Anthology: Dare to Believe by Alexander Zielinski & Michael Burke - HTML preview

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     The cycle of incarnation, or reincarnation as it is known, is merely the process chosen by many energy beings (souls) as a way to advance or progress at a faster rate.  One can progress just the same without ever incarnating into a physical body, yet spiritual advancement can be accomplished at an accelerated rate by incarnating into a human form where the negative element can be experienced first hand; rather then simply studied and/or observed through other energy beings that have lived in a human body.  It is up to each soul individual as to which path they choose to follow.

     Just know your previous lifetimes have brought you to the place in which you currently reside.  There have been many on your current path that you have experienced in similar times.  There have been many mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, wives and husbands, sons and daughters and the like; some were of great importance to you while others had little to do with you based on your chosen spiritual journey and their chosen spiritual path.

     It is not the nature of the societal construct of the family unit that is important; for many receive these same relationships at various points during the course of their lifetimes.  Just know that family is important for some souls to help them learn and experience certain lessons, while other souls do not need the close family ties to learn or experience their chosen lessons.

     This is why some families stay connected and others seem to scatter to the winds.  It’s simply that individual soul’s desire which compel them to seek out their individual lessons, chosen by them for their personal growth.





     These are classes of energy beings that come in waves and generations.  Each one may have a mission and/or goals to accomplish, but an overall group that begins to enter the physical world has a higher purpose.  Each may be seen as a new age when they enter. 

     There are always higher goods to be done, but these souls enter the world with much more to work with as a catalyst for previous generations already on the planet.  They can begin seeding the planet with new ideas, new terms, learning and understanding the past and bringing it along to new ways.

     Each may also bring subtle physical differences which may not seem visible, these are subtle changes in the evolution of human kind, in part because of man’s control over his physical realm and others seen from your dimension as needed improvements to come with the coming age and changes that will be experienced.

     You can see this as marked time periods throughout history when there were major thought shifts, major developments in the society of human kind and the views expressed by them.  It is needed to be known that there are some changes that take millions of years, all improving the human experience or making it more worth-while to those who decide to venture into it.

     Classes of people often do not understand those who came before them, and as much as this is a learning process for those who are present, this is also a learning process for those who are coming in.  They need to experience it, to break free from it and to push on with the new for the betterment of the humans in this existence.

     There are many who have outside influences from other races (beings from other planets).  These are a combination or by-product of two or more species of existence mixing at any one time.  There are also changes and additions of DNA by other species to attempt to improve and contribute for the higher good of humanity.





     Calling your Spirit Guide or Angel to place a protective shield around you each day is helpful, but just know, each individual is protected on their own from within if they are working for a higher good that does not involve selfish or personal reasons.  There will always be protection of a positive nature from within your own body and mind when the greater good is being brought forth by the individual.

     A protective shield does not always come from an outside source.  Guides or energy beings from the spirit dimension do


not always intervene since the majority of energy and action takes place from within you, whether you realize it or not.

     Calling it something that happens outside of you by another force is possibly easier to understand, just know that almost all protection comes from your actions, commands, thoughts and beliefs.  Nothing good will come to you if you don’t believe it first.  Negativity will not join you unless you call it or bring it forth with your own negative actions.





     All energy beings (souls) who incarnate into a physical body have what is termed a ‘silver cord’ connecting it to its etheric double.  As long as this connection is maintained the etheric double can visit places of interest in this physical dimension or even other dimensions for its learning process and remain attached to its human body.  Sleep is when the etheric double does most of its traveling and wondering to different places of interest for its benefit. 





     Souls are basic energy creations, as God, the ‘Source of all Life,’ is infinite energy.  Spirit energy as some call it is simply that part of God that connects all living things to each other and to God.  God created souls (energy beings) in order to experience that which he created on an emotional level.

     As a soul we grow and experience the knowledge of God, who then in turn experiences through us, his creations.  God gave his soul creations the limited ability to create and the free will to lead ourselves into the experience of the negative and the positive aspects that exist in life.  Souls can experience the negative side of life, whereas God cannot.  So God experiences the negative through his creations.

