Boost Your Body Image with NLP by Nick Ritchie - HTML preview

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Pace Current Experience

This is a very simple process, in where you’re simply stating the obvious. The

obvious being what is going on inside of the person’s current experience. If

someone is sitting on a chair in front of you, you will start pacing their current experience linguistically by saying something like, “As you sit there in your chair listening to me now…” What you’ve done is verbally repeat back to them exactly

what is happening right now. You can almost continue on by mentioning more

than just one thing, such as… “And as you listen to me now, you probably notice

your heart beating in your chest and your ears picking up any number of noises in the background from the (describe ambience) footsteps of people passing by, to

people happily chatting away while eating their dinner…” Interestingly enough,

the more things you verbally describe in someone’s current reality back to them,

the more and more they will become drawn in by what you are saying…

A few examples of Pacing Current Experience are as follows…

“As you read these words, and absorb this information almost effortlessly…”

“Feeling yourself scroll through this book, as you hear any sounds in the

background, noticing the way your clothes rest on your body…”

“You notice your heart beating in your chest, as you take in this information, and enjoy that feeling of knowing you’re learning something valuable…”

When verbally expressing someone’s current experience back at them, you open

them to the idea that what you are saying is completely true for them, and that

there is no reason to oppose what you’re sharing. Following this process allows

for a series of successive “yes’s” to take place unconsciously (or consciously if you’re seeking them to validate what you say with a verbal “Yes”), and then

following this you can usually say something that is possible but not definitely

true, and the other person will in most cases readily agree. This allows them to

move in a completely new direction than where they may have been moving prior

to engaging in this process with you.



An example of moving someone towards a trance-like state would be…

“As you’re in this room right now, listening to the sound of my voice as you feel the familiar feeling of your clothes touching your skin, and your heart beating

inside your chest, you may notice that it’s easier to take deep calm breaths, and these breaths will only help to relax you further into a deeper state of relaxation as you continue to listen to my voice sinking deeper and deeper now…”

Or an example of influencing someone to make a decision could be…

“You’ve been shopping around the mall, and you’ve looked at some clothes in the

past, and now you’re standing here in this store, and perhaps you’re wondering if you’ll find what you’re looking for here, and you may even get the feeling that

you’re finally in the right place at the right time, and you’re ready to decide to buy a dress here and now…”

This is where rather than receiving the persons “yes” response verbally (like in the tag question example), they will instead, unconsciously say “yes” as you pace

their experience.