Anthology: Dare to Believe by Alexander Zielinski & Michael Burke - HTML preview

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Death is simply like opening a door and walking through it. There you find yourself back at your true home, with your true friends, companions and family who rejoice at your return. You completed that lifetime; learning and experiencing as much as you could or couldnt, and now you returned home. Those loved ones you left behind on Earth, you will be there to greet them when they have finished their lifetime and they cross over, and you will rejoice with them at their special reunion.

Yes, many people fear death because of their religious faith and/or upbringing. They fear the Hell that was programmed into them by their religious beliefs. Religion told them they Sinned against God and therefore they must be damned to a burning Hell with Satan torturing them throughout eternity. But once they cross over and meet with their friends and family, they will then realize there is no Hell, or Satan or other such negative things waiting for them. Religions of the world use such devices to control the people, so they will obey the rules and authority of those holding religious power.

Mankind created religions, not God. God loves all his creations unconditionally. But if you wish, it is your right; you have free will to believe in such things as Demons and Devils if you wish. Once you cross over and see that those negative things were simply put there for your learning and/or spiritual growth, you will be truly elated at that discovery.

Souls are basic energy creations, as God is infinite energ<