     As souls, we are experiencing and gathering information not only for God, but for our individual advancement.  No Matter whether we are in the human form or back in the spirit dimension, we are seeking to grow more God-like in our own right.

     Remember, your true form is that of pure energy, all things are of energy, you will always maintain your individuality as long as you desire to do so.  Just know that as an energy being you are part of a larger grouping of energy beings.  That is the connection we all have to God.  As you combine your energy to this larger energy group, Gods energy expands and continues to grow.  Worry not about joining your energy with other energy beings, for you still retain your identity, for we are all a part of that infinite energy of our loving God.





     There are soul mates in your sense of what persons or people return for the purpose of interacting specifically within one another in a specific lifetime.  This does not have to be a long term interaction or a significant interaction, only that the interaction occurs, by both agreeing, and by positive consideration by those above you. 

     There are some who are soul mates who are engaged on long term relationships and others who are short involvements in your life.  The purpose of these relationships range the full spectrum of needs, emotions and purposes for development or receiving an experience.  It is important to know that simply because you are soul mates does not make you lovers.  You can have friends and colleagues who are soul mates. 

     Soul mates can refer more to your similarity in progress that has been made through your development as a being of energy, your true self.  Though, it is possible that there is a link between beings that do not reside in these areas of existence within your true home.  There are soul mates who work together on progress, often these can be groups, not limited to just a singular pair.

     These groups work to promote and motivate, or help to understand the experiences had by the group for the sake of evolving and as you might understand it, educating each other for the purpose of ascending to a higher frame of knowledge.

     It is possible that significant or insignificant relationships also be of your own free will or those that were destined to happen or created to happen for your experience, or even by chance, and that those individuals share nothing in common


with you on any dimension.  Though, in many cases, in order for a successful long term relationship of any kind to take place and be maintained there is often a meaningful accord between the two beyond the physical realm in which you currently reside.

     It is important to see that there is much change coming at this time and that there are those who are destined to have greater roles than others.  This does not mean that there are no soul mates or that we are all connected any less than what you have once thought.  It is important to see the light that is coming to you and is always available to you.

     Free will or choice or that which is determined, however loosely, before you arrive, these are the things that make this existence real to you.  It is important to engage in all things as though they were true and for your highest good, simply because you do not immediately know, it is important to take on all things important to your evolution as though they were bringing you up to the next level of progress.





     This type of meditation is basically for those who wish to develop some type of psychic or mediumistic ability.  As you open yourself to soul meditation you open a pathway between the physical world and the spirit world.  You then allow those in the spirit world to connect directly with you.  There will be a group of energy beings who will come to work with those who seek this path in earnest (see Inner Circle).  The following will give you the basic foundation needed to begin this life altering journey.


  1. Choose a room in your home/apartment that will provide a quiet place to meditate.  A semi-dark room to begin with will help quiet your mind.  Soft, meditative music will also help the beginner. 
  2. Do some deep breathing.  Breath in and hold for three seconds then release and hold for three seconds.  Do this for a total of seven times to relax.
  3. Start by sitting in a straight backed chair positioned in the center of the room/space you have chosen.  Later, you may use a more comfortable chair or even lay flat on a bed, as long as you remain awake.  While sitting in the straight backed chair, rest your hands on the tops of your thighs, arms uncrossed.  Keep you legs uncrossed and feet flat on the floor.  Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing or you may if you so desire meditate in the nude.
  4. You may begin your meditation with a prayer or simply a statement of your intent.  You may say it mentally or speak it out loud.
  5. Now close your eyes clear your mind and relax.  Concentrate on the soft music if you have trouble clearing your mind.
  6. Start by meditating 15 to 30 minutes or whatever feels comfortable for you.  Decide on how often you will meditate; such as once a day, or three times a week or only once a week, it is totally up to you.  Just remember it is very important to follow the schedule you choose.  If you decide for example to meditate on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9am, then be punctual and be ready to work with your Inner Circle.  They will be there and so should you.
  7. When you have finished your meditation say a closing prayer of thanks or simply thank your Inner Circle for there assistance.





