Annoying Dead People
Evelyn Adams
Copyright 2015
All names and places have been changed to protect the privacy of those individuals whose stories and experiences appear in this book.
I am a Medium, or Psychic as some prefer to call it. The following are simply a set of 'life experiences' I have decided to share with you. Each chapter appears in no set order so don't think in terms of a timeline.
Open your hearts to new worlds of consciousness; which is simply to say let wisdom and truth guide you through this journey you have placed yourself upon.
Evelyn Adams
Chapter One
Applying for a job online I was called in for an interview. I will not name this corporation, just know it is very large and is involved in the hospitality industry in Florida.
I am a Medium or what many today simply call a Psychic, who sometimes feels compelled to use my gift's when those from the unseen world wish to communicate with those among the living, as it were. Being clairvoyant and clairaudient; which simply means I can see and hear the dead as some folks refer to them; I prefer to call them spirits. Because of my abilities the dead can and quite often do show up at the most inopportune of times, which can be annoying to say the very least. So I just try and go with the flow and see what happens.
The Human Resource person; a very nice, well spoken lady who seemed to be in her early to middle thirties came into the waiting area and called my name. We exchanged pleasantries as she led me back to her office.
Sitting down inside her small office which contained only two chairs and a small desk she first looked over my resume and then began the interview process.
"I'm Maria Hernandez, and I see here that you have applied for the front desk customer service position, is that correct?"
"Yes, I'm very comfortable when dealing with all types of people, no matter what their culture or nationality might be."
"Tell me what did you least like about your last job?" she continued.
As she finished that question I could now psychically see an older woman who was now standing to her left side. My first thoughts were; please go away, I really need this interview to go well, I need the income, and I mentally relayed that information to the elderly woman.
The older lady smiled and said she truly needed to make contact with my interviewer. She stood there, her form radiating peace and compassion, yet her eyes showed the desperation in her need to make contact. Knowing full well from past experience what might happen if I make her presents known, I still felt compelled to try.
"Did you not understand my question?" Maria asked politely. She had taken notice that I was staring at what appeared to her as the blank wall on her left side. She at one point momentarily glanced to her left to see what I might be looking at.
I broke off looking at the older woman and then answered her. "I'm so sorry, but this may seem very strange, but there is an elderly woman standing by your left side…she is telling me her name is Camila and that she is your mother. She is wearing a blue dress with a red rose pinned on it. She also has a white hat with a short white veil."
Maria looked to her left again, then back to me. "I beg your pardon? How do you know my mothers' name?"
"Camila is saying how sorry she is for not coming to your wedding…that she truly thought Alfredo was not the man for you to marry. She felt in her heart he was no good and would cause you great harm. But now from the other side she can see into his heart and she sees the love he has for you. She now knows he would never harm you or the children. She is asking for your forgiveness…"
Maria had a very surprised look upon her face, to say the very least. "Is this a joke?" Maria asked in a serious tone. "How dare you bring up the memory of my mother…you have no right…this interview is over. You need to leave and I mean right now!"
Maria had tears welling up in her eyes; I could tell there was a lot of emotional baggage she was still carrying around from her relationship with her mother. "Your mother wants you to know…"
"Get out right now…I will call security if you don't leave right now!" she threatened as she picked up the phone.
As I went out the door I looked back and Maria was now sitting, her face buried in her hands as tears rolled down her cheeks between the soft sobs.
Getting into my car I couldn't help but think; there goes another good job...I hope Camila is happy now, because no one else is.
Early the next morning there came a knock at my front door. I opened it to find a man in his late thirties who had a very serious expression on his face.
"Are you the one who came to see my Maria yesterday?" he said speaking very rapidly. "Don't lie; I know you're the one who upset my Maria!" he burst out yelling.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked softly through my shaky voice.
"I'm Alfredo, her husband." His voice was gruff and angered.
"I was only trying to…" he cut me off in mid-sentence.
