Change Your Mind - Change Your Life by Leon Van Keulen - HTML preview

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Believe It Now!

In the first chapter, we mentioned that success takes both determination and belief. This requires a belief that is with absolute certainty that your goal already has taken place in the universe. It only needs be manifest — made real in the physical world — exactly on time. Believing with absolute certainty is a giant “leap of faith” that the universe will come through for you.

One of the strongest tools for keeping your proper focus is, of course, meditation, because it connects you directly to the universe and affirms your faith in it. An even stronger tool is to actually see the universe in motion — seeing things happen for you without any intervention from you, other than determination and belief.

Once, Julie and her mother were going to a fairly large mall during the Christmas season. Of course, the parking lot was packed with shoppers. Julie began to drive toward the front of the parking lot, by the main doors of the mall out of habit. Her mother asked her what she was doing, and Julie told her mother that she wanted to see if there were any empty spots close to the front doors. Her mother very indignantly told Julie that she was crazy. Julie’s response? “Oh ye of little faith!” and silently asked God if He might provide a spot close for her mother to see that things are possible through belief. Julie was as shocked as her mother, when there was a newly-vacated spot directly in front of the doors in the first position. Julie pulled in the space without a word said, while her young children began giggling in the back seat. After shutting off the car, she turned to her mother and said, “God provides.” Then, silently thanked Him. It took a while for her mother to recover from the shock. Julie has since asked God for close parking spots many times, knowing that if there isn’t one, it’s because someone with a greater need got it. More times than not, the space is there. Oh, and Julie’s mother’s faith in the universe grew that day by leaps and bounds.

Did Julie know for sure a space would be there? No, but she did absolutely believe that her prayer was heard and would be positively answered, if at all possible within the current circumstances of her life. That is belief from determination. You first determine, and then follow it with absolute belief.

Notice also that Julie asked for a space “close” to the doors. She didn’t limit the universe by asking for a specific space. She allowed the universe room to process her request.

Let’s say, instead of someone having just pulled out of the first space, they had just pulled out of one five spaces down. If Julie had asked specifically for the first space, then the space five spaces down may have been given to someone else. She would have been trying to manipulate the process.

You must not limit the result of your request. Allow the universe to define the best outcome. The source knows better than we do the best result for us at the moment in time it manifests into our physical world.

Be the Success You Desire

Another important factor in absolute belief is treating yourself as if and acting as though your goal is already achieved. Remember, that as soon as you determine something and place absolute belief in it, it already has been processed by the universe and exists — even if the existence is currently in thought. Don’t think about what has been, the past is gone. Treat the situation as if the past had never happened. Change the way you look at the situation to a positive perspective. Think, speak and act/react with a sense of purpose. Have gratitude for the universe, yourself and the situation, and be inspired.

Let’s look at some examples:

Example 1: You wish to shed enough weight before an important function to fit in to a new dress. You have determined that you will lose the weight and have, in fact, already lost the weight in thought within the universe. You believe with absolute certainty that the universe is processing your request by moving the world’s energy to accommodate you.

Do you continue eating as if it doesn’t matter? Do you continue being a couch potato? That would say that your goal doesn’t matter and would effectively stop the process. If you look in the mirror and are repulsed or constantly use the overweight or fat words in your thoughts and spoken words, wanting to be thin, then you’ll retain the 20 pounds, no matter what you do.

Instead, you outline what needs to be done to get to where you wish to be. That would include eating and exercising properly. You compliment yourself on your thin and shapely figure and how your clothes fit so perfectly each time you look in the mirror. You love and appreciate yourself.
Yes, the proper eating and exercise will help you lose weight, by the sheer fact that you’re doing them. But they won’t ensure you lose enough weight to fit in that new dress on time, let alone look perfect; and maybe, you only needed to lose 15 pounds. The universe will take care of the amount of weight. You take care of treating yourself and acting as if it’s already happened, because it has.

Example 2: Your marriage is in constant conflict. You spouse starts fighting over the littlest details, any excuse to yell and scream at you. You determine that your marriage is going to be harmonious and believe with absolute certainty that the universe has made it so.

Again, you must act as if it is so. You act in harmony, regardless of what your spouse does. You remain positive and don’t allow your mate to affect your peace. You smile a lot. Surprise him with a hug and kiss him on the cheek, when he begins a fight; then, change the subject to something pleasant or leave to do something in another room. You always remain in peace and harmony in your thoughts, speech and actions/reactions. Now, obviously, this in itself will affect your spouse; and you may subconsciously stop doing things that irritate your mate.

Let’s say, however, you aren’t doing anything to irritate the spouse and he is starting the fights because of his own infidelity, creating an excuse (the bad marriage) for his unfaithful actions. No amount of peace and harmony on your part, alone, would change the situation. The universe, however, can do the impossible, by changing the spouse’s perspective on both his marriage, you and his infidelity. Or the universe may give you a harmonious marriage with a different spouse (so, ensure your determination is correctly stated). So, your actions of determination, absolute belief, and conducting yourself as if everything already has changed allows the universe to set in motion the forces that will collaborate with you to make your success manifest in the physical world.

Lastly, check every conscious thought, word and action against your goal. Does it match up with you plan for success? Or is it a hindrance? Match your perspective to your plan of action.

NOTE: A positive byproduct of absolute belief is that you develop more tolerance for the beliefs of others, adding more positive into your life. Once you have enough faith in your own beliefs, it’s nearly impossible to be offended at the thoughts of others. You may even find them interesting.


Exercise #11 — What’s Important?

Review Exercise #6. Look at the things you’ve been doing, saying, and thinking. Looking at your plan of action, how may these things affect your success? Other than what you’re already working on from previous exercises, what changes about yourself should you change in order to see that success manifest itself in your life? Make a list of all these things, and begin making the changes one item at a time.

Exercise #12 — Wanting to Believing

Review again your plan of action and its steps and milestones. Can you revise these to be more “believe it now”, rather than “wanting”? If yes, then revise them to be absolute certainties.