     This is the true home for ‘energy beings’ or those known as ‘souls.’  These are the same beings that incarnate into the physical dimension and take on a human form for learning and experiencing that which cannot be obtained in the spirit dimension.





     Also called the Guardian Angel, he is the main energy being who oversees that life you are now living.  Calling them ‘Doctor’ in the world of spirit is the same as those on earth who, for example, would hold the title of Doctor of Philosophy


or having a PhD in a specific discipline.  Their job is to assist you with completing the lessons you programmed for this life experience.  Making sure the lessons you chose are placed in your path, whether you learn or do not learn the lesson is up to you.  If you fail to learn a lesson, your Spirit Doctor may place you in a similar situation(s) to give you more opportunities to experience and learn the lesson you chose.  He will also supervise how and when the other spirit helpers may or may not interact with you during this human existence.  When you cry out for help or for immediate assistance, for example, he is summoned and will asses the situation and take action, if required, depending on what you programmed to experience.





     This is no different an exit from your dimension than any other manner of death.  This, as others, is a physical action manifested from the thoughts and stress that persist on one’s mind.  These can be overcome, and if not, there are many counseling sessions and advisements when that soul returns home so that they can understand what torment they felt they were experiencing.

     Often times this is a young soul, not many human experiences, and this is something they must overcome in order to continue learning in the lifetimes of humans.  This is no more or less negative or positive than any other action taken on the earth plane.

     Trial and error, education does not always come quickly, learning by doing.  Living the life is how we come to understand and know it.  Self-inflicted death only returns you home, but know that you will live again in a human form once information had been passed to you so that you can again experience those same conditions and allow yourself to grow.

     You choose these things in your path and you can overcome them.  There is no cheating and giving of more information in an attempt to stave off suicide in the next lifetime, for not much about the energy existence is at first readily available to you when you return.  There are some ideas and knowledge that is in harmony with all beings who are not completely engulfed in nonsensical ideas on the physical dimension.  Those who have greater information of spirit or those who involved themselves in it may also see it as a tool for overcoming what they fear are overwhelming circumstances.  Those situations are only to provide a specific circumstance for that soul’s development and to experience that certain set of situations. 





     These cards are useful for speaking the mind of the medium or psychic that is using them.  There should be an instinct at work that brings forth more information once the card is viewed.   There are those not working with guides and there are those working with guides.  With guides’ manipulation can take place to bring for the proper messages in order to then connect and trigger the medium onto further information.

     Yes, tarot cards can be used to verify information.  Though, those who are simply flipping cards and reading their prescribed meanings are not necessarily giving great or in-depth information.

     These cards can provide accurate information if a connection is made with a higher being or one is working with that soul.  There is much that can be brought forth with tarot cards but many mediums do not realize that they can move beyond this method to give direct information from a spirit being without any interference.  Some mediums though will not move passed it as they are too fearful of inaccuracy or are unaware that they have this ability.

     There are many who will give correct information but it is important to have thorough knowledge of the deck of choice and ensure that this deck is attuned to your vibration.  These are not card games and should be a serious focus and endeavor for those who are willing to study it intently.

     Tarot cards were brought about as a means to trigger the mind with general expressions that are more aptly applied to the situation or question at hand; though those who have a direct connection to spirit will know that there is more information and guidance available upon seeing that card as they are often imbued with further information.  Whether they realize it or not, they may be giving it as what they feel is personal counsel but is often and idea, thought or sentence that


was given to them by a power much greater than themselves.

     As with all communication and guidance it is important to work in this field and focus your attention to it.  Greater information will come to those using theme that will allow them to move on.  There should be a set schedule of study and practice to allow further development.  There is no reason to think less of this manner of communication so long as you are aware of how practiced the tarot card reader is and their focus and attention.

