Basics of Spiritual Living by Jordan Little - HTML preview

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Chapter 7:

Brainstorm Ideas To Spirituality or Talk To A Spiritual Leader



Setting goals is an important frame of mind to have, as has already been established in the various other presentations. However if an added advantage is needed to ensure the goal is reached and also to ensure it is for the good of all concerned, turning to spiritual guidance is a prerequisite.


Make A Plan

When an idea is first conceived it may have in most cases been with the goal of achieving some form of earthly element or pleasure.

However if there is the spiritual guidance of a spiritual leader then the danger of the idea being just that, for earthly pleasure, may be checked, rethought or better still shelved altogether. Having the advantage of spiritual elements involved will certainly assure its integrity and success.

A spiritual leader will be able to steer the focus on a more God centered results and methods and in turn this ensures that the goal and people connected to achieving the goal will not work blindly or sinfully.

Also by knowing that there is a percentage of spiritual involvement it gives everyone connected to the goal a sense of divine guidance which is assuredly never wrong.

Spiritual leaders are usually so in tune with God’s teachings for the happiness of the human existence that they are able to advice accordingly so all concerned are able to clearly focus on achieving the goal set.

The feelings of cooperation and comradeship will be obvious and every present. Spiritual leaders are able to give specific quotes of God’s favor in dire situations and this will help to keep the moral of those involved from in the journey to achieving the goad high and recharged.

With the advice of a spiritual leader, those involved in the goal will also know how to turn to God’s when inspiration, innovation and just plain strength is needed to press on to overcome any obstacles that may otherwise hinder the enthusiasm of all.
