Bhagvad-Gita:Treatise of Self-help by BS Murthy - HTML preview

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Chapter 6

Practice of Restraint


This chapter of 47 slokas, known as ãtma samyama yoga, Self Restraint, deals with all aspects of self-control needed for renunciation in action. Here Arjuna’s queries as to  what would be the fate of man were he to fail midway, in his efforts at self-  control  (s37). Even if it were the case, assures the Lord, still one wouldn't come to grief here or hereafter  (s40).   What   is   more,   after   being   born   many   times   over,   eventually he attains moksha (s45). Further in s46, the Lord asserts that such a man is superior  to the ritualistic character, and concludes in s47 that he  remains  His  most  blessed devotee.

Seen in this background, s 41 and s42 are clearly interpolations not only for affecting the continuity of the text but also for what they contain. S41 would have it that those who perform the asvamedha (ritualistic horse sacrifice) would reach heaven to be born again rich.

Likewise s 42 would have us that, or such would be born in learned homes. It would seem that s46-s47 are digressions, but in effect they carry forward the Lord’s discourse from s32, at which point Arjuna interrupted Him with his queries.

S10-s17 deal with aspects of ascetic practice and do seem to be interpolations, even going by what is stated in the very opening verse, besides breaking the continuity in the proposition.



Thus spoke the Lord:

Forego none if forsake chores

Eye not gain ’n thou be freed.



If thou let go its godly

Makes that hard thy self-interest.



Uphill though the way forsake

As ’n when thou make it there

Stay thus put with no more strain.



Reining senses sans motive

Wise on selfless deeds focus.



Noble or naughty it’s thy make

Self thus thine but shapes thyself.



Mind if reined, it’s thy friend

Foe it turns, let when loose.



Overcome if vicissitudes

Vibe thee well with Me Supreme.



Valuable or be otherwise

Treat all alike self-realized

Thus they remain ever even.



Wise is one, folks who treats

None the fear ’n sans favour.



With no longing freed of want

It’s then thou reach yogic state.



Rooted in self yogi true

Lamp he likens in still air.



Restrain mind in self-focus Beatitude of life that makes.



Transcends senses if  thy  mind

It’s then thou reach state of bliss.



Rooted so on peak of bliss

Wise not bother lows of life.



So to live in yogic state

Untie wise from life's bothers.



Wise keep tabs on self-impulse

Affects to without are they immune.



Wed wise focus with calm mind

Makes that life of theirs tranquil.



Pulled by wants as trips the mind

Gain ground wise by self-leverage.



Passions languid, mind tranquil

Keep man ever on blissful course.



Mind that's pure with self-control

Leads that man to State Brahman.



Espy wise in right outlook

Others in self ’n vice versa.



Discern Me in what they see

Ever they find Me nearby them.



Me who sees in all beings

He’s the one that dwells in Me.



He’s the yogi self-feels who

Joys of others ’n grief as well.



Thus spoke Arjuna:

Frail being man, fail I see

Yoga Thou espouse, lasting in practice.



Can one ever tame his mind

Like the wind that yields to none?



Thus spoke the Lord:

Calm ’n custom bring in ropes

Tough ask though to subdue mind.



Fail keep going unruly

Persevere self-willed all the way.



Thus spoke Arjuna:

What if one

Throws up all Lacks

who zeal Hath 

though faith?



Resolve if dissolves in mid-course

Won’t that be like scattered clouds?



Kindly dispel all my doubts

Think I none of else for that.



Thus spoke the Lord:

Strives if one to enrich self

Ends not in grief here or there.



Harnessed habit, of births past

Helps man strive to self-realize.



With the reason thus imbibed

Realized outwit scholars there.



Awareness of births of yore

Helps the striving gain moksha.



Ahead in protocol comes yogi

Learned, ascetics, as all sticklers for rituals.



He’s the yogi of yogis

Self-inner who fills with Me.


Ends thus:

Practice of Restraint,

The Sixth Chapter

Of Bhagavad-Gita,

Treatise of self-help.