     Accurate information is not always had from a person in this lifetime who merely reads these instruments a few weekends per month.  Greater intuition is at play for those who are using them though they should ensure that they are reading the situation from a different vantage point and not the energy of the questioner who is simply thinking of that situation. 

     A great change will come that will unlock greater potential and make those aware that they too can have communication with spirit.  Many do already but do not realize that these are not their own thoughts.  Seriousness is not the point; experienced is the purpose in order to fully engage in the higher information.





     In the spirit dimension communication is accomplished through telepathy.  Pure thoughts are transferred between energy beings.  There are no misunderstandings or misleading information transferred between energy beings; unlike the spoken word in the human form where it is common for misunderstanding and misleading information to be conveyed.

     Telepathy is simply pure thoughts being sent and received mentally without the use of the spoken word.  Humans do have this ability but for lack of understanding rarely use it.





     There will be times during your lifetime when you will be tested.  These tests were programmed into your lifetime by you before you entered this physical world.  No one else tests you; you are the only one that causes doubt in yourself.  Your old memories will bring you through what you see as trying times. 

     There is no danger, only experience which comes to you in the form of programmed tests.  The human language has many words to describe types of experiences.  When in reality they are all only experiences; no good or bad, just an experience.  You went through it, and then you think about it.  What should you do?  What did you do?  Are you okay with that?

     Tests come in many shapes and forms.  Just know God loves all his children no matter from what country, culture or race they hail from.  All are loved unconditionally as his creations and he holds no one above another.  All are seen as equal souls in his eyes. 

Praying to God to strike down one you consider an enemy is asking God to kill one of his own children.  No prayer is ever acted upon by God if it involves destroying one creation at the behest of another. 

     Murderers, child molesters, rapists, etc.; Do they deserve to be punished for the rest of eternity, to be damned to hell?  If you answered ‘yes’ you have failed the test of understanding what true unconditional love conveys.  Open your soul to love and forgiveness or you will have to experience many, many lifetimes to learn a simple truth.  That we are all connected through God to one another.

     Try to think on a deeper level and see things through the eyes of our loving God.  There is no right and there is no wrong, replace fear with love.  You will see all that happens is for the advancement of all creation.  You cannot harm or punish another without harming or punishing yourself.

     The time will come when humankind will comprehend what the ‘Source of all Life’ has given to them.  Once they comprehend the true meaning behind these lessons and experiences, humankind will once again become enlightened.





     Simply the third eye is located in the middle of the forehead between the eyebrows and this is where the chakra center for the mediumistic senses such as clairvoyance is found.





     When you think and produce thoughts, whether positive or negative, you are creating them using spiritual laws.  These are in conjunction with physical laws which operate while you are incarnate in a physical body.  Thoughts move throughout the cosmos and are not contained or hindered by solid matter.  They are stored in the Akashic consciousness of the ‘Source of all Life’ or that which some call ‘God.’

     Whatever your thoughts concern, the more you dwell on them the more power you give them.  If you add strong emotional energy (love or hate for example) they grow even more profound in their essence.

     Moving your thoughts into a positive direction (love) can bring about spectacular results in your life; affecting both your physical life and that of your spiritual enlightenment.  Dwelling on negative thoughts (hatred, anger) brings about turmoil and chaos into your physical and spiritual life.

     Your individual thought patterns have created the very life you are currently experiencing.  Whatever life you are living now, positive or negative, you are the sole creator of that existence.  Using your own pure thought patterns you brought forth this life, remember the law of attraction.

     You cannot blame others in your life for the misfortunes that have befallen you.  Change your thoughts and you change your life path.  It’s up to you; no one can do it for you, stop being so afraid of change and take positive action to move forward.

     Spirit energy is never destroyed; it can be transformed into many things on many levels of consciousness.  But never will it perish or fade away.  Gather your thoughts, narrow them into a positive goal then focus and visualize them in your mind.  Combine them with positive emotion and transform them into physical reality.  That is the basic scope of your ability to co-create in the human form within the confines of pure consciousness.



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