by theoretical definition anti-matter, or more precisely the antiparticle of the electron.

[10] Strictly speaking, the activation of neurons occurs in a kind of multiple chain reaction. A given number of neuronal synapses, however complex this chain reaction may be, will have a number of possible combinations that will always be less, or at most equal, to the number of possible combinations obtainable if one considered each of those neuronal synapses a binary digit belonging to a binary number. Therefore, in this paragraph, the mnemonic abilities of the brain are overestimated numerically according to the local storage model.

[11] "The brain stores only the memory's key information, and then the brain itself reconstructs the details of the memory at the time of access”: one can deduce that this is a rather far-fetched theory.

"The brain stores only the memory's key information, and then the brain itself reconstructs the details of the memory at the time of access”: one can deduce that this is a rather far-fetched theory. Let's take a rough example as an example of memory: "the bouquet of flowers I gave to my girlfriend for the first date". Let's suppose that the mind only stores key information: 12 flowers, yellow flowers, red card, blue ink, and the words "I love you". According to this erroneous theory, the brain should reconstruct the memory by somehow creating the missing details. Such missing details should be the same (or almost the same) every time the memory is accessed.

There is no algorithm that can be used to complete every puzzle in existence... Similarly, to reconstruct the missing details of a memory, the brain must follow a logical algorithm specific to that memory, not a generic algorithm valid for each memory. Thus, to reconstruct the details of different memories, the brain must follow different algorithms, which is to say, it must perform different actions. Since a certain memory must be the same every time it is remembered, then the algorithm of this memory must always be the same, and therefore the algorithm must be stored as well. This algorithm would need to extrapolate all the infinite details that might emerge in a properly-induced regression through altered state of consciousness; therefore, in the particular case of the above example, from the five main details of the bunch of flowers, the algorithm should extrapolate: the exact words of the message written in the card, the ink stain left by my hand while I was writing, the details of the colours of the card itself, the crease that I accidentally made while I was tying the flowers, the two flowers which were smaller than the others, a fully-bloomed flower, the ribbon that bound them, and so on... the algorithm would need generate a huge amount of details starting from little information; any computer scientist would exclaim - What an algorithm! - at the sight of it.

[12] In addition to the vague and incorrect idea that a brain recreates a memory from a few pieces of stored information, the local storage model has never officially proposed a theory on the logic of information storage in neurons, i.e., an explanation of the form in which the memories are stored.

[13] Even the simple act of maintaining standing balance requires complex retroactive control of the microscopic movements of the articular zones of the ankles, knees and hip, controlled by many muscles, both agonist and antagonist.
For each microscopic movement, depending on the external and internal conditions detected by sensory apparatus, the brain controls the balance of the body semi-automatically, in a system of unstable mechanical equilibrium. Such a seemingly elementary act is actually analytically complex.
Some interpretations of the local storage model of the brain predict that all of the activities that we are able to perform, such as walking, running, swimming, activities requiring coordination, playing an instrument, cycling, and so on, are only an accumulation of memories that somehow become semi-automatic, which we access at the moment of the act.

[14] These activities of the mind are still totally shrouded in mystery; nobody has any idea of where in the brain they occur and what brain processes generate them.

[15] To gain an idea of how memories and knowledge are stored in the form of Universal Consciousness in the Extramental Dimensions, please refer to the annotation Storing Memories in Extramental Dimensions .

[16] In this text, Spirit (in italics and capital letters) will refer to the spiritual entity described in this manuscript, while "spirit" and "espiritu" will refer to other definitions depending on the creed in context.

[17] The true and authentic shamans of the Amazon are on the verge of extinction, replaced by an abundance of phony shamans who administer hallucinogenic drugs accompanied by local folk songs, thus selling the package “shamanic journey” to tourists.

[18] A conservative estimate.

[19] Devoting 18 hours a day, estimating 2 seconds for the pronunciation of a number.

[20] From "The Cosmic Serpent" (J. Narby, 1998).

[21] Healer.

[22] Spirit.

[23] In this text, Soul (italicised and capitalised) it will refer to the spiritual entity described in this manuscript, while “soul” will refer to other definitions depending on the creed in question.

[24] It has been said that events which from the point of view of our four space-time dimensions are eternal, are events that occur at the same moment as the point of view of a reference system without temporal dimensions. We consider events such as the duration of the universe and the duration of the existence of the Soul eternal, insofar as we can estimate a possible start date (the Big Bang) but an end date cannot be estimated with certainty.

