Change Your Mind Change Your Life by Ed Strada - HTML preview

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Eliminate Roadblocks


If you're feeling exploited, overwhelmed or just plain over it, the following time-management tips may help you maximize your productivity so you're able to achieve more.

Make it Easier

Between answering personal e-mails, IMs and fielding cell phone calls from your children, it may get very difficult to stay centered on the tasks.

Consequently, if you are in the office attempt to center on you work as much as possible. Then if you are at home, you may truly deal with your issues there without distraction. You’ll end up having better quality time both places.

Differentiating your work duties from home-related ones will let you keep your mind on work if you are there and, in turn, stall less, feel less deluged and achieve more.

While it's always good to try to make everyone happy all the time, it's simply not possible in a workplace ruled by the irrefutable laws of time and space. Learn if to say no.

There are times its right to go beyond the call of duty on the job. For example, if it's a true emergency, then I don't mind staying late or going out on a limb. Yet, that's different from just letting individuals dump their last-minute work on your desk so they may go home early. While you have to do your work, you likewise need to take care of yourself and know your boundaries.

Time spent hunting for files or lost numbers could be used for making progress on your to-do list. Great organizational structures are crucial in any time-management plan.

Spend a couple of minutes at the end of everyday answering voicemails, and e-mails. It always helps to be organized and not let messages pile up. It will constantly save you time.

Sticky notes posted on your keyboard may help you recall the most crucial task that need to be done throughout the day. Everybody has their own system for becoming organized.

Any well-constructed to-do list has to include some time for unwinding and centering yourself, or you may wind up too stressed out to do anyone any good.

Your entire life must reflect what you are naturally drawn to do.

It's crucial to accomplishing your heart's desire. Don't trade one more second of your treasured life energy working hard at accomplishing your goals.

Discover your keenest gifts that have been with you since the day you were born and utilize them to produce value in an easy and relaxed way! Everything you need to produce your success is already inside you.

Any useful idea that has elevated the life experience of people has come about because individuals would like to avoid having to do

difficult work. All our creations throughout history have been produced to make life easier and better.

Difficult work is counter-productive to the direction of growth and life expanding. Difficult work blocks off the flow of creative, inspired energy. Difficult work isn't in alignment with the laws of creation.

You are made of the same stuff and this natural law applies to you wittingly or unwittingly. You'll never get healthy, wealthy and wise:

• keeping your nose to the grindstone

• pushing something uphill

• working your fingers to the bone

• Or at the salt mine

• spending the day with a slave driver

There's an easier, lazy, do nothing way to produce the life you have always wanted. You must engage yourself in what you love, play and have fun with.

Play with everything. If it is not fun, and feels like difficult work, you are diminishing your potential for making massive success in your life. Align your center and attention to only that which you love.

Then discover partners who love doing the activities you resist doing. If you put it all together, you'll take a quantum jump in your power to produce what you want.

What Can Help


Motivation is a great deal badmouthed, over-franchised, over-promoted, and misconceived term. The word, 'Motive' is delineated as that within the individual, rather than outside, which incites him or her to action; an idea, need, emotion, or organic state that cues to action.

For each one of your goals, make a habit to repeat again and again, "'I want to-I can,' 'I want to-I can.' Devise a simple, fresh affirmative self-talk vocabulary about yourself.

Pay attention to whether you're driven to impress others or if you're

Very inspired to get something. (And then lean toward the latter).

A Tool

Motivation is a force, which moves us to action, and it springs from within the individual.

If you get 'butterflies' in your stomach prior to a performance, accept them as butterflies. Butterflies are nice. When they start to eat you, they're like moths. Moths in your stomach are not nice. They induce ulcers. Butterflies are exceptional. Moths? Not so much.

Positive stress, produced by desire, is like a bow pulled taut to move the arrow to the bull's-eye. In a totally tension-free state, you're either comatose or lifeless. What a person truly needs isn't a tensionless state, however the striving and struggling for a goal that's worthy of him or her.

Often, we mistakenly attempt to get rid of all of our wants and the stress we think they produce. Unluckily, it's not the desires that produce the damaging stress, it's the dread and doubt and worry and attachment that brings on the negative stress.

The hurdle is to hold the bow taut with the tension of our wants and then joyfully celebrate every step of the process as we move toward our goal with flexibility, patience and enthusiasm. And, re-orienting our relationship to fear is always an exceptional thing.

Those butterflies? Let's learn to smile at them rather than let them evolve into moths that eat us up. Working at techniques to manage stress is a bit like trying to win the Indy 500 by putting a governor on the motor of your racing car or switching out a powerful V-12 for a V-4 since it provides a 'quieter ride.' You wouldn't do that. Not if you

Were after the checkered flag. No ace is about to give his opponents an

Edge. Nor should you by trying to relax when the pressure's on.

The most readily identifiable persona of a total winner is an attitude of personal optimism and exuberance.

How's your optimism and exuberance?

After years of analyzing learned helplessness, there's information on how we may learn to be more optimistic, and, naturally, why we ought to care. For now, know it's big and you're able to do much about it.

And, exuberance. Exuberance comes from the Greek and literally

Means "God within." That's awesome.

When we're on (or "total winners"), we've got the higher power in the house and the world realizes it via the exuberance and motivation that radiates from inside!