Ascension or Destruction by Michael Burke and Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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The misconception in the Bible that the Creator of All condones „an eye for an eye‟

has caused many to support capital punishment (death penalty). The Bible was meant to be taken symbolically, not literally. The punishments forthcoming are to be dealt with by karmic justice, not by mankind‟s fallible justice system.

The karmic debt for those who participate in state, federal and/or military judicial executions is very negative indeed. Especially for the executioner, and all others involved in the death sentence process.

It is one thing to pronounce judgment against an individual, and sentence him/her to life in prison without the possibility of parole. It is totally another matter to pronounce judgment against an individual and give them the penalty of death!

Only the Creator of All can mete out such a sentence and he refuses to do so because he loves all his children (souls). He allows them the chance to change what is in their 93

hearts and minds while still in the human form.

Time in prison itself can transform even the most lost and hardened soul. Time itself can provide them with the free will choice to transcend hatred. Turning it into love and understanding of oneself, and of their fellow man. But a sentence of death stops the process of inner reflection and enlightenment. It stalls the spiritual growth of all humanity.

There are five basic reasons NOT to employ the death penalty: 1. Innocent Lives; during the last 38 year period over 135 innocent people were wrongfully convicted to death row and later released. How many others were executed before the real truth could be found?

2. Not a Deterrent; all states that do not sponsor capital punishment have the same average or even lower than average homicide rates than do the states with capital punishment statues. Life in prison is equally, if not more effective than a death sentence.

3. Minorities/Poor; racism and bigotry bias plays a major role in deciding who is charged/sentenced in death penalty cases. Especially if the victim was White and the defendant was African-American/Hispanic.

4. Cost; the monetary expenditure to try, convict, sentence, appeals process and maintain an individual on death row is astronomically costly. As opposed to trying, convicting, sentencing and maintaining a person in prison for life. The money saved by life imprisonment sentences, rather than that of a death 94

sentence, could be used for real reform and rehabilitation.

5. Human Rights Violation; over 67 percent of all nations on planet earth have abolished the death penalty. This is due to international standards on human rights. America is one of the top five nations still executing their citizens along with China and Iran.

Think long and hard before you condemn an individual to death. Do you truly think a loving and divine God would want YOU to destroy a life HE created?