"You're a goddamn witch! That's what you are…stay away from my Maria!" He screamed as I closed and locked my door.
His rage was strong, before returning to his car he yelled through the door, "You will burn in hell!"
My hands were trembling and I had trouble catching my breath. I wasn't sure what Maria had said to her husband about our conversation the day before, but I have had similar reactions like this before. But this is the first time anyone came to my home. I guess Maria let her husband see my resume which contained my address and other personal information.
Three days later I received a phone call; to my surprise it was Maria Hernandez. She wanted to apologize for her husbands visit to my home. Apparently after she informed him of what took place several arguments ensued between them and some other family members as well.
I told her it was not my intention to cause her, or her family any stress or grief concerning her deceased mother. I wasn't really that surprised when she asked if I was a psychic and could she come to my home for a private reading to discuss Camila. I said it would be fine and we set a date and time.
Two days later in the evening I heard her pull into my driveway. I invited Maria in and I put out a bowl of potato chips and we each had a glass of cold Pepsi poured over ice.
"I wish to apologize for my husbands' behavior; his beliefs come straight from the Catholic faith as do many of my other family member's beliefs.
My two younger sisters however do not follow the old religion; they call themselves 'spiritual, but not religious' as many of the young do in today's world. I too do not follow the old religion.
After much discussion they have convinced me to listen to what you have to say; to not let my fear keep me from the truth."
I thought to myself that when Maria said 'after much discussion' she really meant to say after much yelling and arguing between the family members she decided to call me.
"Your husband did frighten me I must admit, but you don't owe me an apology. I knew when I started to tell you about your mother things might get ruff. So let's just start with a clean slate." I said smiling.
"Do you want money from me?" Maria asked in a low voice.
"Oh, heavens no, I only told you about your mother because she wouldn't stop pestering me during the interview." I was surprised as we both laughed.
"Yes, that was my mother alright; she never knew when to stop talking." We again laughed together.
"I hope you are prepared…" I said looking over her right shoulder.
Maria looked at me then turned to look behind her. "Is she here now?"
"Yes, she is."
Maria started to cry softly as she turned to face me, "Please tell her I forgive her."
"She can hear you, so you may say whatever you wish." I said in a reassuring tone. "Camila is saying how sorry and how wrong she was about Alfredo and that she only wanted what was best for you. She loves you very much."
Maria was wiping tears from her eyes, "I love you too very much Mama."
I now could see standing next to Camila a little boy, he looked to be about four years old it seemed to me. He was holding Camila's hand and was smiling. Mentally I asked Camila who the little boy was. She said it was Maria's little boy. I asked what his…
"What is my mother saying?" Maria interrupted my thought.
"Well, there is a small boy who is about four year's old standing by your mother. She says he is your son."
"What…my son…how can that be? I have two daughters and both are alive! I have no son. I don't understand?" Maria seemed completely caught off guard by her mothers' statement.
"Your mother says you became pregnant four years ago and you did not want another child; that your two sisters took you to a clinic where you underwent an abortion. You did not want Alfredo to know so you all swore yourselves to secrecy. You felt your husband would not understand due to his strong belief in the church ways. Your mother says you do not believe in the Catholic faith because she raised you in another faith. She says you only became Catholic to please your husband and his family."
Hearing this sent Maria off the couch as she fell onto her knees sobbing uncontrollably. I rushed to her side trying to console her. After several minutes she regained her composure and got up from the floor and sat back down.
Maria explained she felt she did not have the time or strength to take care of another child. She was afraid to tell her husband, so she told her sisters who said they would support her decision and help her make arrangements to go to the clinic in another city. Alfredo had left to go work at a construction site in another state during this time.
She did not know the tiny fetus was even a male she said in between bouts of crying. Maria asked if her mother and the boy were still present in the room, and I told her yes they were still here.
"Please ask my mother what she calls my son?" Maria asked in a calm voice.
