Anthology: Dare to Believe by Alexander Zielinski & Michael Burke - HTML preview

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Your father will be a man in the service of the government in the way of, not a politician, but as a keeper of peace. You may in your lifetime, this lifetime that you are living in now call the gentleman a career soldier. But he will be a gentleman of peace instead of this other term.

I will reveal to you at this time the names of those people. Your name will be…now this is no pun. Your name will be exactly the same as your first now, but it will be spelled backwards: Kralc. Do you understand?



Clark: Yes.



Dr. Woods: Very good. Your mother, whom you will never know, will be named Navarone. Your fathers name will be Harmzes. The last name, the family name of your family will be Eiruman.

Now then, through the institutional care and through the studies and the schooling, you will go into the scientific study of planetary study. This will be a normal study for that time.

You will spend your career not upon this planet. Your life basically will be a dweller of space. You will be traveling from one area to another. Much similar to the airlines of today, which go from one city to another city or from one continent to another continent. But this will be of a more colorful, advanced type of flight.

You will never marry. You will perish and return to the spiritual dimension after a period of earth years numbering forty-seven. I will not disclose the nature of the death, for it will have no bearing upon this life when you do recall. You will be in another dimension. You will be in another galaxy, and you will perish. But know that you shall be as close to spirit then as you are now. There will be no reason to fear being lost there in a vast nothingness, because it is not a vast nothingness.



Clark: Will I have the same feelings and emotions as I have now?



Dr. Woods: No. You’re going to be developed as a scientist. You will have no emotion. You will have feeling. You will not have emotions; you have primitive emotions now. You will not have emotions in this future life.

This is Dr. Charles Woods.



Clark: Thank you.



Dr. Woods: Now Blanche, are you ready? What door do you want?



Blanche: The left.



Dr. Woods: You wish to seek a past life experience. Very well, I’d like to place you at this time in the nation or country that is called Canada. Im placing you there and giving you the name in which you will not enjoy. You have never in any life had a name you enjoyed. I wish to give you the name of your last, next to last incarnation. This is not the last one. This is the one before. The name that I give you is Bella.



Blanche: Its better than the one I got now.



Dr. Woods: Yes, but you didnt think so then.



Blanche: Probably not, its not the worlds prettiest.



Dr. Woods: Now Blanche, like the “B” is very

important in your life to you. You feel closeness to the “B” and I think its because of the spirit God sound of ob.

Now then, let us go along with this and you can see some of the character peculiarities coming out, because of that Canadian life and to this one. I skipped a life. It didnt show up in your last life thats the reason I picked the one before to speak on this evening.

This is why you are always hot. You like cool weather. You’re cool natured. You like cool places. Many of your lives which have been few have been spent in cool areas on the Earth.

Now, the family name of this one of which Im speaking of was Sheller. You were not French. You were a Dukes mixture. You were English. Your parents came from Eng-land.

Now, Bella