Boost Your Body Image with NLP by Nick Ritchie - HTML preview

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Conversational Postulate

We use conversational postulates in our ever day communication, and they are

much more apparently used with people in authority positions (at least the ones

who care about the way others feel). A conversational postulate is simply where

you turn a command (something you want someone to do), into a question, thus

softening the command and increasing the listeners responsiveness and

compliance. Basically it allows the listener to avoid feeling as though they are

being told to do something (or at least softens it), which usually occurs when

someone is commanded (told) to do something.

A few examples of conversational postulates are…

Would you pass me the pen?

Can you cook dinner tonight?

Perhaps you could fill the car up with gas on your way home?



The commands are very obvious when viewing them in this context (such as; pass

the pen, cook dinner tonight, fill the car with gas) and although the person could potentially refuse, it makes it seem a lot softer by the question-type of frame that is being used. When the option to refuse is presented to the listener, they are

much less likely to refuse, and much more likely to comply.