"The boy, she said, named himself; he is called 'Alfredo Benito Hernandez, Jr.', he took his fathers name. They simply call him 'Junior' and your mother says he loves you very much. She said he comes at times and sits next to you and holds onto your arm to express his love for you. She says you have felt this before, have you not?"
"Oh my God…yes, yes I have, I never knew what it was, but I would feel so calm when I felt that odd sensation as if something was completely embracing my arm." She was smiling and looking off into the distance as it were; seeing and experiencing the love and gentle comfort the little boy had brought to her.
"Junior says on his birthday he would be so joyous if you would buy him a birthday balloon and release it in the small park down the street from your house." I said as Maria's gaze fell back upon me.
"Oh yes, tell Junior I will from now on...each and every birthday, I swear it!" An odd look came over her face as she asked this question, "Please ask Junior…when is his birthday?"
He answered before I could send the thought; I wasn't sure how Maria was going to react to his answer, "His birthday is the day you aborted him on, he says you know that day very well." Maria looked stunned, and then burst into tears again. I gave her more tissues and waited while she processed that statement from her son.
Camila now spoke to me and I relayed everything she said to Maria verbatim, "Abortion is not a sin as many religions upon the earth may claim. It is simply a lesson for many to learn to understand this great choice. Abortion will never completely be understood in this physical world you inhabit. There are no unfavorable circumstances when deciding to have an abortion or to not have an abortion. There should be acceptance of this practice; though the goal should be to overcome the fear associated with it by those who are wishing to carry it out. Overcome the worry, fear and selfishness you place upon yourselves because of this act. Your son chose you as his mother knowing full well that you would abort him, this was his choice too. He came to experience this short life in your womb for his personal spiritual growth. You may never fully understand his decision during this lifetime, but you will come to an understanding once you cross over and reunite with us. All will be made clear then. If you understand nothing else, just know, abortion is not a sin and God does not judge those who choose to bring this experience into their life path."
Maria stopped crying and said she needed to do some deep soul searching over what her mother had just expressed to her. She said she felt much better overall, but that she couldn't bring herself to tell her husband about Junior or the abortion. She was afraid of what he might do, so for now she would remain silent.
"Maria, your mother says she has one more thing to tell you and then they must go." I spoke very softly and reassuringly.
She gasped a little as I said that, "Oh my God, there's more?!" Her eyes were large and wide open with a look of mock disbelief. "I'm not sure I'm ready for this, I'm all cried out." She forced a little grin followed by a short chuckle as she slumped back into the chair.
"Don't worry dear, Camila said this is about your husband." I said smiling at her.
"Please don't tell me he's cheating on me?" A serious look befell her thin face.
"Oh no, this is nothing like that." I shot back which changed her negative facial demeanor immediately. "Your mother simply wants you to know that Alfredo is a very good hearted man, even though he is quick to anger, he shall always be there for you and the children. Things you will discuss later in life; just remember to give him time to think about things. He is slow to make changes so just be patient with him."
"Yes, I understand." Maria said.
"There is one last thing she wants to say before she goes. Your mother says after she passed, her home was sold and the money was divided among her living children."
"Yes, between me and my sisters, we all split it equally. It was not very much; we each got three thousand dollars." Maria said.
"Your mother says that you took her personal items, furniture and the like and placed it all in a large storage unit. She said you girls talked about one day getting together to go through her stuff to decide what to do with it, but no one wants to go there because of the sad memories of her passing."
"Yes that is true, we are having trouble letting go I guess." Maria spoke from the heart.
"Your mother said she wants you and your sisters to go to the storage unit. There in the far back you will find an old chest full of family photos from when she was a young girl. It is very important that you go through this small chest; she keeps repeating this to me, it is very important she keeps saying. She wants you to promise her you will do this for her." My voice was strong as Camila's thoughts came with such force into my mind.
