Anthology: Dare to Believe by Alexander Zielinski & Michael Burke - HTML preview

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To move from depression, one must change their negative thoughts and/or move out of the negative behavioral pattern they have moved into, or been


caught up in. Whatever caused you harm or mental anguish, you can simply move from it by taking positive action to move from it or away from those who push you in a negative direction.

No pill will bring this change; there must be a physical, mental, emotional and/or change in their beliefs by the person in order to move out of the depression and/or stress they are experiencing. True change must come from within the person; you must come to terms with your situation. No therapist, doctor, friends or family can do it for you. It is your life, your experience, your lesson you chose for your spiritual advancement.

The stage or stages you as an individual have decided to experience will aid in your understanding of your physical life as it comes to a close. You have already experienced death in other lifetimes, so as far as your soul or true energy self is concerned this is merely another experience before you leave the physical body behind and your soul returns home. Some will be able to grasp this understanding as others will not.

Fear not the loss of your physical body for it has done its intended job, that of allowing your energy form to enter this physical dimension in order to learn and grow spiritually. It has served its purpose and now it is time to lay it aside.




The Dead Speak To Us:

Those who die can communicate with us depending on certain factors. Such as if they want to sp