For simplicity's sake, it has been stated that from the perspective of an observer not possessing a temporal dimension, events which for us are eternal such as the creation and destruction of the universe and growth in Soul consciousness via reincarnation, are simultaneous events, occurring at the same time.

Of course, logic tells us that the universe cannot be created and destroyed at the same time, and any Soul cannot increase its consciousness via a series of reincarnations taking place at the same time.

The “simultaneous” events of any system that imply at least one change from an initial state A to a final state B differ by a period of time equivalent to Planck's time constant tP equivalent to 5.391 × 10−44 s.

Thus, from the perspective of an observer not possessing a temporal dimension, the duration of the universe is equivalent to tP and the duration of the increase in the Soul s consciousness through a series of reincarnations is equivalent to tP.

[25] The end of the Soul reincarnation cycle occurs at a certain "lapse" of time from the beginning of the Soul reincarnation cycle. This time frame is equivalent to the time constant Planck tP (5.391 × 10−44 s).

[26] Information passed on by Spirit may come from various sources - not just Universal Knowledge.

[27] You can find online videos of women who have extremely pleasant labour, especially with water births.

[28] Roughly 5. 39x10-44 seconds. To get a second one, you would need to multiply this constant by about 20 million billion billion billion billions.

[29] It is likely that temporary passage through other temporal dimensions in the Unknown Dimensions of Virtual Reality contributes to Mens' experience.

[30] Annotation on The Relativity of the Near-death of Mens ().

[31] Quantum Time, known as Planck Time, is the smallest measurement of time that makes sense: 5.39121x10-44 sec.
Quantum Length, known as Planck Length, under which does the concept of space lose physical meaning: 1.616252x10-44 m.

[32] Another improbable justification for a potential lack of such knowledge or memories may be that Individual Consciousness is in a non-ordinary state of consciousness when the individual is not in life, that is, in pre-life or post-mortem conditions. If this were true, or even only probable, there should be no legal, moral or religious limitations on experimenting with non-ordinary states of consciousness, as they would be natural conditions of our existence. Analysis of this improbable justification falls outside of the context of the manuscript.

[33] Practices of hypnotic past life regression are devoid of any reliability. Individuals undergoing such a session enter a cataleptic state where all perceptual channels are inhibited and the mind is at the mercy of suggestion and imagination; what one gets is a vivid dream and not regression to a memory.

[34] This rough and general analysis is obviously not true in all cases, but it applies to a large majority of families.

[35] From Christian Bible, Matthew 22:39

[36] The Shipibo Shamans' Diet ().

[37] The latest scientific research would seem to suggest that the brain also has some ability to regenerate neurons, although only limited numbers.

[38] Those who have transcended the obstacle of "unnecessary consumer goods" in their Anandayana will understand following maxim very well: - Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty -.(Socrates)

[39] Being present in locations other than the physical has recently become a large problem with regards to Here&Now awareness due to extreme abuse of social networks.

[40] See Il. 12: depth of the state of consciousness, in annotation Graphic of State of Consciousness .

[41] Osho Rajneesh, The Great Zen Master Ta Hui, Talk #11

[42] Osho Rajneesh, Beyond Enlightenment, Talk #29

[43] From “DMT: The Spirit Molecule”.

[44] See Il. 12: depth of the state of consciousness, in annotation Graphic of State of Consciousness .

[45] An Entheogenic Ceremony is called by different names depending on the local culture; it is often called a "shamanic ritual".

[46] This is vulgarly called "squirting".

[47] From "Reality Is Not What It Seems", "The Extended Present" chapter (C. Rovelli, 2014).

[48] Unless the two observers have a certain symmetrical position with respect to the origin of the event.

[49] Manifestations of Mens in the mind approximately correspond to the individual's conscious mind, omitting the contributions of manifestations to the subconscious.

[50] Unlike a photograph, where only partial information of the entire contents is contained in any one part, any part of a hologram contains all of the information of the entire hologram itself.

[51] In the '60s, non-coding DNA was known as junk DNA; the term denotes another example of science making assumptions: science failed to understand a part of DNA and, in order to avoid admitting its ignorance, called it junk.

[52] The origin of the biophoton emission is still uncertain; there are several theories, but none of them has been scientifically proven.

[53] From "The Cosmic Serpent", (J. Narby, 1998).

[54] Wikipedia page about Tyramine with many references .

[55] If the conditions of an Entheogenic Ceremony do not occur (the optimal triad of "entheogenic substance, Set and Setting"), see chapter Entheogenic Ceremony (), visions may not be generated by archetypal messages, but simply by the leisure of the mind.