Boost Your Body Image with NLP by Nick Ritchie - HTML preview

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Learning NLP Basics

Why would you want to learn the basics of NLP? Sometimes one of the most

empowering things someone can do when they suffer from poor body-image and

self-esteem, is to learn how their mind works. Learning how your mind works, will in-turn allow you to become more aware of what is going on when you feel a

negative emotion (or positive one for that matter), and to make adjustments

accordingly. The first step to any change, is awareness. Once you are aware of

something, you can change it. But if you’re running around looking for a hole in

the ground with a blindfold on, you’re going to trip over it a few times, but you’ll never find the gold buried deep within until you regain your sight and find the

map. NLP increases your awareness of yourself and the way you think about your

body, thus lifting the blindfold of ignorance, and shining a new light on the way you perceive yourself and the world around you. In saying that, the beauty of NLP

is that it doesn’t matter what areas of NLP you learn, because every single

technique can be applied to improve any area of your life immediately (not only

body-image). Now there are some basic concepts that we can cover right away to

get you started with boosting your body-image using NLP, so let’s get started with those, which are:

1. Sensory Acuity

2. Submodalities

3. Rapport

4. Reframing

5. Anchoring

6. Meta Model

7. Milton Model

8. Modelling

The area of sensory acuity is really valuable in becoming an effective

communicator (with others, and yourself), and for becoming good at applying NLP

to your own life. It gives you the ability to notice the most subtle changes in



yourself and others, so that you can easily sync with them. As you become

familiar with these slight changes in others, you’ll be able to derive clues from what they might be thinking at the time that have resulted in the changes to the

outside of them. From noticing these changes, it allows us to develop a high level of rapport, which is highly important in our relations with others, whether that be in a personal relationship with a friend, family member or lover, or in a business context like sales or leadership. Submodalities relate to how we process our

internal experience (how we structure our thoughts). Rapport is all about

strengthening our connection with others, quickly and easily. Reframing is the

process of shifting our perception of an experience (usually) after it has occurred.

Have you ever heard a song come on, and then found yourself remembering a

past experience and almost reliving it? Anchoring is the process in which you

respond according to a particular signal. Your response can be programmed to

help you to reach a desirable state at will, rather than be at effect all the time.

The Meta and Milton Models are ways of speaking that allow you to make

powerful behavioral change quickly and easily within conversation (with yourself) or another person. Modeling is the pattern where all of NLP has been created,

and once you’ve developed this ability, you’ll be able to create any behavior or

attitude as you so wish. During this book, I’ll be sharing the basics of these six techniques along with specific stories that illustrate how to apply them, along

with things you can do right away to begin using them in your everyday life

starting today.

As you learn and develop these techniques, you’ll already have a vastly higher

amount of knowledge and ability to create change within yourself (and others),

than most other people you know who have not yet read this book.

It’s my intention that by the end of this book, that you’ve not only learned and

developed your understanding of NLP and some of the techniques, but also that

you’re applying them to improve the way you look at yourself, how you feel about

yourself and your body, and your life is ultimately better as a result. Get excited, interested and curious, and test out this new knowledge at every chance you can

during your day to day life.