Maria looked at me first with surprise and then with conviction as she answered her mother's request, "Yes, I swear we will go and check out the family photos, just as soon as I talk with my sisters and we can work it out so that we can all go together."
"Your mother and son are now going to leave; they both expressed their great love for you and the rest of the family." I said as they vanished as quickly as they had appeared.
"I love you both so much!" Maria said, almost shouting as she placed her hands over her heart.
We chatted for a short time before she said she had to get home before her husband did, as she didn't want to explain where she had been. I completely understood as we parted company.
Three weeks had passed and I was no closer to finding employment. I was making some money doing private readings here and there but that only paid for food and gas money. I was farther behind on my rent then I had realized; opening the mail I found an eviction notice from the management company. I had thirty days to leave or I'd be put out by the Sheriff's Department it read.
Talk about stress! It would be an understatement to say I was very worried and fearful. No relatives to fall back on as I was raised in an orphanage until I was eighteen and on my own from then on. I called my spirit guides and literally begged for their assistance, and then prayed to God to help me through this unnerving time in my life.
No longer a young girl, I didn't want to end up homeless; living and begging on the streets. I had some pretty ruff times when I was younger; sleeping in my car, washing up in gas station restrooms until I could get a waitress job or one cleaning homes. Working as a childcare worker at a group home, working with the mentally and physically handicapped and other low paid jobs was mainly all I could get with a high school diploma.
Finally in my late twenties I saved up enough to go to one of those 'Certified Nursing Aids' classes. Pay was better then most of the other jobs I had. After thirteen years working many different nursing homes and hospitals as a 'CNA' I just couldn’t handle the physical work anymore; my body was simply wore out and exhausted.
I'm just a hair over five feet tall and only weigh one hundred and fifteen pounds on average; my thin build has been a disadvantage most of my life working as a CNA.
My last job was working as a waitress at a small corner restaurant. It paid the bills as long as I kept to my budget. But when the last stock and housing markets and all that other stuff went south I was laid off and the restaurant closed. I lived off the unemployment benefits until they ran out; now its sink or swim time I'm afraid.
There came a knock at my door in the late afternoon; as I opened the door not sure what to expect, Maria and two other women were standing there with great big grins on their beautiful faces.
She introduced her sisters to me and said she had told them everything that had happened and what their mother said when she came to see me. They had finally all gotten up the courage to go to the storage unit and face their fears and emotions.
I never expected so much excitement from them as Maria told me the details of their visit. They could hardly sit still as the story unfolded in my living room. Opening the unit brought back much grief and sorrow Maria said as they entered.
After a few minutes of tears and hugs she said they decided to find the little chest with the photos and take it to Maria's home so they could go through it there. They felt there was just too much sadness among all of their mothers' things to check out the photos in the storage unit.
Maria said to their great surprise not only were there family pictures inside the box, there were also U.S. Savings Bonds. Their mother and father had been buying one fifty dollar savings bond every week for over thirty-five years; the total came to over one thousand eight hundred bonds.
They did some quick calculations online and said the bonds were worth over $200,000.00 dollars. You can imagine how ecstatically happy they were. It was as if they hit the lottery; hugs and kisses and joyous crying all around! I felt so overwhelmingly happy for them as they spoke of paying off their car and home loans and having money for their children's education and the like.
Maria also said they told their husbands who were dumbfound at first; then fully embraced their good fortune after the shock wore off. She went on to explain that her husband, Alfredo, asked why she all of a sudden decided to start going through the storage unit and she hesitantly confessed that she had come to my home and told him what had transpired concerning her dead mother. She did not mention Junior or the abortion.
She said he sat quietly and seemed to be pondering over what she told him all the while she braced herself for his short temper to show itself; but it was not forthcoming to her surprise. Another surprise came her way when several hours later he asked her to find out if he would be welcome to visit me and ask about his younger brother who died at age eleven due to a drowning incident.
I was truly surprised by this, but immediately told her he was more then welcome and I would be glad to see if we could make contact with his brother.